<<set $forest_movements = $forest_movements + 1>>\n<<if $forest_movements eq 10>>You ran as fast as you possibly could, searching for any way out. Unfortunately you did not manage to find an escape before the creature found you. You don't even feel its bladed arms piercing your torso before you hit the ground. For the next moment, all you know is the most excruciating pain you've ever felt. It's not until the creature delights in your suffering enough to behead you, at last causing the pain to\n\n[[END|CREDITS]]<<else>>A fallen tree lays in front of you. You manage to barely jump over it in time to avoid a trip, though it causes you to lose balance for a moment upon landing.\n\n[[Forwards|FORESTPUZZLE6]]\n[[Backwards|FORESTPUZZLE14]]\n[[Left|FORESTPUZZLE3]]\n[[Right|FORESTPUZZLE1]]\n<<endif>>
Effort falls upon deaf ears, each puny gasp rings just as shallow as the last. [[Try to sit up|DAMNCAT]].
Your phone stretched out before you, its pale light just barely illuminating one step ahead, you follow the stairs down to the main hall. The windows by the front door and small front room are just as black as the inside of the house. Each step is punctuated by small creaks that give way to thunderous cracks.\n\nFrom here, you can check out the [[front door|OPENDOOR]], glance out of [[the windows|LOOKOUTHOUSEWINDOWS]], [[inspect the room|MAINROOMINSPECT]] or head [[down the hall|DOWNTHEHALL]].
You grip onto the wolf's fur tightly. It rises from the forest floor and takes to a striding sprint. You're dangling some 7 feet above the ground but moving fast enough that everything is a blur. You try to avoid looking down by staring into the rough fur of the creature. You feel some [[assurance|THECIRCLE]] from the warmth it offers.
You mash a few buttons and slam the switch into place. You feel a stirring beneath you. An almost blindingly bright light explodes from the light on the other side. You drop the lantern while attempting to shield your eyes. \n\nLoud and high pitched screaming tears through the obsidian skies. The billowing curls of black smoke that had pressed against the sides of the dome vaporized in an instant. You sit in the maintenance area for a brief moment while you [[catch your breath|LIGHTHOUSESUCCESS2]].
//"What is it that falls upon the Shadow of the Obliesk's highest point? [[The feast of Nyriael|CHURCHQUESTION2]], [[The feast of Tyrinael|CHURCHQUESTION1CORRECT]], or [[The feast of Zyernfilal|CHURCHQUESTION2]]?"//
Dangling just a foot above you sits a grotesque and mangled face. Its stretched and battered skin sags from age. Its mouth twists into a [[crooked smile|LAUGH]], lips cut wide from ear to ear.
//"A belief is nothing beyond itself.\nA truth is everything, evermore.\nIn Life, one sins against the truth of the void.\nWhat is the final passage of this Hymn?\n\n[[Death is this Connection|CHURCHQUESTIONSFINAL]]?\n[[Death is the Correction|CHURCHQUESTIONSFINAL]]?\n[[Death is this Communion|CHURCHQUESTION3CORRECT]]?"//
The overhead light gives you full view of the main hall as you proceed down it. To your side the [[basement|BASEMENT1]] door sits open, in front of you the [[kitchen|KITCHENAFTER1]] buzzes with a light electrical hum. Behind you sits the [[front room|FRONTROOM1]].
When the wall starts pushing back slightly more forcefully, you put your weight on one foot and lean against it as much as you can. Before long, the wall is matching your pressure and then some. You start to feel yourself being pushed back slightly! \n\nWithout warning the wall stops resisting, sending you falling straight into the strange mass. In the moment before your being is shredded out of existence, you have a belated moment of clarity. Perhaps pushing against an unexplained object is a //bad// idea.\n\n[[THE END|CREDITS]]
The featureless face begins to pulsate as if something is trying to get //through// the head itself. You pull yours back away as far as you can, but the head tries to push itself forward to keep as close to you as it can manage. It's a sadistic sight to see, whoever it is trapped in there just as stuck as you. \n\nIn the middle of the head a pointed ridge begins to expose itself. In your next blink the head tears open and a third arm barrels through and [[punches you|UPSTAIRS7]].
You turn away from the dense wall of dark smoke and head back to the main hall. From here you can see the [[main room|MAINROOMFROMBASEMENTBEFORE]] to your left and the [[kitchen|KITCHENBEFORE]] on your right.
White noise gives way to round structure. Lines carved in its surface detail out wrinkle and depth, while others still [[build outward|FACEIT]].
Fortune favors a Raivjk on the eve of the Solinari, so says the scholar unwise. True disciples know this to be a common fallacy within certain circles, this folk saying's origins have been impossible to trace. Even our vast libraries fail to reveal where it emerged. \n\nA notable recorded use was in the text Iijisze...\n\n<html>\n<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='state.display("CHURCHBOOK6")' class='goodend'>Turn to page 103</a></html>
<<if $church_questions gte 2>>The hooded figure shakes his head.\n\n//"I am sorry, my child. You have learned too much of our way. I cannot allow you to return home with this knowledge that forever stains your soul."//\n\nHe lowers [[his hand|CHURCHBADEND1]].\n<<else>>The hooded figure nods gracefully towards you. He holds out his clawed hand as if to [[ask for yours|CHURCHGOODEND1]].<<endif>>
Deep, jagged scratches ripped from diagonal slash expose the drywall and insulation. \n\nThe windows are still pitch black save for the streak of light beaming from the garage. To the left of the desk, massive [[scratchmarks|FRONTROOMMARKS]] streak down the wall. While not entirely sure, you think you hear a noise coming from [[upstairs|CHECKINGUPSTAIRS]]. The basement door by the [[main hall|FROMROOMTOHALL]] creaks slightly.
Your attention is almost too focused on the sounds of the echoing closing in to notice the door that juts out in front of you. You're able to stop yourself before smacking directly into it.\n\nStanding a head taller than yourself, the door appears to be carved out of tree bark and has an ornate pattern traced through it by some kind of green ink. A red flower takes place of the knob. You reach out to the flower and twist. To your surprise, the door [[begins to open|FORESTENTER]].
In your excitement, you throw your own weight just a little too hard at just the wrong time. The boat takes on a lot of water very fast, flooding almost instantly. The boat tries to correct itself but instead [[ejects you into the sea|OPENSEASDEATH2]].\n\n
You feel yourself [[ordering your muscles into action|TRYAGAIN]] but every one of them neglects your pleas.\n
You want to escape.\n\nYou want to be free of this place.\n\nBut the hooded ones do not acknowledge your [[pitiful resistance|CHURCHHALLWAY3]].
//"Come, let us eat.//\n\nYou struggle to your feet with the help of the old man, he scoots your chair over to the table and helps you sit back down. You watch as he limps over to the stovetop. A moment later he returns with two bowls in hand, placing one down at his spot, yours just in front of you.\n\nYou wonder what sort of stew the old man had been preparing, unable to smell any sort of spice in the air with your nose being an icicle.\n\n//"Should eat up,"// the man says as he plops into his chair. //"Sea's got a fire goin of its own you know."//\n\nYou look down at your bowl and reach out for the spoon.\n\nThe bowl is [[empty|LIGHTHOUSE6]].
You pull your phone out and inspect the inside of the shack. The rotten wooden interior is barely bigger than a few people, empty shelves line the walls. Seems like whoever used this last cleared out [[long ago|THESHACK5]].
Feeling has returned to parts previously stunned by the relentless beating of the dark ocean. You break away from the fire momentarily to inspect your hands. You curl your fingers into a fist and release several times, noting how much you're able to sense. Your skin is pale and lifeless, but your fingertips expose a layer of pink as the blood flow [[restores|LIGHTHOUSE5]].
You [[step back|UPSTAIRS4]].
Panic drips through your nerves, the only sense you can feel. Your body remains but a husk and you are trapped in its cage. Your brain struggles to prioritize - it doesn't know whether to [[call for help|YELL]] or to [[lunge forward|WELP]] with all available energy.
You check for a good clearance behind the plants. There appears to be just enough room for you between the plants and the garage door to land safely. You back up a step and then hop straight over them. Upon impact, you brace yourself against the garage door which shakes and lets out a loud clang. \n\nSlipping around the car, you see the [[gas powered generator|GARAGEBEFORE3]] sitting in wait with its cables coiled to the side, and various car cleaning instruments sitting on the shelf by the back.
Before you can read any further, the door behind you swings open and smashes against the wall with a thud that makes you jump out of your skin. The book slips from your hands. You turn around to see two large hooded figures reaching out to you with clawed, curled talons. \n\nYou pick up the book and try to beat them back, but it is no use. They grab hold of you and dig their claws lightly into your back and shoulders. The more you resist, the further down the blades dig. Helpless, you watch as they drag you out into the [[hallway|CHURCHHALLWAY1]].
