<<set $thirst to $thirst + either(2,3,4,6)>>\n\nYou feel quite refreshed.\n\n[[Continue|previous()]]\n\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n
<<set $hunger to $hunger - 2>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 5>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 2>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<if $actionsTaken == 6>>\n\t<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Night">>\n\t<<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Day" >>\n\t\t<<set $currentDay to $currentDay + 1>>\n\t\t<<set $sanity to $sanity - 1>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $actionsTaken to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\n\nYou grip the stone tightly, and begin to scale the wall. \n\n<<set $success to either(0,1)>>\n<<if $success is 1>>\nYou pull yourself higher and higher up the wall, trying to avoid glancing downwards, and just before you're about to give out, you [[pull yourself over the top of the cliff face.|Cliff overlooking beach you arrived on]]\n\n<<else if $success is 0>>\nStraining yourself, you begin to slowly scale the wall. about <<print either(10,20,30)>> feet from the ground, your sweaty hands lose their grip on the rock, and you tumble to the ground. The wind has been knocked out of you, but the sand broke your fall, [[so you're otherwise OK.]]\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endif>>\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]
You sit down and finish of a few of the assorted fruits and meats you've gathered. <<set $hunger to $hunger + either(5,10,15)>> <<set $food to $food - either(5,10,15)>>\n\n[[Continue|previous()]]\n\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]
You were a passenger aboard an airline flying across the Pacific ocean from LA to Japan. The plane suffered engine troubles in midair, and crashed into the water below. You were unable to get aboard a lifeboat, but you made a makeshift raft from a floating piece of debris. After several hours of aimless floating and occasional loss of consiciousness, you wash up on the shores of an island that, as far as you know, is completely uninhabited. Your job is to survive as best you can, and make your way off the island. [[Good luck.]]
Welcome to Hunger, a game about starvation and survival.\n\n<<set $hunger to 100>>\n<<set $thirst to 100>>\n<<set $rest to 100>>\n<<set $sanity to 100>>\n<<set $firewood to 0>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to 0>>\n<<set $currentDay to 1>>\n<<set $timeOfDay to "Day">>\n<<loopsound "Dub Feral.mp3">> \n\n[[Next]]
<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 3>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 2>>\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\n\n<<set $firewood to $firewood - 4>>\n\nAfter <<print either(5,10,15,20)>> minutes of trying, sparks fly and your fire crackles to life. You have <<print $firewood>> pieces of firewood remaining.\n\n<<set $fireStarted to "True">>\n\n[[Continue|previous()]]\n<<endif>>\n\n
<<set $hasLight to "True">>\n\nYou place a small piece of firewood into the flames, and the end of it ignites.\n\n[[Continue|previous()]]\n\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<if $actionsTaken == 6>>\n\t<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Night">>\n\t<<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Day" >>\n\t\t<<set $currentDay to $currentDay + 1>>\n\t\t<<set $sanity to $sanity - 1>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $actionsTaken to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\n\n\n<<if $hasLight is "False">>\nThe cave is too dark to see any further. You can't continue without a light.\n[[Go south.|Cave entrance]]\n\n<<else if $hasLight is "True">>\nThe cave extends downwards, beyond where your light shines.\n[[Continue on deeper into the cave.|Cave Section 2]]\n[[Go back|Cave entrance]]\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $food > 0>>\n[[Eat.|Eat Food.]]\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<endif>>\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]
<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<if $actionsTaken == 6>>\n\t<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Night">>\n\t<<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Day" >>\n\t\t<<set $currentDay to $currentDay + 1>>\n\t\t<<set $sanity to $sanity - 1>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $actionsTaken to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\nIt gets suddenly more humid. Your light illuminates the blank stone walls, and you glance around, paranoid that the sounds you hear are creatures about to come and kill you. Before you is a fork in the cave path. \n\n\n<<if $food > 0>>\n[[Eat.|Eat Food.]]\n<<endif>>\n\n\n[[Go right|Cave Section 3]]\n[[Go Left|Cave, Cove Entrance]]\n[[Go back|Cave Section 1]]\n<<endif>>\n\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]
