{ (set: $maxClothing to 10) (set: $maxHealth to 10) (set: $namesList to (array: "Taylor", "Brooke", "Rachel", "Haily", "Carla", "Cindy", "Jennifer", "Samatha", "Miranda", "Nancy", "Shaun", "Peter", "William", "Joel", "Jon", "Sebastian", "Austin", "James", "Wesley", "Darren")) (set: $numNames to 20) (set: $monster to (datamap: "body", 0, "feeder", 0, "hunger" , 10, "attitude", 0, "time", 15, "victim", 0)) (set: $theVictim to (datamap:)) (set: $victimOne to (datamap: "name", "one", "health", $maxHealth, "clothing", $maxClothing, "wardrobe", (either: 0, 1, 2), "sex", (either: 0, 1, 2))) (set: $victimTwo to (datamap: "name", "two", "health", $maxHealth, "clothing", $maxClothing, "wardrobe", (either: 0, 1, 2), "sex", (either: 0, 1, 2))) (set: $victimThree to (datamap: "name", "three", "health", $maxHealth, "clothing", $maxClothing, "wardrobe", (either: 0, 1, 2), "sex", (either: 0, 1, 2))) (set: $sex to (array: "female", "male", "non-binary")) (set: $wardrobeGender to (array: "female", "male", "neuter")) (set: $ranNameIndex to (random: 0, ($numNames-1))) (set: $victimOne's name to $namesList[$ranNameIndex]) (set: $ranNameIndex to (random: 0, ($numNames-1))) (set: $victimTwo's name to $namesList[$ranNameIndex]) (set: $ranNameIndex to (random: 0, ($numNames-1))) (set: $victimThree's name to $namesList[$ranNameIndex]) (set: $bodies to (array: "penetrative", "enveloping", "attachments")) (set: $fullBodiesDesc to (array: "slitering and penetrative coils", "a softly pulsing, enveloping ooze", "seashell-like attachments with barbed edges")) (set: $feeders to (array: "draining", "terror", "implantation")) (set: $fullFeedersDesc to (array: "draining life essence", "absorbing emotions of fear and terror", "leaving behind a cluster of burrowing objects")) (set: $attitude to (array: "aggressive", "hidden", "seductive")) (set: $fullAttitudesDesc to (array: "aggressive and proactive, always taking action", "able to remain hidden in the shadows", "beautiful and supernaturally seductive")) } (display: "Prologue"){(if: $monster's time < 1)[(goto: "The end")]} [[Look at your marvelous body->Look body]] [[Recall your feeding habits->Examine feeding habits]] [[Search deep inside for your inner nature->Introspect]] But there is little time for that. You need to feed. Listening at a bus stop near the local academy of learning, you hear three oddly familiar names. Identifying them in the rapidly thinning crowd takes little time, but following them further will. Choose a victim to stalk: (if: $victimOne's health > 0)[[[Stalk->Stalk victim one]] (print: $victimOne's name)] (if: $victimTwo's health > 0)[[[Stalk->Stalk victim two]] (print: $victimTwo's name)] (if: $victimThree's health > 0)[[[Stalk->Stalk victim three]] (print: $victimThree's name)]{ (set: $healthFactor to 2) (set: $clothingFactor to 2) (set: $hungerFactor to 2) (set: $timeFactor to 2) (if: $monster's victim is 0)[(set: $theVictim to $victimOne)] (elseif: $monster's victim is 1)[(set: $theVictim to $victimTwo)] (elseif: $monster's victim is 2)[(set: $theVictim to $victimThree)] (if: $monster's body is 0 and $theVictim's wardrobe is 1)[(set: $timeFactor to (it-1))] (if: $monster's body is 0 and $theVictim's sex is 0)[(set: $hungerFactor to (it-1))] (if: $monster's body is 0)[(set: $healthFactor to (it-1))] (if: $monster's body is 0)[(set: $timeFactor to (it+1))] (if: $monster's body is 1 and $theVictim's wardrobe is 2)[(set: $timeFactor to (it-1))] (if: $monster's body is 1 and $theVictim's clothing < 0)[(set: $hungerFactor to (it-1))] (if: $monster's body is 1)[(set: $clothingFactor to (it-1))] (if: $monster's body is 2 and $theVictim's wardrobe is 0)[(set: $timeFactor to (it-1))] (if: $monster's body is 2 and $theVictim's sex is 1)[(set: $hungerFactor to (it-1))] (if: $monster's body is 2 and $theVictim's wardrobe is 0)[(set: $timeFactor to (it-1))] (if: $monster's victim is 0)[(set: $victimOne's health to (it-$healthFactor))] (elseif: $monster's victim is 1)[(set: $victimTwo's health to (it-$healthFactor))] (elseif: $monster's victim is 2)[(set: $victimThree's health to (it-$healthFactor))] (if: $monster's victim is 0)[(set: $victimOne's clothing to (it-$clothingFactor))] (elseif: $monster's victim is 1)[(set: $victimTwo's clothing to (it-$clothingFactor))] (elseif: $monster's victim is 2)[(set: $victimThree's clothing to (it-$clothingFactor))] (set: $monster's hunger to (it-$hungerFactor)) (set: $monster's time to (it-$timeFactor)) (if: $monster's victim is 0)[(set: $theVictim to $victimOne)] (elseif: $monster's victim is 1)[(set: $theVictim to $victimTwo)] (elseif: $monster's victim is 2)[(set: $theVictim to $victimThree)] } You feel less hungery. (display: "Hunger status") (print: $theVictim's name) is (print: $theVictim's health) and their clothes are (print: $theVictim's clothing). { (if: $theVictim's clothing < 1)[(display: "Victim Escalated")] (if: $theVictim's health < 1)[(display: "Victim Died")] (if: $monster's hunger < 1)[(goto: "Fulfilled")] (if: $monster's time < 1)[(goto: "The end")] } And yet, [[you still hunger->You hunger]]...They died. You lost a potential food source.They started reacting...oddly.