You stand there gazing at what appears to be a simulation of your future. Without moving, you see yourself rushing down a hallway, weapon in hand, blasting away the minions of hell without remorse. You don't seem to have much control here. You could try pressing something on your [[keyboard->The Menu 2]]. (set: $gamerunning to false)A series of text options appears before you, overlayed on the automated violence that continues unabated. There's a few things that you can select here: [[NEW GAME]] [[OPTIONS->Options]] [[LOAD GAME]] [[SAVE GAME]] [[READ THIS!]] [[QUIT GAME]] Or you could always press the [[ESCAPE->The Menu 1]] key.A variety of options appear in front of you. You're not sure what most of them do, so you think that you should be careful. You could [[End Your Game]]. Your [[Messages]] are turned $msgs. Your [[Graphic Detail]] is set to $gfx. Your [[Screen Size]] is set to $scrnsz. Your [[Mouse Sensitivity]] is set to $mssens. You could fiddle with your [[Sound Volume]]. Or you could go back to the [[Main Menu->The Menu 2]].(if: $gamerunning is false)[Nothing seems to happen You get the feeling that whatever this "game" is, you haven't truly begun it yet. (Display: "Options")] (if: $gamerunning is true)[A message appears asking you to confirm your choice. [[Yes->GameEndY]] or [[No->GameEndN]]?]With a bit of regret you decide to end it all. You feel your vision begin to distort itself and slide downwards like a wave, revealing yet another simulation of your future that you have no control over. (Display: "The Menu 2")You decide that you would rather soldier on and bravely face the minions of Hell. (Display: "Options")(set: $gfx to "High") (set: $scrnsz to 7) (set: $mssens to 6) (set: $msgs to "On") (set: $sfxVol to 13) (set: $musVol to 13) (set: $crntAct to 0) (set: $crntLvl to 0) (set: $savedAct) (set: $savedLvl) (set: $weapon to "pistol") (set: $wepDMG to 2) (goto: "The Menu 1")You feel excitement as you prepare to embark on your mission. As it turns out, you've actually got four possible missions to choose from, so choose wiseley. [[Knee-Deep in the Dead]] The Shores of Hell Inferno Thy Flesh Consumed Or you could [[go back to the menu and fiddle with some stuff->The Menu 2]], I guess?(if: $savedAct is 0)[You can't seem to remember anything about where you used to be. (Display: "The Menu 2")] (else:)[](if: $crntAct is 0)[You're about to jot down some notes about how far you've come, but then you realize that you still haven't left yet. (Display: "The Menu 2")] (else:)[]A whole bunch of text appears before you, outlining which keys allow you to move. You're not sure why you would need to press a key to move. You're pretty sure that you could just move if you wanted to, no keyboard necessary. Actually, what's a [[keyboard]]? You get the feeling that you won't learn much, and you should probably [[go back to the menu->The Menu 2]]. You try to quit to DOS, but you soon discover that you're not actually in DOS. Where are you? You're back at the menu is where you are. (Display: "The Menu 2"){ (if: $msgs is "On")[(set: $msgs to "Off")] (else_if: $msgs is "Off")[(set: $msgs to "On")] Your messages are now $msgs. } (Display: "Options")Your Screen Size is set to $scrnsz right now. { (if: $scrnsz is 8)[Your screen is as big as it could be. You could always [[lower->LowerScrn]] your screen size, or you could [[leave it as it is->Options]].] (else_if: $scrnsz is 0)[Your screen can't get smaller than this. You could always [[raise->RaiseScrn]] your screen size, or you could [[leave it as it is->Options]].] (else_if: $scrnsz < 8)[You could [[raise->RaiseScrn]] or [[lower->LowerScrn]] your screen size, or you could [[leave it as it is->Options]].] } { (set: $scrnsz to $scrnsz - 1) You feel your field of view shrink a little. (if: $scrnsz is 7)[You've suddenly regained your ability to judge your own level of health, and you're accutely aware of how much ammunition that you are carrying.] (else_if: $scrnsz is 6)[You notice something that looks like a border appear in your