<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<if $actionsTaken == 6>>\n\t<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Night">>\n\t<<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Day" >>\n\t\t<<set $currentDay to $currentDay + 1>>\n\t\t<<set $sanity to $sanity - 1>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $actionsTaken to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\nThe cave is getting more humid, and water dribbles down the walls and into a stream that runs beside the path you're walking on. \n\nSuddenly, the cave opens up into a gigantic, glowing chamber, the ceiling dotted with blue specks of light like stars. The floor of the cave here turns into a lake, and the sound of rushing water fills your ears from the several large waterfalls pouring in through the walls of the cave. \n\n<<set $sanity to $sanity + 10>>\n\n[[Go back|Cave Section 2]]\n\n\n<<if $food > 0>>\n[[Eat.|Eat Food.]]\n<<endif>>\n\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]
\n<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<if $actionsTaken == 6>>\n\t<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Night">>\n\t<<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Day" >>\n\t\t<<set $currentDay to $currentDay + 1>>\n\t\t<<set $sanity to $sanity - 1>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $actionsTaken to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\nTo the east is the ocean, with the sun rising over it. To the west is a steep cliff face, though it doesn't seem unclimbable. To the north and south the beach extends beyond where you can see.\n\n<<if $firewood >= 25>>\n[[Construct signal fire.]]\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $food > 0>>\n[[Eat.|Eat Food.]]\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Go West|Cliff climbing]]\n[[Go South|South Beach Section 1]]\n[[Go North|North Beach Section 1]]\n\n<<endif>>\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]\n
(function () {\n "use strict";\n version.extensions['soundMacros'] = {\n major: 1,\n minor: 1,\n revision: 2\n };\n var p = macros['playsound'] = {\n soundtracks: {},\n handler: function (a, b, c, d) {\n var loop = function (m) {\n if (m.loop == undefined) {\n m.loopfn = function () {\n this.play();\n };\n m.addEventListener('ended', m.loopfn, 0);\n } else m.loop = true;\n m.play();\n };\n var s = eval(d.fullArgs());\n if (s) {\n s = s.toString();\n var m = this.soundtracks[s.slice(0, s.lastIndexOf("."))];\n if (m) {\n if (b == "playsound") {\n m.play();\n } else if (b == "loopsound") {\n loop(m);\n } else if (b == "pausesound") {\n m.pause();\n } else if (b == "unloopsound") {\n if (m.loop != undefined) {\n m.loop = false;\n } else if (m.loopfn) {\n m.removeEventListener('ended', m.loopfn);\n delete m.loopfn;\n }\n } else if (b == "stopsound") {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n } else if (b == "fadeoutsound" || b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.interval) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.currentTime>0) return;\n m.volume = 0;\n loop(m);\n } else {\n if (!m.currentTime) return;\n m.play();\n }\n var v = m.volume;\n m.interval = setInterval(function () {\n v = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, v + 0.005 * (b == "fadeinsound" ? 1 : -1)));\n m.volume = Math.easeInOut(v);\n if (v == 0 || v == 1) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (v == 0) {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n m.volume = 1;\n }\n }, 10);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n macros['fadeinsound'] = p;\n macros['fadeoutsound'] = p;\n macros['unloopsound'] = p;\n macros['loopsound'] = p;\n macros['pausesound'] = p;\n macros['stopsound'] = p;\n macros['stopallsound'] = {\n handler: function () {\n var s = macros.playsound.soundtracks;\n for (var j in s) {\n\t\tif (s.hasOwnProperty(j)) {\n s[j].pause();\n if (s[j].currentTime) {\n\t\t s[j].currentTime = 0;\n\t\t }\n\t\t}\n }\n }\n }\n var div = document.getElementById("storeArea").firstChild;\n var fe = ["ogg", "mp3", "wav", "webm"];\n while (div) {\n var b = String.fromCharCode(92);\n var q = '"';\n var re = "['" + q + "]([^" + q + "']*?)" + b + ".(ogg|mp3|wav|webm)['" + q + "]";\n k(new RegExp(re, "gi"));\n div = div.nextSibling;\n }\n\n function k(c, e) {\n do {\n var d = c.exec(div.innerHTML);\n if (d) {\n var a = new Audio();\n if (a.canPlayType) {\n for (var i = -1; i < fe.length; i += 1) {\n if (i >= 0) d[2] = fe[i];\n if (a.canPlayType("audio/" + d[2])) break;\n }\n if (i < fe.length) {\n a.setAttribute("src", d[1] + "." + d[2]);\n a.interval = null;\n macros.playsound.soundtracks[d[1]] = a;\n } else console.log("Browser can't play '" + d[1] + "'");\n }\n }\n } while (d);\n }\n}());
<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<if $actionsTaken == 6>>\n\t<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Night">>\n\t<<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Day" >>\n\t\t<<set $currentDay to $currentDay + 1>>\n\t\t<<set $sanity to $sanity - 1>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $actionsTaken to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\n\n<<if $food > 0>>\n[[Eat.|Eat Food.]]\n<<endif>>\n\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]