In this ceremony, purity is tested against the will. Grasping on to such concepts as Life and the betrayal of the way by so attempting to become chained to Time. \n\nA belief is nothing beyond itself.\nA truth is everything, evermore.\nIn Life, one sins against the truth of the void.\nIn Death, this Communion cleanses the filth.\n\n<html>\n<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='state.display("CHURCHBOOK7")' class='goodend'>Turn to page 127</a></html>
Putting one hand on the cover, you turn the book open to where a strange ribbon [[bookmarked|CHURCHBOOK2]] a page.
The feast of Tyrinael, falling upon the Shadow of the Obelisk's highest point, bathes those who engorge upon the truth of the divine. \n\n<html>\n<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='state.display("CHURCHBOOK5")' class='goodend'>Turn to page 98</a></html>
A few confused blinks later and the text has shifted from its indecipherable language to english. You lean away from the book in confusion, but you can't resist finding out just what this book [[contains|CHURCHBOOK4]].
Thinking back on the same process you've followed during many heavy storms in the past, you open the fuse-box and deactivate some of the heavier power draws before hooking the generator up to the proprietary plug located in the second box to the left. \n\nInstinctively, you unlatch the garage door from the motorized track-way and manually drag it into place so that the gas fumes won't become trapped. You can see the sliver of light from here. You take care to walk around the car as not to fall into the void, situating yourself next to the generator.\n\nYou toggle the power, flip the choke and grab the rip chord.\n\nFirst pull\n\nSecond pull\n\n[[Third pull|GARAGEAFTER1]]\n
<<if $has_door_key eq "no">>The bed is neatly made, but the torn blue sheets show obvious wear. On the pillow rests keys, which you take. <<set $has_door_key = "yes">><<else>>You check under the sheets and beneath the bed, but there does not appear to be anything else to take.<<endif>>\n\n[[Check the desk.]]\n[[Check outside.]]\n[[Check door.]]
Lathe de la Lune Somniis
With as much force you can exert, you push all reserves towards letting this [[imprisoned cry escape|NOECHO]].
//"'Fortune favors a Raivjk on the eve of the Solinari', [[True|CHURCHQUESTION3]] or [[False|CHURCHQUESTION2CORRECT]]?"//
No moonlight greets your eyes as you peek out of the tall windows of the main room. No stars to march above in the sky. But yet a small sliver of light shone in the distance, barely visible unless you stood on your tip-toes. \n\n<<if $visited_front_door eq "yes">>You wonder how this wasn't visible to you from the front door, as it should have been a better angle.<<endif>>\n\nInspecting the confusing light source for another moment, you decide to either [[check out the desk|MAINROOMINSPECT]] or move [[down the hall|DOWNTHEHALL]].
You scrape yourself from the floor and take your time approaching the figure. It beckons to you with its clawed talons. The buzzing of the hellish beasts above begins to hurt your ears a bit.\n\nYou stop a few feet shy of arm's length from the figure. Its face masked entirely by the shroud of the cloak. \n\n//"You should not be here,"// it warns. //"You have desecrated this holy ground with your very presence. The hive, it stirs. But I offer you mercy in the form of three questions."//\n\nIt raises its clawed talon up, holding one [[pointing upwards|CHURCHQUESTION1]].
You look up.\n\nAhead lies a tall figure standing in an immaculate, decorated robe. It stands in the middle of a long walkway between two sets of twisted pews. Behind it, arching glass windows show off the stars. A chorus of buzzing is heard from above. Looking up, you see hundreds of giant bloated beasts with dangling fleshy bulbs that look exactly like the one that dragged you here. And there you lie, right in the middle of this unholy church.\n\nYour instinct is to [[run|CHURCHRUNEND]].\n\nYour fear tells you to [[listen to the figure|CHURCHHALL5]].
Frightened and tired, every inch of your body aches to jump from the boat and rest on dry land once more. You hold a deep breath and whip your head around to spot the blinking light. For a moment, you see nothing at all emerge and your heart prepares to jump out of your chest. The roughness of the waves batter you around, tensing every muscle. \n\nBut like a promise, the light comes into view before you totally freak out. You can't tell whether you should be [[excited|OPENSEADEATH]] or remain [[calm but steadfast|OPENSEALIGHT1]].
It's only a few steps before you're back at the main hall. The windows are still completely blackened out, your phone's light trying its hardest to reach further than a foot away.\n\nFrom here, you can check out the [[front door|OPENDOOR]], glance out of [[the windows|LOOKOUTHOUSEWINDOWS]], [[inspect the room|MAINROOMINSPECT]] or head [[down the hall|DOWNTHEHALL]].
It's a strange thing to see your home traveling away from you, [[one paddle at a time|OPENSEA2]]. Something inside of you sinks with each lurch of the boat.
You unlatch the back door and slide it open. The sound of a windchime jingles softly in the distance. Looking down, there appears to be the familiar cracked wood of the back deck standing as it always has to greet your step. After that first step though, you feel as though [[something is off|BACKDECKBEFORE2]].
Creaks echo through the forest floor as you slowly open the door. You cringe and slip out as soon as you can to not make too much noise. You let out a sigh as you look to your left, and then to your [[right|THESHACK9]].
Inches from your face, a large snout protrudes from the forest. Attached to it, a wolf creature standing twice as tall as you on all fours is staring you down. It has no visible eyes to return your fearful gaze, only two black voids. You aren't entirely sure if it was just a trick of the light but you swear you think you saw some smoke curl from one of the sockets.\n\nThe wolf grits its jagged teeth, stained with some unknown substance. Its breath reeks of death and decay. It [[inhales slightly|THESHACK10]].
The hallway is dark, barely lit by candles hung from the sides of the walls. Your legs drag against the floor. You're [[unable to fight enough|CHURCHHALLWAY2]] to make the two hooded ones falter in their march.
With a hefty final lurch, the generator kicks into gear. You're almost blinded when the garage light activates. With hand raised to shield your eyes you look away towards the void... but notice something has changed.\n\nOnce an impassible dark soup, the garage light now illuminates a path. Looking closer, you can see the blacktop grain. Reach out, touch it. It's real. Your fingers do not lie to you. The light had unveiled a bridge, one that appeared to carry you to the second half of the light near the end of where your driveway would be. Perhaps you could [[take the path down|LIGHTBRIDGE1]]? Maybe it's best to [[return to the house first|KITCHENAFTER1]].\n
The familiar sight of your ceiling comes into focus softly. Daylight shines its warmth through your windows. Sitting up in your bed, you realize that you're back home. Your legs are killing you. You rub them to relieve some soreness, thinking back on the forest you found yourself in earlier. Everything about it felt more real than any dream you've had before, yet here you are safe and sound at\n\n<html>\n<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='state.display("CREDITS")' class='goodend'>THE END</a></html>
Without hesitation you fling the door open and slam it [[shut|THESHACK2]].
Just short of gagging on your own breath, you spend a [[moment|THESHACK3]] calming your hyperventilation.
You pant like a dog, clearing your throat of a buildup of phlegm and letting the damp air of the shack slip past your [[burning throat|THESHACK4]].
The basement door squeaks lightly as it opens. The cooler air carries a stale damp odor, spilling out into the main hall. Not but two steps down your hand bumps against something ahead of you. \n\nInstinctively you pull it back before [[inspecting further|BASEMENTSTAIRSBEFORE]].
Not a moment after your breathing begins to calm, a giant scythe-shaped blade pierces the wall beside you. You throw yourself against the adjacent wall in time to see another blade slice through the other end of the door. You look around again, hoping to spot something to defend yourself with you hadn't noticed [[before|THESHACK6]].
Loud hisses are heard from just beyond the thin wood wall protecting you from your assailant. The louder it projects its noise the more it begins to sound like a demonic musical instrument. An angry choir of bugs being piped directly out of hell through a twisted brass contraption. \n\nSuddenly, a loud slam ceases the orchestra of the damned. The two blades extract themselves from the wall. That whip-like sound is heard scaling upwards before taking off [[into the night|THESHACK7]].
Wait though you do, nothing more can be heard except the leaves of the trees rustling in the wind. You try to look out of the slices left in the wood without getting too close, but the lines are too thin for any detail to be made out. You stare at the [[door|THESHACK8]].
You lock eyes with the owner of the sounds for just a moment before it leaps to your side in the tree branches. The same face you woke up to, that horrific mound of rotting and torn flesh, glides through the air just barely painted by the moon's lightwork. Branches fall from the trees down next to you, cleanly sliced from the source.\n\nPanic. \n\nYou turn around and prepare to run, but the doorway that you came through just moments ago has vanished! A twisted, tall tree stands where the door once was. You scrape your hands against the tree's bark, grasping for any opening that may let you peel the door open. The tree merely stands tall, ignoring your foolish attempts.\n\nFrom beyond the tree you hear the creature adjust its course and begin to head back towards you.\n\n[[Your only option is to run|FORESTPUZZLE1]].
Distant at first, but sweeping ever closer, a new sound disrupts the sound of the animals. It reminds you of something being swung really fast, each burst of it ending with a bit of a whip-crack. You look around trying to get a bearing on [[its source|FORESTENTER4]].
Your eyes adjust to the light the moon spares. Sounds of crickets and small animals moving around in the night flourish all around you. A small breeze rustles the leaves against one another providing an encompassing backdrop for the drama of the wildlife. There's a tranquil peace about [[it all|FORESTENTER3]].