{ (set: $monster's victim to 0) (set: $monster's time to (it-1)) } (print: $victimOne's name) is at health level (print: $victimOne's health) and their clothing is (print: $victimOne's clothing). [[Feed->Aftermath]] [[Leave->You hunger]]{ (set: $monster's victim to 1) (set: $monster's time to (it-1)) } (print: $victimTwo's name) is at health level (print: $victimTwo's health) and their clothing is (print: $victimTwo's clothing). [[Feed->Aftermath]] [[Leave->You hunger]]{ (set: $monster's victim to 2) (set: $monster's time to (it-1)) } (print: $victimThree's name) is at health level (print: $victimThree's health) and their clothing is (print: $victimThree's clothing). [[Feed->Aftermath]] [[Leave->You hunger]]Hunger is at (print: $monster's hunger).You are out of time. Still hungry, you drop to the ground and slowly wither and die. **The End**For endless eons you slept. Now you awake...[[to feed->Body selection]].Stumbling away from your eons-old resting place, vision still fuzzy, one sensation screams at you. One objective drives you. One thought fills your entire being. [[You hunger]]You are covered in feeding apparatuses, which are (print: $fullBodiesDesc[$monster's body]).Double-click this passage to edit it.You look down at your damp, quivering body. It is covered in feeding apparatuses, which are |bodyDesc>[ ... ]. |Body0>[(print: $bodies[0])] |Body1>[(print: $bodies[1])] |Body2>[(print: $bodies[2])] { (click: ?Body0)[(set: $monster's body to 0)(replace: ?bodyDesc)[ (print: $fullBodiesDesc[0]) ](replace: ?Body0)[](replace: ?Body1)[](replace: ?Body2)[](display: "Feeder selection")] (click: ?Body1)[(set: $monster's body to 1)(replace: ?bodyDesc)[ (print: $fullBodiesDesc[1]) ](replace: ?Body0)[](replace: ?Body1)[](replace: ?Body2)[](display: "Feeder selection")] (click: ?Body2)[(set: $monster's body to 2)(replace: ?bodyDesc)[ (print: $fullBodiesDesc[2]) ](replace: ?Body0)[](replace: ?Body1)[](replace: ?Body2)[](display: "Feeder selection")] }Instincts boil up from deep inside your drowsy mind. Immediately sensing you feed by |feederDesc>[ ... ], you prepare for the hunt. |Feed0>[(print: $feeders[0])] |Feed1>[(print: $feeders[1])] |Feed2>[(print: $feeders[2])] { (click: ?Feed0)[(set: $monster's feeder to 0)(replace: ?feederDesc)[ (print: $fullFeedersDesc[0])](replace: ?Feed0)[](replace: ?Feed1)[](replace: ?Feed2)[](display: "Attitude selection")] (click: ?Feed1)[(set: $monster's feeder to 1)(replace: ?feederDesc)[ (print: $fullFeedersDesc[1])](replace: ?Feed0)[](replace: ?Feed1)[](replace: ?Feed2)[](display: "Attitude selection")] (click: ?Feed2)[(set: $monster's feeder to 2)(replace: ?feederDesc)[ (print: $fullFeedersDesc[2])](replace: ?Feed0)[](replace: ?Feed1)[](replace: ?Feed2)[](display: "Attitude selection")] }Watching the crowds of scurring beings from the shadows near where you awoke, you feel that unlike them, you are surpremely |attitudeDesc>[ ... ]. |Attitude0>[(print: $attitude[0])] |Attitude1>[(print: $attitude[1])] |Attitude2>[(print: $attitude[2])] { (click: ?Attitude0)[(set: $monster's attitude to 0)(replace: ?attitudeDesc)[ (print: $fullAttitudesDesc[0])](replace: ?Attitude0)[](replace: ?Attitude1)[](replace: ?Attitude2)[](display: "A monster")] (click: ?Attitude1)[(set: $monster's attitude to 1)(replace: ?attitudeDesc)[ (print: $fullAttitudesDesc[1])](replace: ?Attitude0)[](replace: ?Attitude1)[](replace: ?Attitude2)[](display: "A monster")] (click: ?Attitude2)[(set: $monster's attitude to 2)(replace: ?attitudeDesc)[ (print: $fullAttitudesDesc[2])](replace: ?Attitude0)[](replace: ?Attitude1)[](replace: ?Attitude2)[](display: "A monster")] }Double-click this passage to edit it.{ (set: $time = 6) (if: $time is 1)[This is your last chance. You still hunger. You must feed. To do otherwise means certain death.] (elseif: $time lte 3)[The nights seem to be growing shorter and you feel constantly ansy. Your hunger must be filled soon...or else.] (elseif: $time lte 5)[It is getting late in season, and you sense that soon your last night will be upon you. You are afraid, but still hungry. You follow your prey with greater urgency.] (elseif: $time gte 8)[Still full of energy even as you hunger, you stalk your prey with boundless enthusiasm.] }It is over. Your endless hunger is satiated. Nothing mattered but reaching this point. Now you have the energy you need to spread your offspring to every corner of the world. ***The End ...of the world.***