<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<set $foodGained to either(5,10,15)>>\n\n<<if $foodGained == 5>>\nYou were unable to find very many edible berries and fruits.\n\n<<else if $foodGained == 10>>\nYou found a moderate amount of edible berries and fruits.\n\n<<else if $foodGained == 15>>\nYou found a bounty of edible berries and fruits.\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<set $encounterAnimal to either(1,2,3,4,5,6)>>\n\n<<if $encounterAnimal == 6>>\nFrom behind a bush, you notice a rustling in the grass. Upon closer inspection, you notice it's <<print either("a tapir", "a capybara", "a black agouti")>>!\n<<set $food to $food + $foodGained>>\n[[Attempt to catch it|Catch Animal]]\n[[Leave it be.|South edge of jungle]]\n\n<<else>>\n<<set $food to $food + $foodGained>>\n[[Continue|South edge of jungle]]\n\n<<endif>>\n\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n
<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<if $actionsTaken == 6>>\n\t<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Night">>\n\t<<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Day" >>\n\t\t<<set $currentDay to $currentDay + 1>>\n\t\t<<set $sanity to $sanity - 1>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $actionsTaken to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\nUpon closer examination, you pull what appears to be a volleyball out of the crack in the rock, with a faded face painted on it. It has "Wilson" printed on the back.\n\n<<set $sanity to $sanity + 10>>\n\n[[Neat.|previous()]]\n<<endif>>\n\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]
<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<if $actionsTaken == 6>>\n\t<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Night">>\n\t<<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Day" >>\n\t\t<<set $currentDay to $currentDay + 1>>\n\t\t<<set $sanity to $sanity - 1>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $actionsTaken to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\n<<if $hasLight == "False">>\nThe entrance snakes upwards and south, but beyond that you can't see. You should get a light before you adventure further.\n\n[[Go back|Cove]]\n\n<<else if $hasLight == "True">>\nYou can see light shining in through the entrance to the cove. The path continues upwards from here. \n\n\n<<if $food > 0>>\n[[Eat.|Eat Food.]]\n<<endif>>\n\n\n[[Go up.|Cave Section 2]]\n[[Exit the cave.|Cove]]\n\n<<endif>>\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]
<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<if $actionsTaken == 6>>\n\t<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Night">>\n\t<<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Day" >>\n\t\t<<set $currentDay to $currentDay + 1>>\n\t\t<<set $sanity to $sanity - 1>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $actionsTaken to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\nA huge bluff that juts out of the island interior blocks further passage. \n\n<<if $food > 0>>\n[[Eat.|Eat Food.]]\n<<endif>>\n\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]
\n<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<if $actionsTaken == 6>>\n\t<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Night">>\n\t<<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Day" >>\n\t\t<<set $currentDay to $currentDay + 1>>\n\t\t<<set $sanity to $sanity - 1>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $actionsTaken to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\nThe cove is significantly cooler than the other parts of the island. A small cave entrance is in the part of the cove furthest from the mouth, which is to the east. and some small, easily breakable trees are growing from the dirt and clay that form the ground in front of the cave entrance. \n\n\n<<if $food > 0>>\n[[Eat.|Eat Food.]]\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Gather Wood]]\n\n<<if $firewood > 0>>\n[[Build Fire]]\n<<if $fireStarted == "True">>\n[[Make a torch]]\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $fireStarted == "True">>\n[[Rest at fire.]]\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Go West|Cave, Cove Entrance]]\n\n[[Go South|North Beach Section 1]]\n\n\n<<endif>>\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]
<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\nThere's not much here. The cliff to the interior becomes so steep as to be impassable, though near the water you see a large pile of driftwood, and pick that up.\n<<set $firewood to $firewood + either(5,10,15,20)>>\n\n[[Continue along the beach.|South Beach Section 2]]\n\n[[Go back.|Beach]]\n\n<<endif>>\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]
Congratulations! A Winner Is You!\n\nYour signal fire attracted the attention of a nearby ship, which came to your aid. You survived <<print $currentDay>> days on the island. \n\nThanks for playing. There's a lot I couldn't do with this that I wanted to, due to time constraints, but I hope you enjoyed. \n\nIf you'd like to hear about more stuff I'm working on, livestreams I do, and other such nonsense, you can [[Follow me on Twitter|http://www.twitter.com/LycaonTalks]]. If you're so inclined, you can also visit [[my website|http://www.securityporpoise.com]], where I post dev blog-style posts about my current project, a roguelike called "The Quest for the Mystical MacGuffin". Finally, if you're into short-form educational video essays, check out [[my YouTube channel|http://www.youtube.com/LycaonTalks]], where I do just that. \n\nAgain, thanks for playing.