Your next exhale carries a greater weight, held down by the burden of its [[intended message|HURRY]].
Dad's desk sits against the wall across from the windows. Some simple stationary sits under the weight of a pen near his favorite lamp. The desk is otherwise clear. There are [[three drawers you could check|MAINROOMINSPECT2]].
You place your hand into the Elder's. He cups yours gently and turns to face the front of the Chapel. You walk with him.\n\n//"You may return to your fold, Child. You may know of what you see, but you don't know the truth of it,"// the Elder speaks solemnly. In front of the Church just under the base of the glass arc, a massive pit tunnels downward. The Elder stops you inches from its rim.\n\n//"Do not return, Xunhil. My mercy can only go so far."//\n\nHe grabs hold of your hand tightly, his grip unbroken from your pathetic attempts to pull away. With all of his strength, the Elder flings you forward into the pit.\n\n//"[[Wake up|CHURCHGOODEND2]]."//
Your ceiling comes into focus softly. The sun is up. Birds chirp happily from a nearby tree, welcoming you back to the world. You lean up in your own bed, not the filthy rag from the sacrilegious church. Your back is stiff, but you're home. You don't know why everything felt as real as it did, but you're just glad that its finally come to its\n\n<html>\n<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='state.display("CREDITS")' class='goodend'>END</a></html>
The windows are still pitch black save for the streak of light beaming from the garage. To the left of the desk, massive [[scratchmarks|FRONTROOMMARKS]] streak down the wall. You still hear a noise coming from [[upstairs|CHECKINGUPSTAIRS]]. You hear the sounds of humming appliances lightly echoing down the [[main hall|FROMROOMTOHALL]].
<<if $has_door_key eq "yes">>The doorknob refuses to budge under your hand. You fumble for the keys you placed in your pocket and [[unlock it|LIGHTHOUSEPUZZLE2]], feeling a creeping sensation every second your back is turned to the old man.<<else>>You reach for the knob, try to turn it and yank in one quick movement. Your hand was still somewhat slick from the dampness. The door is locked, and will not open without a key.<<set $lighthouse_strikes = $lighthouse_strikes + 1>><<endif>> \n\n[[Check the desk.]]\n[[Check the bed.]]\n[[Check outside.]]
<<set $forest_movements = $forest_movements + 1>>\n<<if $forest_movements eq 10>>You ran as fast as you possibly could, searching for any way out. Unfortunately you did not manage to find an escape before the creature found you. You don't even feel its bladed arms piercing your torso before you hit the ground. For the next moment, all you know is the most excruciating pain you've ever felt. It's not until the creature delights in your suffering enough to behead you, at last causing the pain to\n\n[[END|CREDITS]]<<else>>Some giant rocks jut out from the ground ahead. You run up them like a ramp and jump - hoping that there will indeed be solid ground when you land. It's a painful landing, as the ground is littered with smaller pointy rocks and various bits of forest debris.\n\n[[Forwards|FORESTPUZZLE4]]\n[[Backwards|FORESTPUZZLE12]]\n[[Left|FORESTPUZZLE13]]\n[[Right|FORESTPUZZLE15]]\n<<endif>>
<<set $forest_movements = $forest_movements + 1>>\n<<if $forest_movements eq 10>>You ran as fast as you possibly could, searching for any way out. Unfortunately you did not manage to find an escape before the creature found you. You don't even feel its bladed arms piercing your torso before you hit the ground. For the next moment, all you know is the most excruciating pain you've ever felt. It's not until the creature delights in your suffering enough to behead you, at last causing the pain to\n\n[[END|CREDITS]]<<else>>The forest roof closes up ahead, limiting your vision even more than before. Small slivers of moonlight dot your surroundings, and the glowing green brush on the ground helps you keep oriented. \n\n[[Forwards|FORESTPUZZLE2]]\n[[Backwards|FORESTPUZZLE10]]\n[[Left|FORESTPUZZLE15]]\n[[Right|FORESTPUZZLE13]]\n<<endif>>
<<set $forest_movements = $forest_movements + 1>>\n<<if $forest_movements eq 10>>You ran as fast as you possibly could, searching for any way out. Unfortunately you did not manage to find an escape before the creature found you. You don't even feel its bladed arms piercing your torso before you hit the ground. For the next moment, all you know is the most excruciating pain you've ever felt. It's not until the creature delights in your suffering enough to behead you, at last causing the pain to\n\n[[END|CREDITS]]<<else>>Something jumps from tree to tree in front of you. You throw yourself to the side and scan the treetops, but you see nothing.\n\n[[Forwards|FORESTPUZZLE3]]\n[[Backwards|FORESTPUZZLE11]]\n[[Left|FORESTPUZZLE16]]\n[[Right|FORESTPUZZLE14]]\n<<endif>>
<<set $forest_movements = $forest_movements + 1>>\n<<if $forest_movements eq 10>>You ran as fast as you possibly could, searching for any way out. Unfortunately you did not manage to find an escape before the creature found you. You don't even feel its bladed arms piercing your torso before you hit the ground. For the next moment, all you know is the most excruciating pain you've ever felt. It's not until the creature delights in your suffering enough to behead you, at last causing the pain to\n\n[[END|CREDITS]]<<else>>You run through some knee-high grass ahead. Your legs burn with pain. Looking down you notice several small bumps rising from your skin. You can't stop to inspect, but you do try to run clear of the grass before they take too much more of a beating.\n\n[[Forwards|FORESTPUZZLE16]]\n[[Backwards|FORESTPUZZLE8]]\n[[Left|FORESTPUZZLE9]]\n[[Right|FORESTPUZZLE11]]\n<<endif>>
<<set $forest_movements = $forest_movements + 1>>\n<<if $forest_movements eq 10>>You ran as fast as you possibly could, searching for any way out. Unfortunately you did not manage to find an escape before the creature found you. You don't even feel its bladed arms piercing your torso before you hit the ground. For the next moment, all you know is the most excruciating pain you've ever felt. It's not until the creature delights in your suffering enough to behead you, at last causing the pain to\n\n[[END|CREDITS]]<<else>>Running water is heard nearby. You glance to see the source and see a strange figure standing near the river's edge. A twisted creature, 12 feet of appendages with protruding sets of 3 fingers each clung to a double helix-like frame, leading to a funnel that floated just above the ground. Its head was shaped like an upside down triangle, but the shadow of a nearby tree made it difficult to tell if it had seen you.\n\n\n[[Forwards|FORESTPUZZLE1]]\n[[Backwards|FORESTPUZZLE9]]\n[[Left|FORESTPUZZLE14]]\n[[Right|FORESTPUZZLE16]]\n<<endif>>
Appearing almost out of nowhere, a small shack stands in the middle of a small clearing. The moonlight almost beckons for you to [[enter|THESHACK1]].
<<set $forest_movements = $forest_movements + 1>>\n<<if $forest_movements eq 10>>You ran as fast as you possibly could, searching for any way out. Unfortunately you did not manage to find an escape before the creature found you. You don't even feel its bladed arms piercing your torso before you hit the ground. For the next moment, all you know is the most excruciating pain you've ever felt. It's not until the creature delights in your suffering enough to behead you, at last causing the pain to\n\n[[END|CREDITS]]<<else>>An owl hoots somewhere nearby, sending a patch of dark birds from several trees over aflutter. You jerk your head up to the sky to watch them soar towards the moon. Fortunately, it seems to have just been the birds and not your pursuer.\n\n[[Forwards|FORESTPUZZLE15]]\n[[Backwards|FORESTPUZZLE7]]\n[[Left|FORESTPUZZLE12]]\n[[Right|FORESTPUZZLE10]]\n<<endif>>
You shake your head, unable to trust this creature with your life. After a moment it turns itself to you.\n\n//"Very well then, Xunhil. I would prefer not to have one of your kind expire on my land but I cannot force you against your will. May the path guide you."//\n\nThe wolf slowly rises to its full monstrous height and rushes off into the woods, leaving you standing by yourself next to the shack. \n\nIt only takes a moment before you hear a rustling from above. You turn to face the noise just in time to see two bladed arms sink into your chest. As your systems fail and the world fades from view, the final thing you see is the rotten smile of that creature you woke up to. \n\n[[THE END|CREDITS]]
A red wax candle burns itself patiently, dripping its life away with every ticking second. On the desk, a [[flesh-bound book|CHURCHBOOK1]] sits and waits. \n\nBehind you, footsteps can be heard near [[the door|CHURCHDOOR1]].
<<silently>>\n<<set $visited_front_door = "yes">>\n<<endsilently>>\nWhere your porch once stood, with the two wicker chairs to the left and the antique rocker to the right, was swallowed whole by the darkness. Your cell phone shows no signs of any physical objects, chair or concrete or otherwise, being where they should be. You kneel down and [[reach out for the porch|PORCH]].
