you exit the coffee shop, pushing the door open with the back of your hand so you don't have to touch the metal bar. you head to class. the building is only a couple of blocks away, but you listen to music anyway. when you put your earbuds in you make sure they are snug and secure, and tap them a few times each to make sure. did you remember your key? you did, you already checked. you look in your bag again to confirm. your key is there.\n\nyou've reached the building.\n\nyou have ocd.\n\nwhat do you do?\n\n>[[go inside]]
you spend a few minutes picking out the clothes you'll wear today. you have a limited selection. you'll have to do laundry soon. you have only a few shirts you can wear to school. your pile of "weekend" clothes sits untouched. you don't want them to get contaminated in class. school is an "unsafe" zone.\n\nyou have ocd.\n\nwhat do you do?\n\n>[[make bed]]\n\n>[[leave the apartment]]
you leave your apartment. you decide to get coffee on your way to class. you order a medium iced mocha. you would rather just have a plain iced coffee, but you know they don't put milk in it here, and you'd have to do that yourself. you don't want to touch the carafe of 2%. you don't know who else has touched it. you get your mocha and smile warmly at the barista.\n\nyou have ocd.\n\nwhat do you do?\n\n>[[head to class]]\n
you have obsessive compulsive disorder
you have ocd. what do you want to do today?\n\n> [[go to class]]\n
you pull open the door to the building, being careful not to touch the bar with your fingers. you head for the elevator, and hit the 'up' button with a knuckle. you step inside the elevator when it arrives and repeat the gesture to head to the fourth floor.\n\nyou have ocd.\n\nwhat do you do?\n\n>[[arrive]]
you don't have much of a choice.\n\nyou have ocd. \n\nwhat do you do?\n\n>[[make bed]]\n\n>[[choose outfit]]
a short twine game by @muinil
you've finally made it to class. the room is like a small auditorium, and you take your seat. you remove your headphones with your fingers (no knuckles this time, your earbuds and phone have been designated 'safe' by your brain) and put them away in your bag. did you lock your apartment door? you're sure you did. but what if you didn't? what if someone breaks in? a small whisper in your brain seems to say: 'if you don't do something, your family will die'.\n\nit doesn't make any sense, you know that. you know you locked your door, you know your family is safe. you live alone in a secured apartment building. but your brain won't stop nagging you. you have no choice. you have to perform your security ritual--visualizing locking the door. you do this five times, and only have to repeat it once. the wiggling creature in your stomach writhes while you do this, and you feel antsy, like you're barely contained in your body.\n\nthe ritual is complete.\n\nyou have ocd.\n\nthis is what you do.
you decide to make your bed. you pull the covers back into place where your tossing and turning had dislodged them. you arrange your stuffed animals on your bed. carefully, you pat each one on the head--five times for some, three for others, a number arbitrarily decided on in your head. you mess up on one and do it again.\n\nyou feel antsy while you do this, like there's a wiggling creature in your stomach that can't get out.\n\nyou have ocd.\n\nwhat do you do?\n\n>[[choose outfit]]