<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<if $actionsTaken == 6>>\n\t<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Night">>\n\t<<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Day" >>\n\t\t<<set $currentDay to $currentDay + 1>>\n\t\t<<set $sanity to $sanity - 1>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $actionsTaken to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\n\nThe vegetation quickly gets so dense that progress is slowed significantly, but you can still move forward. Your shins are becoming covered in small lashes from sharp plants whipping them. To the north, the vegetation thins out a bit, and you see a sharp descent into a dark cave. To the east and west, the vegetation thickens to the point that it becomes impassable. \n\n\n<<if $food > 0>>\n[[Eat.|Eat Food.]]\n<<endif>>\n\n\n[[Go North|Cave entrance]]\n\n[[Go South|Cliff overlooking beach you arrived on]]\n\n[[Attempt to gather food.|Gather Food]]\n\n<<endif>>\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]
\n<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<if $actionsTaken == 6>>\n\t<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Night">>\n\t<<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Day" >>\n\t\t<<set $currentDay to $currentDay + 1>>\n\t\t<<set $sanity to $sanity - 1>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $actionsTaken to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\nThe view off into the ocean is breathtaking, with the <<if $timeOfDay == "Day">> <<print "Moonlight">><<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">> <<print "Sunlight">> <<endif>> playing off the water, creating sparkles that almost make you forget the horror of your situation. You see something small and white sticking out of a gap between two rocks.\n\n<<if $food > 0>>\n[[Eat.|Eat Food.]]\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Go back|Cliff overlooking beach you arrived on]]\n[[Investigate the small white thing.|Wilson!]]\n\n<<endif>>\n\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]
[[Try again.|previous()]]\n[[Go back.]]
<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<set $animalCaught to either(1,2,3,4)>>\n\n<<if $animalCaught == 4>>\nYou leap from the shadows upon the unsuspecting beast, and snap its neck in your hands before it can even react. \n<<set $food to $food + either(10,15)>>\n<<else>>\nYou attempt to leap from the shadows, but the creature is too fast, and escapes out of sight.\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Continue|South edge of jungle]]\n\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>
[[Website|http://www.securityporpoise.com]]\n[[Music by Kevin MacLeod|http://www.incompetech.com]]\n[[Made for BaconGameJam 7|http://bacongamejam.org]]
\n<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<if $actionsTaken == 6>>\n\t<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Night">>\n\t<<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Day" >>\n\t\t<<set $currentDay to $currentDay + 1>>\n\t\t<<set $sanity to $sanity - 1>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $actionsTaken to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\n\nThe steep incline into the cave smooths out into a more reasonable slope. The cave is made largely of limestone. A small waterfall flows down the eastern wall. The western wall is covered in a thick growth of vines. To the north the cave extends into darkness. To the south, the vegetation thickens, but remains passable. \n\n<<if $food > 0>>\n[[Eat.|Eat Food.]]\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Get water from waterfall|Drink]]\n\n[[Go North.|Cave Section 1]]\n\n[[Go South.|South edge of jungle]]\n\n<<endif>>\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]
<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<if $actionsTaken == 6>>\n\t<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Night">>\n\t<<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Day" >>\n\t\t<<set $currentDay to $currentDay + 1>>\n\t\t<<set $sanity to $sanity - 1>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $actionsTaken to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\n\nThe cliff face slopes upward at slightly steeper than a 65 degree angle. There are a myriad of handholds that form paths up the rock, though some are covered in moss and other growths. The cliff is mostly made of limestone, with patches of softer clay here and there. \n\n<<if $food > 0>>\n[[Eat.|Eat Food.]]\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Climb up.]]\n\n[[Go back.|Beach]]\n\n<<endif>>\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]