You kick and scream but it is no use. Horrific tissue squishes against you and fills around you. You try to reach out for the Elder, who nods to you one final time. As his head rebounds, the cut is sealed shut. You can't move, can barely breathe, only able to hear the sound of your captor joining his fellows amidst the roof of the damned chapel.\n\nIt is here you will spend the rest of eternity. Inching ever forth towards the walls of your fleshy prison. Pressing your head against muscle and tightly wound skin. At some point your hands are freed, but no matter how hard you try to tear at your incubator you do no damage. \n\nAn eternity is a long time. One that, for you, comes with no\n\n[[END|CREDITS]]
Shuffling is heard from the upstairs as you make your way to the top. From your parents' room, there appears to be movement. But it's hard to tell without getting a [[closer look|UPSTAIRS1]]. You keep one foot on the [[stairs|FROMUPSTAIRSTOFRONTROOM]].
From behind you, two sets of taloned arms dig deep gashes into your back. You howl with pain, squirming to break free. The elder hooded figure reaches one clawed hand up to the sky and waves downward towards where the four of you stand.\n\n//"It has to be this way."// \n\nFrom the roof of the church one of the frighteningly huge bug creatures floats downward, its fleshy sac extended. The Elder reaches out for the sac and slices it wide open. Foulness fills the air. Fetor, rancid enough to gag you in an instant. You're about to vomit when the two hooded figures shove you directly into the [[center of the cut|CHURCHBADEND2]].
Taking a few steps out from the main room you start down the main hall towards the kitchen. On your way you pass by the [[basement door|BASEMENTDOORBEFORE]] just before the turn in to the [[kitchen|KITCHENBEFORE]].
<<set $church_questions = $church_questions +1>><<display 'CHURCHQUESTIONSFINAL'>>
When you reach the bottom of the stairs, the old man is perched next to his desk scribbling on a piece of paper. He dips his pen into a bottle of ink and continues to draw. He stops and waits a moment before speaking.\n\n//"Go on and have a seat."//\n\nYou're afraid. You remember the holes where his eyes once were. You remember his talk about the 'Claim'. You aren't sure if you trust him. The old man folds up the piece of paper and clutches it to his chest, turning around to see you still standing in the doorway. His face is fully intact, eyes the same gentle warm pair that were there before. \n\n//"Ah yeah, had a little fright in you huh?"// the old man steps towards you. //"I can't blame you. You shouldn't be here, after all."//\n\nHis hand shakes a little as he produces the [[folded paper|LIGHTHOUSESUCCESS4]] towards you.\n\n//"Perhaps it's best if you get back to where you belong."//
After your lightheaded-ness wears off, you take a step up to the outer platform. The breeze is calm and lovely, the night sky shines a lovely deep purple hue under the moon's strikingly pure radiance. Everything, for the first time since you woke up, feels normal and peaceful.\n\nYou head [[downstairs|LIGHTHOUSESUCCESS3]] to see the old man.
With a delicate touch you separate the folds in the paper to reveal an extremely decorated, ornate design drawn in deep blue ink. It almost appears to be floating above the page.\n\n//[["Wake up."|LIGHTHOUSEENDGOOD]]//
<<set $church_questions = $church_questions +1>><<display 'CHURCHQUESTION3'>>
[[You blink|THECIRCLEEND]].
Once he finishes, he steps outside of the clearing and nods you over.\n\n//"[[Get on my back|THECIRCLE4]], Xunhil."//
Leaning against one of the trees, you watch the wolf carefully as he arranges a pile of what appears to be fruits. \n\nHe stamps down on the pile, leaving an awfully large mess. You get up and wander over to inspect, but by the time you've made it across the clearing the wolf has begun to smudge his front paw in a circle. He works for at least an hour harvesting, smashing and [[painting with the fruits|THECIRCLE3]].
//"I don't know how you entered our realm but you must never return. For your sake moreso than ours,"// the wolf tenses his muscles up. //"Climb to my head and hold tight."//\n\nYou crawl across his back and lay yourself down on his head, grabbing ahold of his ears for balance. He lets out a small whimper, then thrusts himself upwards at the [[treetops|THECIRCLE6]]. \n
He lays down flat to let you scale his large back. As you pull yourself up, he begins to stand.\n\n//"I am going to stand against one of these trees. I want you to climb onto the branches and [[look down at the clearing|THECIRCLE5]]."//
//[["Wake up."|THECIRCLE8]]// says the wolf.
Gripping onto the tree branches, you pull yourself up into some thicker branches that look as though they'll support your weight. The wolf waits for you to situate yourself, then he moves out of your way. \n\nThe clearing has a crudely drawn but wonderfully [[ornate design|THECIRCLE7]] smeared all over itself. It looks like it may be moving.
But your arms and legs do not flinch. You're not entirely sure they even still exist. All that the curtains of night have pulled back to reveal is this distorted face, [[inching ever closer to yours|KEEPWATCHING4]].
You want so dearly to reach out and push it away, [[and it knows|KEEPWATCHING3]].
Your heart is pounding so hard you can feel each thump hit the back of your throat. The rhythm is offset from your breathing, causing every frail sip of vitae to [[cut short|KEEPWATCHING6]]. \n
The warped visage descends closer, its grin unflinching. Pieces of its flesh begin to loosen from their holes and [[dangle in the air|KEEPWATCHING5]].
One of the torn skin flaps lands on your face, but you do not feel it touch your cheek. The eyes, deep and black as the sunken sea on a moonless night, become [[the last thing|KEEPWATCHING8]] you can see.
In those short moments, the distorted face got close enough to take up your entire view. You can see [[every gristly detail|KEEPWATCHING7]] from a ghastly glow of light that seems to be coming from within.
After a while the wolf comes to a clearing where he slows down and brings you to the ground. You let go of his fur and watch as the creature searches the trees surrounding the [[circular clearing|THECIRCLE2]].
Suddenly, you feel a cold sensation brush past the skin on your head. The face continues to float downward, breaking apart into a night breeze as it [[brushes against your skin|AWAKEN]].
It exhales.\n\n//"You should not be here."//\n\nYou take a [[step back|THESHACK11]].\n\n
//"We must remove you from the fabric, Xunhil.//\n\nThe wolf seats himself, staring off into the distance.\n\n//"He will return for you. I must guide you to the path or you may suffer. The claim will get all who do not follow its rules. And your very existence here is blasphemy against it,"// he gets up and presents a tuft of fur on his side to you.\n\n//"I understand your reluctance to trust me. The things you have witnessed were never to be seen by your kind. [[Come|THESHACKACCEPTWOLF]] or [[don't|THESHACKREFUSALEND]]."//\n
But it's too fast for you to react. The fleshy bundle swings towards you, its arms wrap around you and lock in place. Your face is mere inches from the featureless head. It vibrates and pushes out towards you but can only manage minuscule movements. You struggle to [[slip free|UPSTAIRS5]] from your captor's grasp.
The main hall is still dark, requiring a trip to the [[front room|FRONTROOM1]] to turn on the lights. The [[basement door|BASEMENT1]] hangs open to your side. From behind, the [[kitchen|KITCHENAFTER1]] buzzes with activity.
<<set $forest_movements = $forest_movements + 1>>\n<<if $forest_movements eq 10>>You ran as fast as you possibly could, searching for any way out. Unfortunately you did not manage to find an escape before the creature found you. You don't even feel its bladed arms piercing your torso before you hit the ground. For the next moment, all you know is the most excruciating pain you've ever felt. It's not until the creature delights in your suffering enough to behead you, at last causing the pain to\n\n[[END|CREDITS]]<<else>>There's a few lizard like creatures watching you approach. They scamper up the sides of nearby trees as you barrel past them.\n\n[[Forwards|FORESTPUZZLE8]]\n[[Backwards|FORESTPUZZLE16]]\n[[Left|FORESTPUZZLE1]]\n[[Right|FORESTPUZZLE3]]\n<<endif>>
<<set $forest_movements = $forest_movements + 1>>\n<<if $forest_movements eq 10>>You ran as fast as you possibly could, searching for any way out. Unfortunately you did not manage to find an escape before the creature found you. You don't even feel its bladed arms piercing your torso before you hit the ground. For the next moment, all you know is the most excruciating pain you've ever felt. It's not until the creature delights in your suffering enough to behead you, at last causing the pain to\n\n[[END|CREDITS]]<<else>>Some of the trees ahead display some floral moss, dispersing some golden orbs into the air that slowly float upwards before vanishing.\n\n[[Forwards|FORESTPUZZLE9]]\n[[Backwards|FORESTPUZZLE1]]\n[[Left|FORESTPUZZLE6]]\n[[Right|FORESTPUZZLE8]]\n<<endif>>
You lose your footing momentarily, feeling as oafish as an infant learning to walk for the first time. You reach out and feel the wall, [[hoping to find the light switch|AWAKEN3]].
You begin to feel yourself becoming whole again. [[Your heart is racing|AWAKEN4]], your lungs burn from the sudden burst of breath you forced into them.
You hadn't even thought to scream before your finger brushes up against the lightswitch. You mutter a swear as you flip it to the [[on|MOVEON]] position.
Flicking the lights on, the basement stairs appear to be completely clear, but something [[is wrong|BASEMENT2]] at the bottom...
