(set:$age to 16) (set: $wallet to 50) <div class= "positive">**Hello**, **world**!</div> <div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://cdn.meme.am/instances/400x/18722734.jpg" /></div> [[Continue->age]] <div class= "positive">I am $age years old. (if: $age >= 16)[I am old enough to drive.](else:)[I am not old enough to drive.]</div> <div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/048/921/high-expectations-asian-father-You-16-Years-Old-Now-Why-no-Phd-in-Particle-Physics-Yet-You-Dissapoint-Son.jpg" /></div> [[continue->wallet]] <div class= "positive">I have $wallet dollars in my wallet.</div> {(if: $wallet >= 120)[<div class= "negative"> I am rich.</div>[[lets go shopping ->Shop!!!]]<div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://www.quickmeme.com/img/f3/f3a3b463541c198a5448286290789860a1369e7aa5e772868b12fe25b96acae1.jpg" /></div>] (else:)[<div class= "negative">I am poor.</div><div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://www.quickmeme.com/img/4f/4f8f9a6aa0e63fd98f56c5880983438040feadc700c1de2c5ee8940f4c69de07.jpg" /></div>]} [[get money->Job]]{(set: $tshirtprice to 5) (set: $swordprice to 30) (set: $shieldprice to 25) (set: $spam to 2) (set: $turtleprice to 45) (set: $coffeeprice to 4) (set: $unicornprice to 100) (set: $carprice to 1500)} <div class= "positive">You have $wallet dollars left! You can [[get more->Job]] money or you can shop here.</div> <div class= "Money">Items for Sale: 1. T-shirt for $tshirtprice dollars [[BUY->buyt]] 2. A sword for $swordprice dollars [[BUY->buys]] 3. A Shiels for $shieldprice dollars [[BUY->buysh]] 4. Spam Musubi for $spam dollars [[BUY->buysm]] 5. Turtle for $turtleprice dollars: <img src<"https://melinabeachturtlehatchery.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/turtle4.jpg" /> [[BUY->buytu]] 6. Coffee for $coffeeprice dollars [[BUY->buyc]] 7. A unicorn for $unicornprice dollars [[BUY->buyu]] 8. A BRAND NEW (ish) CAR! for the low price of $carprice dollars!!! [[BUY->buycar]]</div>{(set:$gmamoney to 5)} <div class= "Money">You have $wallet dollars now.</div> <div class= "positive">You can [[shop->Shop!!!]] now or...</div> <div class= "makemoney">You can make more money: 1. [[Steal->steal LM]] a kids lunch money 2. [[Rob a bank->rob bank]] if you're feeling confident!...or if you're just that desprate. 3. [[Murder a rich guy->KILL]]...if you can handle the guilt. 4. Go the clean route and [[sell->sellcof]] your coffee to a cop who has a donut. 5. Feeling altruistic? [[sell your->sell spam]] spam musubi to a hobo. 6. [[Kidnap->kidnap]] a kid and send a ransom note to his/her family. 7. [[Ask->Gma]] your grandma for some money, she'll give you a good $gmamoney bucks and if you're lucky she'll throw in a cookie.</div>(if: $wallet >= $tshirtprice)[(set: $wallet to it - $tshirtprice)<div class= "Money"> Nice choice![[shop more->Shop!!!]]</div>](set: $hastshirt to 1) (else:)[<div class= "negative">You can't afford it sorry. [[get more money->Job]]</div>] <div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://a.tgcdn.net/images/products/zoom/f08b_pjake.jpg" /></div>(if: $wallet >= $swordprice)[(set: $wallet to it - $swordprice)(set: $hassword to 1) <div class= "positive">Nice choice![[shop more->Shop!!!]]</div>] (else:)[<div class= "negative">You can't afford it sorry. [[get more money->Job]]</div>] <div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://www.coldsteel-uk.com/store/warrior-series-katana-88bkw-full-1.jpg" /></div>(if: $wallet >= $shieldprice)[(set: $wallet to it - $shieldprice)<div class= "Money"> Nice choice![[shop more->Shop!!!]]</div>](set: $hasshield to 1) (else:)[<div class= "negative">You can't afford it sorry. [[get more money->Job]]</div>] <div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130130000728/elderscrolls/images/d/d9/AetherialShield.png" /></div>(if: $wallet >= $spam)[(set: $wallet to it - $spam)<div class= "positive"> Nice choice![[shop more->Shop!!!]]</div>](set: $hasspam to 1) (else:)[<div class= "negative">You can't afford it sorry. [[get more money->Job]]</div>] <div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://ukumillion.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/spam-musubi-thumb.jpg" /></div>(if: $wallet >= $turtleprice)[(set: $wallet to it - $turtleprice) <div class= "positive"> Nice choice![[shop more->Shop!!!]]</div>](set: $hasturtle to 1) (else:)[<div class= "negative">You can't afford it sorry. [[get more money->Job]]</div>] <div class= "centered"><img src="http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view2/2235639/tortoise-tomato-o.gif" /></div> (if: $wallet >= $coffeeprice)[(set: $wallet to it - $coffeeprice) <div class= "positive">Nice choice![[shop more->Shop!!!]]</div>](set: $hascoffee to 1) (else:)[<div class= "negative">You can't afford it sorry. [[get more money->Job]]</div>] <div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://theselby.com/media/2_28_11_SupremeCoffee7598.jpg" /></div>(if: $wallet >= $unicornprice)[(set: $wallet to it - $unicornprice) <div class= "Money">Nice choice![[shop more->Shop!!!]]</div>](set: $hasunicorn to 1) (else:)[<div class= "negative">You can't afford it sorry. [[get more money->Job]]</div>] <div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130531071800/adventuretimewithfinnandjake/images/3/38/Lady_rainicorn_by_technokitteh-d5lnx5t.png" /></div>(set: $wallet to it + (random: 1,5))<div class= "negative"> You now have $wallet dollars jerk!! Go [[steal more->Job]], or [[shop now->Shop!!!]]