<<set $rest to $rest + either(5,10,15)>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - either(5,10)>>\n<<set $hunger to $hunger - either(5,10)>>\n\n<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\n<<set $timeOfDay to "Night">>\n<<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">>\n<<set $timeOfDay to "Day">>\n<<set $currentDay to $currentDay + 1>>\n<<endif>>\n\nYour eyes close, and you fall peacefully asleep.\n\n[[Continue|previous()]]\n\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger - 10>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 10>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 5>>\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\nAfter some intense kicking and breaking, you're in posession of <<set $firewood to either(4,6,8)>> <<print $firewood>> firewood. \n\n[[Continue|previous()]]\n\n<<endif>>\n\n
\nThe morning sun shines in your eyes, awakening you. Getting up, the soft white sand runs through your fingers. Judging by the position of the sun, it's about 9:00AM. To the east is the ocean, with the sun rising over it. To the west is a steep cliff face, though it doesn't seem unclimbable. To the north and south the beach extends beyond where you can see.\n\n[[Go West|Cliff climbing]]\n\n[[Go South|South Beach Section 1]]\n\n[[Go North|North Beach Section 1]]\n\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]
Firewood is the number of pieces of wood you have that you can use for fire. \n\nFood is the number of fruits, cuts of meat, or other edibles that you have in your posession. Each time you eat, you have a small chance of getting sick. \n\nHunger is a measure of how hungry you are. The lower the number is, the hungrier you are.\n\nThirst is a measure of how thirsty you are. The lower the number is, the thirstier you are. \n\nRest is a measure of how tired you are. The lower the number, the more tired you are. \n\nSanity is a measure of your mental faculties. You lose a little bit of this every day, and you lose more of it if you see something particularly disturbing, shocking, or terrifying. The lower this number is, the more insane you are. \n\nIf Sanity, Rest, Thirst, or Hunger reach zero, you die.
<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<if $actionsTaken == 6>>\n\t<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Night">>\n\t<<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Day" >>\n\t\t<<set $currentDay to $currentDay + 1>>\n\t\t<<set $sanity to $sanity - 1>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $actionsTaken to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\n\nTo the west is a dense jungle. You can barely see a few feet in front of you the vegetation is so dense. \n\nTo the east is a steep cliff descending towards the beach. \n\nTo the south is a large bluff that extends out over a small cove. \n\nTo the north, the jungle reaches the edge of the cliff, making that direction impassable. \n\n<<if $food > 0>>\n[[Eat.|Eat Food.]]\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Go West|South edge of jungle]]\n\n[[Go East|Beach]]\n\n[[Go South|Bluff overlooking cove]]\n\n<<endif>>\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]
Security Porpoise Games
<<set $hunger to $hunger - 1>>\n<<set $thirst to $thirst - 1>>\n<<set $rest to $rest - 1>>\n<<set $actionsTaken to $actionsTaken + 1>>\n\n<<if $actionsTaken == 6>>\n\t<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Night">>\n\t<<else if $timeOfDay == "Night">>\n\t\t<<set $timeOfDay to "Day" >>\n\t\t<<set $currentDay to $currentDay + 1>>\n\t\t<<set $sanity to $sanity - 1>>\n\t<<endif>>\n\t<<set $actionsTaken to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $hunger <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of starvation. Try again.|Start]]\n<<else if $thirst <= 0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have died of thirst. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else if $rest <=0>>\n\n<<else if $sanity <=0>>\nYou begin to feel weak in the knees, and collapse onto the ground. As you feel the life slipping away from you, your last thoughts are <<print either("of your family.", "of home.", "of your favourite song.", "of the face of your love.")>>\n\n[[You have gone insane. Try again.|Start]]\n\n<<else>>\n\nTo the south, the beach continues beyond where you can see. \nTo the north, the beach circles around the inside of a cove. \n\n[[Go North|Cove]]\n\n[[Go South|Beach]]\n\n<<endif>>\nIt is <<print $timeOfDay>>time, on day <<print $currentDay>>.\n\nFirewood: <<print $firewood>>\n\nFood: <<print $food>>\n\nHunger: <<print $hunger>>\n\nThirst: <<print $thirst>>\n\nRest: <<print $rest>>\n\nSanity: <<print $rest>>\n\n[[Get an explanation of what these terms mean.]]