Watching the details emerge piece by piece, you would feel your heart sink [[if you could|BEATINGHEART]].
<<set $forest_movements = $forest_movements + 1>>\n<<if $forest_movements eq 10>>You ran as fast as you possibly could, searching for any way out. Unfortunately you did not manage to find an escape before the creature found you. You don't even feel its bladed arms piercing your torso before you hit the ground. For the next moment, all you know is the most excruciating pain you've ever felt. It's not until the creature delights in your suffering enough to behead you, at last causing the pain to\n\n[[END|CREDITS]]<<else>>Your foot smashes into a puddle, spraying cool but dirty water flying in every direction. Some manages to hit your eye, causing you to reflexively reach up to wipe it away.\n\n[[Forwards|FORESTPUZZLE7]]\n[[Backwards|FORESTPUZZLE15]]\n[[Left|FORESTPUZZLE4]]\n[[Right|FORESTPUZZLE2]]\n<<endif>>
The text is written in some language you've never seen before and would never be able to guess where it came from. It's sort of making you dizzy trying to make sense of it.\n\nOr maybe you're getting dizzy because it's [[moving|CHURCHBOOK3]].
<<set $forest_movements = $forest_movements + 1>>\n<<if $forest_movements eq 10>>You ran as fast as you possibly could, searching for any way out. Unfortunately you did not manage to find an escape before the creature found you. You don't even feel its bladed arms piercing your torso before you hit the ground. For the next moment, all you know is the most excruciating pain you've ever felt. It's not until the creature delights in your suffering enough to behead you, at last causing the pain to\n\n[[END|CREDITS]]<<else>>A low-hanging branch almost catches you off guard. Ducking just in time, you feel the prickly bark scrape against the top of your head.\n\n[[Forwards|FORESTPUZZLE12]]\n[[Backwards|FORESTPUZZLE4]]\n[[Left|FORESTPUZZLE5]]\n[[Right|FORESTPUZZLE7]]\n<<endif>>
<<set $forest_movements = $forest_movements + 1>>\n<<if $forest_movements eq 10>>You ran as fast as you possibly could, searching for any way out. Unfortunately you did not manage to find an escape before the creature found you. You don't even feel its bladed arms piercing your torso before you hit the ground. For the next moment, all you know is the most excruciating pain you've ever felt. It's not until the creature delights in your suffering enough to behead you, at last causing the pain to\n\n[[END|CREDITS]]<<else>>Leaves and branches crunch heavily under every footstep. The forest floor dips down a little, leading you into a small curved ditch. Your foot twists a little as you lean on all fours to climb out without sacrificing too much momentum.\n\n[[Forwards|FORESTPUZZLE13]]\n[[Backwards|FORESTPUZZLE5]]\n[[Left|FORESTPUZZLE10]]\n[[Right|FORESTPUZZLE12]]\n<<endif>>
Carefully you lean forward and press your fingertips against the smoke, which reacts instantly to your attempts to bypass it. The smoke thickens and presses back against your hand with just enough force to startle you. You're unsure if you should [[continue to press back|BASEMENTSTAIRSBEFOREEND]] or to step away and [[go back to the main hall|BASEMENTTOMAINHALLBEFORE]].
Air, troubled in its journey from the world to lung, [[denies you oxygen|BREATHE AGAIN]].
Where there once stood two fancy tables with eight chairs each, there was now nothing. Taking a few steps further out reveals what the darkness was hiding. \n\nThe back half of the deck has been violently torn off, save for two of the supporting beams that extend out further where there was once flat board. The windchime sits perched on the beam to the left, powered by a breeze so subtle you can't even feel it. \n\n<<if $visited_front_door eq "yes">>You aren't even going to bother leaning down to check and see what's down there. You're pretty sure it's nothing but a void like out front, and you'd rather not risk falling with the way these floor boards are torn apart. It's best to head [[back inside|KITCHENBEFORE]].\n<<else>>You crouch down and wave your hand in the darkness. Nothing meets your touch. You lean down a little further, using your knees for balance. The wood splinters and presses into your kneecaps a little as you reach out at arm's length. There's nothing there. Perhaps, you think, you should get [[back to the house|KITCHENBEFORE]]<<endif>>
Ray Ambrosini
Hundreds of words flood your mind in an instant, crosstalking between your inner monologue and what you wish to scream. One grows stronger and brighter as instinct begins to kick in. \n\n[["Help!"|HELPME]]\n
Now by the front door, you flick the lightswitch on. The high-hanging chandelier in the foyer and the lower light in [[the main hall|FROMROOMTOHALL]] wake from their slumber. \n\nThe windows are still pitch black save for the streak of light beaming from the garage. To the left of the desk, massive [[scratchmarks|FRONTROOMMARKS]] streak down the wall. While not entirely sure, you think you hear a noise coming from [[upstairs|CHECKINGUPSTAIRS]].
Slipping back into the kitchen, the familiar hum of your faithful refrigerator greets you. You flick the light switch and take a look around. Sink is empty, some larger bowls have been set to dry on the rack, the table had been cleared of all of the clutter of the day. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary for the Kitchen in its nightly duty.\n\nYou can hear the windchime from the [[back deck|BACKDECK1]] clanging more actively. The [[main hall|MAINHALL1]] remains dark and quiet. The [[garage|GARAGE1]] fills with noise from the generator going off from behind the door.
//"How did you get this far to sea on such a small craft?"// he asks, but your lips do not move. You stare dully into the fire, your vision fixated on a distant point somewhere beyond the flame. Searching for something it may never find.\n\nCeramic bowls smack against each other, spoons clink into their resting places awaiting their duty. \n\n//"I've got a// [[stew rolling over|LIGHTHOUSE4]] //very soon,"// a hum of some old sailor's tune punctuates his statement, a sign of nerves or confusion.
//"You've been at its mercy a while,"// the old man comments. //"Miracle you aren't torn to bits on a night like this."//\n\nFlood of warmth. He guides you into the small living quarters by the side of the lighthouse. A fireplace crackles in the corner by a carved stone stove. Off in the corner a table with two chairs rests waiting. He pulls one of the chairs out and places it by the fireplace, sitting you down just within the reach of it's [[comforting heat|LIGHTHOUSE3]].
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//"Then, it."// \n\nHe lowers his spoon down into the bowl slowly.\n\n//"Claim. The claim. Reach for the spiral star, lest it [[claim|LIGHTHOUSE8]]."//
Being tipped lightly by each movement of the water, an old fashioned paddle boat sits in wait. With higher pushes of water, it clunks against the side of the deck. Far off in the distance you see a cluster of light blink momentarily before vanishing. In the back of your head, you feel an ominous sensation every time the light presents itself. \n\nYou stare at the boat, churning in its place. Could you [[take it out to the light source|BACKDECKGETTINGINBOAT]]? You're [[not entirely sure|BACKDECKGOINGHOME]] you want to go yet.
You slide the back door open, greeted by a cool breeze whipping at the back of the house. The windchime is thrashing about at the end of the deck. You flip on the porch light.\n\nWater splashes up from the broken and torn remains of the back half of the deck. The chorus of an expansive ocean laps under your feet and roars in the distance. Something is moving [[ahead|BACKDECK2]]. You're still hanging halfway in the [[kitchen door|KITCHENAFTER1]].
Your hands refuse every command to move. Stubbornly they remain at your sides where you left them as you drifted off of reality's shores.\n\n[[What is happening to me?|PINNED]]
Player steps outside, the ocean is now gone and replaced with pure void. A giant rushing sensation is noticed before the lighthouse is overrun by the darkness, killing the player.\n\n[[THE END|CREDITS]]
//"You should not be here,"// the old man slowly removes his glasses. As the frames slide from their place, his eyes did not exist from behind the lenses as they parted from his face. Two deep vacuums of darkness hold apart tiny black holes, ever so slightly tearing at the skin by the sockets. You grip the chair and prepare to run.\n\n//"Time does not exist, Xunhil. For you it does, only because you are bound by its fallacy. Your time is short. The claim is coming to end the lie. Restore the light to the night sky."//\n\nQuicker than you ever have in your life, you [[rise to your feet|LIGHTHOUSEPUZZLESTART]].
<<silently>>\n<<set $visited_front_door = "no">>\n<<set $has_lantern = "no">>\n<<set $has_door_key = "no">>\n<<set $lighthouse_strikes = 0>>\n<<set $forest_movements = 0>>\n<<set $church_questions = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>It's dark.\n\n[[Open my eyes|OPEN]]\n\n[[Keep them shut|SHUT]]
You decide not to look too much further into the movement, choosing to head back to the [[front room|FROMUPSTAIRSTOFRONTROOM]].
Every cell fills with worry, wishing to take flight. But flying is of no use to a bird without wings. Much less one that can't [[call out|YELL]].
It's still too dark to see. [[Let the world come to focus...|FOCUS]]\n
<<if $has_lantern eq "no">>Sitting on the desk is the old man's lantern. You grab it and light the wick. <<set $has_lantern = "yes">><<else>>There is nothing left of note on the desk.<<endif>>\n\n[[Check the bed.]]\n[[Check outside.]]\n[[Check door.]]
