What happens when you run out of the house?\n\nWhat do the numbers mean?\n\nContinue the story using your own hyperlinks.\n\nUse square brackets [[\n\na bar |\n\nThen close the brackets]]\n\nOn the left side of the bar write what you want the player to see.\n\nOn the right side of the bar put the passage you want to link to.\n\nDon't forget to create a new passage with the title you have linked to.\n
u rly need to opn that parcel\n\nThis is getting really creepy.\n\n[[Grab the parcel from the porch and open it|Open]]\n\n[[Leave the parcel on the porch and deadlock the door|Stay]]
You drop the parcel onto the porch, lock the door and duck inside. Back to Angry Birds.\n\nA few seconds later, you get a [[text|Text]]\n
Think about what might happen if you stay in the house.\n\nContinue the story using your own hyperlinks.\n\nUse square brackets[[\n\na bar |\n\nThen close the brackets]]\n\nOn the left side of the bar write what you want the player to see.\n\nOn the right side of the bar put the passage you want to link to.\n\nDon't forget to create a new passage with the title you have linked to.\n\n
Remember these numbers 201757\n\nRUN\n\n\n\nThis is just getting weirder and weirder.\n\n\nDo you:\n\n[[Dash to the front door and sprint out of the house|Dash]]\n\n[[Stay put. This has to be some kind of stupid joke|Stay]]
You're lying on the couch about to clear a new level on Angry Birds when you hear a loud knock at the door. You hit pause and get up to see who it is interrupting this potentially legendary high score.\n\nYou unlock the door and a courier tosses a parcel into your arms. "I'd open this quickly," he says. He runs back to his van and takes off.\n\nThis is pretty strange. You can't remember ordering anything. \n\nWhat do you do?\n\n[[Open the package|Open]]\n\n[[Something's not right about this. Drop the package and lock the door|Drop]]\n\n\n
Your hands are shaking as you quickly tear open the package.\n\nThere's a handwritten [[note|Note]].
The parcel