</div> <div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://i.ytimg.com/vi/zHLqL5j3Zfo/maxresdefault.jpg" /></div> (if: $hassword is 1)[(set: $wallet to it + (random: 20, 50)) <div class= "negative">Now you have $wallet dollars, you're a horrible person... Now you can [[shop->Shop!!!]], or you can [[steal more->Job]].</div><div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://31.media.tumblr.com/d6f5a317fea59d323dc4ba86c5f8d54b/tumblr_ml2ngjeeRl1rwoeflo1_1280.gif" />] (else:)[<div class= "negative">You have nothing to rob the bank with, go [[shopping->Shop!!!]] or [[steal another way->Job]].</div><div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/5b/6d/c7/5b6dc7b42b54ce176ed1ce34b4c1b983.jpg" />] (set: $hassword to 0) (if: $hasturtle is 1)[(set: $wallet to it + (random: 35, 65)) <div class= "negative">Now you have $wallet dollars, you're a freaking murderer now...happy? Hope it was worth it. Now you can [[shop->Shop!!!]], or you can [[steal more->Job]].</div><div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://www.tombstonebuilder.com/demo_tombstone.jpg" />](else:)[<div class= "negative">This rich guy can only be killed Mario style, with a turtle shell bruh. You don't have one!... go [[shopping->Shop!!!]] for a shell or [[steal another way->Job]].</div><div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/c6/c5/a1/c6c5a13795196af41a4a393ae6ed226f.jpg" />] (set: $hasturtle to 0)(if: $hascoffee is 1)[(set: $wallet to it + (random: 1, 3))<div class= "negative"> Now you have $wallet dollars, and you made a friend on the police force... Now you can [[shop->Shop!!!]], or you can [[steal more->Job]].</div><div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://images.sodahead.com/polls/002145861/321607298_cop_eating_donut_xlarge.jpeg" /> ](else:)[<div class= "negative">You have no coffee you idiot, how can you sell something you don't have!? Go [[shopping->Shop!!!]] (for a brain) or [[steal another way->Job]].</div><div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://33.media.tumblr.com/e5494bf1597063f7d07187aae284628c/tumblr_n3y225uhfA1qhy6c9o2_250.gif" />] (set: $hascoffee to 0)(if: $hasspam is 1)[(set: $wallet to it + (random: 0, 1)) <div class= "negative">Now you have $wallet dollars now. You're a saint...or desprate. Now you can [[shop->Shop!!!]], or you can [[steal more->Job]].</div><div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://static4.businessinsider.com/image/4ea18ef66bb3f7c33100002a/many-of-north-dakotas-nouveau-riche-are-homeless.jpg" /> ](else:)[<div class= "negative">You have no spam you tard! You must be sick, thinking that you can con a poor homeless person. Go [[shopping->Shop!!!]] (for a heart) or [[steal another way->Job]].</div><div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzzo5mbgWH1qhy6c9o1_r1_400.gif" />] (set: $hasspam to 0)(if: $hastshirt is 1)[(set: $wallet to it + (random: 0, 100)) <div class= "negative">The family gave in and paid the ransom, now you have $wallet dollars. You're a sick bastrad... Now you can [[shop->Shop!!!]], or you can [[steal more->Job]].</div><div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://forensicunit.weebly.com/uploads/1/4/2/3/14232604/7055533_orig.png" />](else:)[<div class= "negative">You're dressed like a freaking hobo, you need to buy a new shirt. How can you expect to approach a kid dressed like that? they'd be running for the hills before you could even get with in 5 feet of em, go [[shopping->Shop!!!]](cause you dirty) or [[steal another way->Job]].</div><div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lu4fzqBJUg1qhy6c9o1_400.gif" />] (set: $hasshirt to 0)(set: $wallet to it + $gmamoney) <div class= "negative">You now have $wallet dollars now, and you got a nice warm cookie! You can now [[get more money->Job]], or you can [[shop->Shop!!!]]</div>. <div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="https://www.drfuhrman.com/success/daily-living-articles/images/grandmother-with-cookies.jpg" />(if: $wallet >= $carprice)[(set: $wallet to it - $carprice) <div class= "positive">Nice! now you can make you're great escape![[Leave Town->leavetown]]</div>](set: $hascar to 1) (else:)[<div class= "negative">You can't afford it sorry. [[get more money->Job]]</div>] <div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://www.porsche-mania.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/2008-Yellow-Porsche-911-Turbo-Cabriolet_Wallpaper_004.jpg" /></div>(if: $hastshirt >= 1 and $hassword >= 1 and $hasshield >= 1 and $hasspam >= 1 and $hasturtle >= 1 and $hascoffee >= 1 and $hasunicorn >= 1 and $hascar >= 1) [<div class= "Money">YOU'RE FREE!!!!!!!!!</div> <div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://memecrunch.com/meme/4SC2P/you-re-free-now/image.jpg" /></div>] (else:)[<div class= "Money">Sorry dude, you need to have one of everything from the store. Go back to the [[store->Shop!!!]]. What do you need to buy? How am I suppossed to know! Figure it out yourself!</div>](live:6000)[<div class= "centered"><img class= "shirt" src="http://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/59039554.jpg" />]