Unlocking the deadbolt emits a loud click, the door lock sounding appropriately diminutive by comparison. Pulling it open, you take one step towards the porch before you [[freeze with confusion|OPENDOOR2]].
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The familiar click of the switch claps through the darkness but the light [[never comes|MOVEON1]].
Scraping yourself away from the expansive emptiness, you pick up your phone and close the door tightly. You glance over at the [[windows|LOOKOUTHOUSEWINDOWS]] and consider [[checking the desk|MAINROOMINSPECT]] before peering down the long [[hallway in front of you|DOWNTHEHALL]].
Through the patterns your mind used to fill in the lack of stimuli, [[something|TRACE]] begins to slowly take shape.
The old man stands a head shorter than you, his glasses are coated in ocean mist. He picks up his lantern and helps walk you away from the cursed sea. Just ahead a [[lighthouse|LIGHTHOUSE2]] rotates its hopeful gaze with neverending efficiency.
Perhaps the cat has fallen asleep on your chest. There's a moment of struggle as an attempt to rise even your neck fails. [[Reach out to check|REACHOUT]].
Every muscle in your body tenses up as you extend a foot out and press it against the light bridge. Small comfort eases your nerves as it taps solid ground. You lean forward on the foot slightly, yet it does not give. Several deep breaths pass before you gain the courage to place both feet onto the mysterious [[light passage|LIGHTBRIDGE2]].
From afar, a street light cuts forth through the darkness. Its light casts down towards you, offering another impossible light-bridge to cross. You cross over from your own light bridge to this one and follow it to its end - stopping exactly at the light. \n\nIlluminated by the haunting glow is the hill that normally would sit at the front of your housing development. The neighborhood sign sits proudly perched near the top, but further down something [[catches your attention...|LIGHTBRIDGEENTERDOORS]]\n
Still nervous, shaking, both feet stand on what should be thin air. You turn to look back at the house, before facing the long stretch ahead of you. Taking every step keeping as much pressure off of your moving foot as possible, you inch down the walkway. Even as you reach the [[other light bridge|LIGHTBRIDGE3]] that extends to your right, you still can't shake the feeling that you were a step away from shattering your ground like a plane of glass.
The house is dead silent. Entirely devoid of all of the usual sounds of an idle home churning conditioned air and buzzing electricity to every outlet. You wonder if any of your [[family|FAMILYCHECK]] has noticed yet, or consider walking [[downstairs|DOWNTOMAINFLOOR]] to find the gas generator.
You shake your head clear of the last remnants of the adrenaline from earlier and step out into [[the hallway|MOVEON8]].
A [[sigh of relief|MOVEON7]] escapes you, your heart rate slightly decreased upon seeing your room as it normally would be.
Turning to face your bed, you hold your phone out and observe the area to be completely empty. Cautiously, you check the [[ceiling and around the foot of the bed|MOVEON6]].
Dimly, the screen emits just enough light for you to see a [[foot or two ahead of you|MOVEON5]]. A quick glance of your status bar reveals a 15% charge level remaining. Didn't you plug it in before you went to bed?
With haste you slink over towards it and pick up your cellphone. Muscle memory guides your fingers directly to the [[power|MOVEON4]] button.
Cutting through the black shroud, a little green beacon [[blips with life|MOVEON3]].
Your eyes [[scan around|MOVEON2]] the room.
The sound of crickets and other forest creatures can be heard just beyond the other side. Moonlight peeks through thick forestry, the treetops reaching for heaven itself. Some faintly glowing shrubbery dots the horizon ahead. You [[step out of the door|FORESTENTER2]] and get a closer look at your surroundings.
<<set $forest_movements = $forest_movements + 1>>\n<<if $forest_movements eq 10>>You ran as fast as you possibly could, searching for any way out. Unfortunately you did not manage to find an escape before the creature found you. You don't even feel its bladed arms piercing your torso before you hit the ground. For the next moment, all you know is the most excruciating pain you've ever felt. It's not until the creature delights in your suffering enough to behead you, at last causing the pain to\n\n[[END|CREDITS]]<<else>>You step on a small critter, shifting your balance enough to throw you into a nearby tree. You reach out with your arms and catch yourself before a nasty impact happens, and quickly get running again.\n\n[[Forwards|FORESTPUZZLE11]]\n[[Backwards|FORESTPUZZLE3]]\n[[Left|FORESTPUZZLE8]]\n[[Right|FORESTPUZZLE6]]\n<<endif>>
You aren't sure if your eyes are playing tricks on you or if the bowl was actually empty. You lean in a bit to try and get a better focus. You grab hold of the spoon and stir it around against the bowl's bottom.\n\nThere is nothing there. The man picks up his spoon, blows on it a little and bites down. You lean back and watch him crane several empty spoons to his mouth. He takes notice of you.\n\n//"Hmm? Aren't you wont to devour?"// his sentence sounds off, like two thoughts combined together rather [[crudely|LIGHTHOUSE7]].
<html>\n<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='state.display("THECHURCH1")' class='goodend'>...</a></html>
Helplessness settles in and nestles deep. Thoughts barely resemble understandable language, fractured from a lack of understanding. Yet you [[keep your eyes peeled|KEEPWATCHING2]].
<html>\n<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='state.display("UPSTAIRS8")' class='goodend'>...</a></html>
With haste you fly down the stairs as a low rumble booms in the distance. The old man is standing waiting for you in his room. His eyes have sunken greatly, absorbing nearly the whole top half of his face. You stare in horror as the decay accelerates.\n\nThe rest of the world fades from view. All you can see is the ever expanding maw forming from torn, stretch flesh. The old man's head grew in size, sickening noises echoing through the room as the vacant hole split open further. \n\nSoon, the black hole was as wide as the room itself. You demand yourself to run, but your legs will not move. You realize then that you can't move. You no longer have any control over yourself. You can only watch in horror as the man leans over and folds the dark void around you, obliterating you in a short but painful moment.\n\n[[THE END|CREDITS]]
Your puny attempts to pull yourself free are mocked by the creature, shaking its head at your desire to escape. \n\nSuddenly, the world is pulled out from under you. Tearing past your head goes several layers of building material - wood, insulation, wires and roof tiling. Gaining as much room to move your head as possible, you glance down.\n\nYour house floats in the ether, shrinking before you. Wind rushes past your head, drowning out most sound. You're only barely able to hear the flapping of very large wings and a sickening hum. The fleshy protrusion in front of you makes gut-churning squishy noises as it flaps in the powerful wind [[holding tightly|UPSTAIRS6]] to you.
Approaching as quietly as possible, you move towards your parents' room. From the residual light down the hall, you're able to make out a figure directly ahead. It's really difficult to make out. One hand reaches over for the [[light switch|UPSTAIRS2]], but your stomach tells you it may be best to head back [[downstairs|FROMUPSTAIRSTODOWNSTAIRS]].
Your mind detects something changing, pulling you out of your intense concentration on every footstep. You swear the echo is bouncing closer to you than it was some time ago. In fact, the next few steps confirm it. The echo expands out but hits a definite wall. Shining your light around you does not reveal anything you can see. You keep your light moving while you continue your [[descent|SPIRALSTAIRS4]].
Every step you take echoes heavily off towards infinity. The stairs creak and smack under your weight, yet do not budge with your movement. You keep one hand gripped tightly onto the guard rail to the side, while the other holds your phone giving off its dainty little light source. It barely casts a glow even a [[step or two ahead|SPIRALSTAIRCASE2]] of you.
You don't know what unholy sort this creature may be but you feel comfort in the grace of your god. You [[repeat prayers|KEEPWATCHING8]] to yourself and try to project in hopes that he can strike down your oppressive attacker.
Without fiddling around with the generator, you head back to the [[kitchen|KITCHENBEFORE]].
You attempt to rationally dismiss the apparition, repeating the same line Ad infinitum. It's just not possible. It's just not possible. [[It's just not possible|KEEPWATCHING8]].
The ethereal smoke that took residence earlier may be gone, but so is your basement. Neither the furniture nor the various toys and gadgets lying around are to be seen. As far as you can tell, the basement floor has been ripped cleanly out. Beneath you lies the void. No choice but to return [[to the hall|FROMROOMTOHALL]].
Setting your cell phone to your side for a moment, you hold on to the doorframe for extra balance while you reach your hand out in the darkness. It's hard to tell which is more frightening at the moment - the fact that you've extended your entire arm out and feel nothing there, or the sinking feeling that you just might bump against something that isn't what you're expecting.\n\nMaybe it's best to just [[step back from the door|MAINROOMFRONTDOOR]]
Over the rough, a [[faint voice|OPENSEALIGHT5]] cries. \n\nBut you cannot understand it.
"Watch yer approach!" From behind you. Neck nearly snaps trying to see its owner. You're not but a few dozen feet away from it.\n\nAn old man stands on a piece of land, cut by time and the will of the water. Standing tall and proud behind him is a large building. He waves you over with one hand while his other shakes a small oil lamp. \n\nOne [[final|OPENSEASLIGHTHOUSE]] burst of energy.
Reassured by the beacon, your arms lock into position. With each passing churn your body aches. Water stains your skin. The chop is getting a little [[violent|OPENSEALIGHT2]].
Though your eyes cannot paint where the horizon lies, your body knows the few moments of stable calm in between the sea's thrashes. It's nearly impossible to predict when a larger wave may come and throw you off balance. Yet still you take great care with every paddle. [[Steady progress|OPENSEALIGHT3]].
Stinging everywhere. Slaps from ice cold water leaving numbed burns. Determination. [[Flashing light|OPENSEALIGHT4]] casting ghastly glow on surrounding water.
Suspicions coil around your sleep-addled thoughts, tempting you to [[open your eyes|OPEN]].
Its dark eyes meet yours, locked in an eternal circular gaze. You [[want to look away|LOOKAWAY]] but you [[know you shouldn't|KEEPWATCHING]].
You walk over to the door and put your ear against it. The wood is cold, almost freezing to the touch. Footsteps and shuffling can be heard outside. You raise your hand to [[knock for attention|CHURCHDOOR2]], but consider the [[book on the desk|CHURCHDESK1]] for a moment.
You knock on the door a few times and press your ear against the door again. Some footsteps are heard moving past your door, but they do not stop. You consider [[trying again|CHURCHDOOR3]], but sigh and take a look back at the room. In the far corner sits a [[desk with a candle and book|CHURCHDESK1]].
You knock several more times, placing more emphasis on each knock. Still [[nothing|CHURCHDOOR4]].
You pace apart your knocks and slam your fist against the door as hard as possible. The door shakes within its frame, and your commotion is [[loud enough|CHURCHDOOR5]] to bounce off of the walls.
A jingle is heard from the [[other side|CHURCHDOOR6]].
You don't have enough time to react before the door swings open violently. The force of the huge door smashes you between itself and the wall. Your already pounding head is now bleeding. \n\nTwo large hooded figures rush into the room, looking around before spotting you. You're unable to make out much other than their figure, your vision blurred from the trauma. But what you do feel is their talons gripping onto you and digging into your back as they drag you from the small room [[into the hallway|CHURCHHALLWAY1]].
It's too early to wake up - perhaps it is best to try and drift back to sleep. Yet [[something nags|OFFABOUTTHIS]] in the corner of your mind.
None of the three drawers respond to your pull. They sit stubborn and closed no matter how you try to angle your fingers into the crease between where the drawer meets the desk frame. There doesn't appear to be any obvious keyhole that you can see with your cell phone light. \n\nBehind you sits the [[windows|LOOKOUTHOUSEWINDOWS]] and the [[front door|OPENDOOR]], to your right is the [[main hall|DOWNTHEHALL]].
It's only a brief glimmer of happiness. Your eyes open to an unfamiliar scene. You lay on a bed made of rough cloth. The room is barely large enough for you to stretch your hand out from your bed before you hit the smoothed wall. The room is dimly lit, but you're able to get a good look at the cramped room.\n\nAt the base of the makeshift bed there is a [[desk with a book and candle|CHURCHDESK1]]. Opposite it is the [[door|CHURCHDOOR1]].
<<set $church_questions = $church_questions +1>><<display 'CHURCHQUESTION2'>>
Breath returns to you.\n\nYour head is pounding.\n\nThe noise is gone.\n\nYou reach up with your arm to<html>\n<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='state.display("THECHURCH2")' class='goodend'>cradle the pain</a></html>.
<<set $forest_movements = $forest_movements + 1>>\n<<if $forest_movements eq 10>>You ran as fast as you possibly could, searching for any way out. Unfortunately you did not manage to find an escape before the creature found you. You don't even feel its bladed arms piercing your torso before you hit the ground. For the next moment, all you know is the most excruciating pain you've ever felt. It's not until the creature delights in your suffering enough to behead you, at last causing the pain to\n\n[[END|CREDITS]]<<else>>You run headfirst into a bunch of cobwebs, which begin to sting you as you fight to rip them off. You freak out and try to pat down for any spiders as you use one hand to scrape the web from your skin, but don't seem to find any. You notice some burn marks on your arm where a good patch of the web had stuck to you just a second before.\n\n[[Forwards|FORESTPUZZLE10]]\n[[Backwards|FORESTPUZZLE2]]\n[[Left|FORESTPUZZLE7]]\n[[Right|FORESTPUZZLE5]]\n<<endif>>
It's unusual entering the Kitchen at night without hearing the sound of one of Mom's fans whirring away in the background. She always hated walking around the house at night without some kind of noise rolling. You never really thought about it until now, but the house is eerily silent without the comforting mechanical spin. \n\nThe fridge sits in complete silence to your left by the [[garage|GARAGEBEFORE]]. The sink, sitting by the sliding door to the [[back deck|BACKDECKBEFORE]], does not leak a single drip of water while you stand there.
The garage roars with life as the generator pumps away in the corner. To your sides is a bunch of useless junk and mom's car. The light still casts a solid form [[across the darkness|LIGHTBRIDGE1]]. Behind you the door to the [[kitchen|KITCHENAFTER1]] hangs open against your side.
Looking around, you see a small desk by the old man's bed, a door leading to the outside, and another door tucked away in the corner by a few stairs.\n\n[[Check the desk.]]\n[[Check the bed.]]\n[[Check outside.]]\n[[Check door.]]\n
//Click//\n\nLight fills the room.\n\nIn front of you, a disfigured mound of flesh hangs from the ceiling. It appears to have some humanoid features. Arms hang at its sides, while a human head missing its face presses against its fleshy prison. \n\nThe head [[twitches|UPSTAIRS3]].
The strangely designed wooden box with the double doors which you've always assumed held some kind of fuse box or control for the lighting on the hill sits with its doors swung open. Awaiting your inspection however is not electrical wiring and metallic boxes. Before you, a spiral staircase made of a rusted and deeply worn metal material descends. You pull your cell phone out to get better light. The stairs seem to drain downward into a vast and open void, much like the one that surrounds you now. \n\nCurious, you take your [[first steps|SPIRALSTAIRS1]].
Minute after minute passes, your steps punctuating the air like a swinging pendulum. A small amount of exploratory curiosity helps keep your fear in check just enough. \n\nStep.\n Step.\n [[Step|SPIRALSTAIRS3]].
A hand on your shoulder.\n\nTwo hands to grab yours.\n\nYour feet rest on [[dry ground|LIGHTHOUSE1]].
You flip the switch, then mash on several buttons hoping something will wake up the slumbering beacon. Nothing so much as even a dull motorized roar of machinery awakening. You run around the small room with the lamp looking to see if there were any things that needed to be plugged in, but nothing ever presents itself to you.\n\nThe thunderous presence in the distance becomes painfully loud now. A mixture of an angry swarm of hornets and a persistent thunderclap. You squint out towards the horizon, but you never see the force behind the wall of darkness smashing through the glass dome and bringing you to your\n\n[[END|CREDITS]]
A fierce wind punches through the doorway, nearly knocking you back. You regain your balance and step out onto the platform by the light. Your lamp is getting knocked about by the sudden gales. You move around the platform and see that you must open [[one last door|LIGHTHOUSEPUZZLE6]] in the glass dome to get access to the maintenance area.
The topmost door is just ahead. You quickly reach for the keys and [[open it|LIGHTHOUSEPUZZLE5]].
Ahead lies salvation, the key to stopping whatever was coming. The rumbling draws ever nearer. The control panel for the light sits open and waiting. You don't have much time, so you have to make this count.\n\n[[Flip the switch first, then press a few buttons|LIGHTHOUSETOPEND]].\n[[Press a few buttons, then flip the switch|LIGHTHOUSESUCCESS]].
<<if $lighthouse_strikes eq 2>>You sling the keys out and struggle to hold your lamp steady enough to see the keyhole. The first key you try fails to work. You try another, it too does not open the door. \n\nA gust of wind blasts you from behind and knocks you against the glass dome. The impact catches you by surprise, in your shock you let go of the keyring. You don't even hear them hit the ground. In a panic, you search near your feet with the lantern but fail to find the keys. \n\nYou'll have to see if the old man has a [[spare set|LIGHTHOUSEDOWNSTAIRSEND]].\n<<else>>You bring the keys towards the keyhole and try a few while you wrestle against the powerful winds to keep your lantern steady. First key won't fit in the keyhole, the next fits but doesn't unlock it. Third does nothing as well. A loud and low rumble quakes in the distance. \n\nFlipping through several identical keys in a row, you finally come across one that has a small glass charm in its notch on the end. It's almost too tiny to tell it's there. Without hesitation, you cram the key into the glass dome's door and [[unlock it|LIGHTHOUSEPUZZLE7]].<<endif>>
You make a break for the stairs, holding onto the railing for balance while [[moving as fast as you can|LIGHTHOUSEPUZZLE4]]. The light dissipates the smoke, audible hisses fade in the air as it breaks apart.
<<if $has_lantern eq "yes">>Dark smoke recoils away from the doorway, reacting to the oil lantern's bright light. As you step forward, it sears through the smoke. Ahead if you is a long, [[spiral staircase|LIGHTHOUSEPUZZLE3]].<<else>>A wall of inky smoke blocks your path. You press your hand against it, to which it heavily resists. <<set $lighthouse_strikes = $lighthouse_strikes + 1>>\n\n[[Check the desk.]]\n[[Check the bed.]]\n[[Check outside.]] <<endif>>\n
Your breath quickens, your pulse pounding. You retreat to the depths of your mind, trying to calm yourself with [[rational thought|LOOKAWAY5A]] or [[prayer|LOOKAWAY5B]].
You can't see much more than the tip of your own nose while you're stuck looking down like this. The rest of the world is [[blocked off|LOOKAWAY3]] by the darkness and its protective static sheet.
You keep fighting the urge to look up, hoping that if you deny it long enough the being will flee. At least, that's what you're trying to tell yourself. [[But just because you can't see it...|LOOKAWAY4]]
You hold on to the side of the deck tightly in case you slip on the slick, ever increasing dampness. You step back into the [[kitchen|KITCHENAFTER1]].
Cold wraps around you, the grip of death's embrace itself. Confusion and the icy waters numb you. Unable to see, you try to let the water pull you down some so you know which way to swim away from. You feel the pull of gravity, and feebly kick and paddle towards what you hope is the surface.\n\nAir. Breaking the plane of the water gives you hope. There's no way to tell where the boat went. Your only hope is to [[look for the light|OPENSEASDEATH3]].
Where has the light gone, when will it reveal itself? Your breaths become shallow as the water drops your body temperature. You're trying to keep moving to stay afloat but the tips of your fingers and toes are not responding to any sensation. \n\nThe light blinks, sending you in a full panic to try and reach it as fast as you can. Every bit of reserve energy you can recall charges your strokes. Every time the light returns to its perch in the sky you feel hope trying to drive you forward.\n\nBut it's just too much. The numbness has claimed your hands and feet and the light never seems to get any closer. Any sense of progression fades and your body crashes. You keep watching the light in despair, as the harsh waters slowly claim every inch of your body. It's the last thing you see before\n\n\n[[THE END|CREDITS]]
As your fingers touch the raw skin of your forehead, you realize now that you're freely moving! Your eyes shoot open and you <html>\n<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='state.display("THECHURCH3")' class='goodend'>sit up</a></html>.
It'll be a bit of work, but perhaps it could be worth trying to [[hook up the generator|GARAGEBEFORE4]] for a bit of light. Perhaps you could [[double back to the kitchen|GARAGEBEFORE4B]] if you didn't feel like fumbling with it.
Who is to say what sense of time exists now? You've been paddling for quite a while, but just how long? Your home is now a speck that violently jitters in the aether. There's no light to see any longer. Your hands grip the paddles with such an intensity you could snap them like twigs. Fear. \n\nYou can't even tell where the [[ocean|OPENSEA3]] ends and the open air begins. Disorientation rattles at your brain, calling up panic from deep within.
Shining your phone's dismal light forward as you back up a step, swirls of dark smoke coil around in a wall-like formation. It's blocking the entire stairway. As it floats in place it emits a low-end hum or whisper-like noise.\n\nA part of you is curious enough to [[touch the smoke again|BASEMENTSTAIRS2NDTOUCH]], though your better side is encouraging a [[retreat back to the main hall|BASEMENTTOMAINHALLBEFORE]].
Musk. That familiar stench. Mold meeting with motor oil and countless gallons of sweat expended while working on cars. The garage has never been your favorite place in the house. Mom's car appears to be still sitting there in the middle, though it looks like they dragged in a ton of the potted plants yesterday as they're [[blocking your way around it|GARAGEBEFORE2]].
You wait for an opportune moment where the chop isn't quite as rough to make your first step onto the boat. It dips down slightly in reaction to your boarding, but holds above water just fine. You keep one hand on the post that the windchime clings to for its dear life, flailing its song to the breeze as fast as it can. \n\nOnce you're sure of your footing, you place your second foot down into the boat and slowly lower yourself down into the seat. It's rough and creaky, you're already fairly wet from the water that splashed up the sides and into the boat. With an eye to the sky, you work the paddles and steer your boat rather clumsily towards the [[blinking star|OPENSEA1]].
[[REPLAY?|Start]]\n\nLathe de la Lune Somniis (v1.0)\nWritten by Ray Ambrosini ([[@The_Raydio|https://twitter.com/The_Raydio]])\nBuilt with [[Twine|http://www.gimcrackd.com/etc/src/]]\nWritten in about a week (10/24/13-10/31/13)\nForked from a concept published 10/01/13\n\nSince this was my first Twine, I had to look into quite a lot of help to cram this out in the week. Countless thanks to the following websites\n\n[[Auntie Pixelante|http://www.auntiepixelante.com/twine/]] for the outstanding tutorial covering the basics.\n\n[[L's Blog @Glorious Trainwrecks|http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/blog/584]] for CSS code, transition code and other hacks I tweaked for my own needs.\n\n[[Porpentine|http://aliendovecote.com/resources/twine-snippets/]] for a simply insane amount of resource links.\n\nAs well as several results from the official Twine [[google group|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tweecode]]\n\nVery special thanks to: Grace Ambrosini, Mark Ambrosini Jr, Jessica Anderson, Athena Fong, Nick Gotshall, TJ Koch, David Lang, Tess O'Rourke, Max Velasquez, Walrus von Zeppelin & John Ziadi.
Every single muscle fires at once, propelling you out of your bed. Your feet [[slam|AWAKEN2]] against the ground with a loud thud.
Pure darkness turned slightly fuzzy as your eyes tried to [[draw more detail|LOOKWHO]] from almost nonexistent light. It reminds you of a wash of static on an old TV.\n
<<set $forest_movements = $forest_movements + 1>>\n<<if $forest_movements eq 10>>You ran as fast as you possibly could, searching for any way out. Unfortunately you did not manage to find an escape before the creature found you. You don't even feel its bladed arms piercing your torso before you hit the ground. For the next moment, all you know is the most excruciating pain you've ever felt. It's not until the creature delights in your suffering enough to behead you, at last causing the pain to\n\n[[END|CREDITS]]<<else>>Trees surround you from every direction as you tear past them. You barely hear anything over the sound of your own movement, you just know that you have to keep on the move.\n\n[[Forwards|FORESTPUZZLE5]]\n[[Backwards|FORESTPUZZLE13]]\n[[Left|FORESTPUZZLE2]]\n[[Right|FORESTPUZZLE4]]\n<<endif>>
Your eyes break free just enough to glance downward where your body should be laying. They struggle to open their pupils much further. You only take a [[slight comfort|LOOKAWAY2]] in knowing that you at least control something.
You dash for the door you came in from and swing it open. You almost throw yourself [[away from the shack|LIGHTHOUSEOUTSIDEEND]], your legs accelerated by fear.
At last, the end of the hall comes forth through the veil of darkness. Double doors made of some dark material stand tall in wait. The two hooded figures lift you up and throw you at the doors.\n\nYou fly head first through the doors as they part in front of you. Landing on your stomach, the wind gets knocked out of you. You spend several moments in pain trying to collect yourself. \n\n//"[[Come, child|CHURCHHALL4]]."// Speaks a voice some distance away.
Sleep's protective veil loosens its grip on the brain. Lungs drinking an unexpectedly [[shallow breath|BREATH]].\n
You pick yourself up and start running towards the hallway where you came from. You don't know what your plan is exactly, you just want to get out of here as fast as possible. The doorway is still wide open. \n\nFreedom comes.\n\nBut not how you expected.\n\nThe large bladed talons of the hooded figures swing at you as you pass through the doors. You continue to run for a few seconds before your neck sears with pain. You start to lose control of yourself. In the final moment, the pain you experience is indescribable. Not that you'd have the head to tell the tale anyways. Yours comes to rest a few feet from your body.\n\n[[THE END|CREDITS]]
Your ceiling comes into focus softly. The sun is up. You lean up in your own bed, nowhere near the damp old lighthouse from just a moment ago. You feel a bit sore, but you're home. You don't know why everything felt as real as it did, but you're just glad that its finally come to its\n\n<html>\n<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='state.display("CREDITS")' class='goodend'>END</a></html>
<<actions "Check the desk." "Check the bed." "Check outside." "Check door.">>
You poke your head into your parents' room and hover your phone above the bed. Neither Mom nor Dad is laying there. Their bathroom appears to be empty as well.\n\nYou check your brother's room, not there.\n\nYou check your sisters' room, nope - not there.\n\nYou wonder where everyone had gone. Something doesn't feel right. You steel yourself and stand in the hall, looking at the [[stairs to the main floor|DOWNTOMAINFLOOR]].
Whatever you hoped to bounce down the hall towards another being's ears, it didn't sound a thing like the pitiful moan that barely left your mouth. All that's left for you to do is [[stare ahead|SOMETHINGELSE]] and wait.