periphery, but you pay no attention to it.] (else_if: $scrnsz is 0)[You can barely make out anything with the now massive border filling most of your vision.] (else:)[You can tell that the border around your view has grown a bit.] } (Display: "Screen Size"){ (set: $scrnsz to $scrnsz + 1)You feel your field of vision grow. (if: $scrnsz is 8)[Strangely, you feel as if you have lost the ability to tell how healthy you are, or how much ammunition you are carrying.] (else_if: $scrnsz is 7)[The border around your view has completely disappeared.] (else:)[The border around your view shrinks a bit. You feel like you can make out details a bit better than before.] } (Display: "Screen Size"){(if: $gfx is "High")[(set: $gfx to "Low") Your vision seems quite a bit blurrier than before.] (else_if: $gfx is "Low")[(set: $gfx to "High") Your vision returns to it's usual crispness.]} (Display: "Options")If you had to rate your ability to turn around on a scale from 0 to 9, you'd give it a $mssens. { (if: $mssens is 9)[If you tried to turn any faster than this you'd probably lose your lunch. You could always [[lower it->lowerMs]] or [[leave it alone->Options]].] (else_if: $mssens is 0)[Try as you might, it's nearly impossible for you to turn around. You should probably [[raise your sensitivity->raiseMs]], but I guess you could [[leave it like this->Options]].] (else:)[You feel like you could probably [[learn to move around like this->Options]], but you could always [[raise->raiseMs]] or [[lower->lowerMs]] the sensitivity.] }You can see that your Sound Effects volume is set to $sfxVol. { (if: $sfxVol is 15)[Any louder than that and you'll go deaf from all of the explosions. You could [[lower->lowerSFX]] it.] (else_if: $sfxVol is 0)[You can't hear the screams of your enemies at all. You should probably [[raise->raiseSFX]] it.] (else:)[You could [[raise->raiseSFX]] or [[lower->lowerSFX]] it however you like.] } You can also see that your Music Volume is set to $musVol. { (if: $musVol is 15)[You really love the track that's playing right now, but you're having some trouble hearing anything else, and are starting to worry about permanent hearing damage. You should probably [[lower->lowerMus]] it.] (else_if: $musVol is 0)[The music is gone completely. You feel like you could probably play like this, but if you don't [[turn up the music volume->raiseMus]] you might find it a bit boring.] (else:)[You feel the beat. It's pretty great. You could [[raise->raiseMus]] or [[lower->lowerMus]] the volume if you want.] } You can also go back to the [[Options]].(set: $mssens to $mssens - 1) You feel as though you turn a bit slower than before. (Display: "Mouse Sensitivity")(set: $mssens to $mssens + 1) You feel as though you turn a bit faster than before. (Display: "Mouse Sensitivity")(either: "Explosions won't be quite as deafening as before.", "You worry that you might not hear those Cacodemons as well as you used to") (set: $sfxVol to $sfxVol - 1) (Display: "Sound Volume")(either: "You're pretty sure that your gunshots will be louder now.", "That imp definitely sounds louder than it did before.") (set: $sfxVol to $sfxVol + 1) (Display: "Sound Volume")(either: "You can't hear the beat as well as you used to.", "You turned down your own personal soundtrack.") (set: $musVol to $musVol - 1)(Display: "Sound Volume")(either: "The beat fills your ears a bit more than before.", "You feel groovier.") (set: $musVol to $musVol + 1)(Display: "Sound Volume")You feel like you might have one with you, but maybe you don't? Are you really Doomguy or are you just someone controlling Doomguy. Why is your name Doomguy? What kind of parents would name their child Doomguy? Do you have parents? Did you even exist moments prior to this? All this intense thinking is starting to hurt your brain a bit. You feel like you should probably [[get back to the menu->The Menu 2]] and start killing stuff.(set: $crntAct to 1)(set: $crntLvl to 1)You ready your armor and load up your weapons. It's time to begin. Gritting your teeth, you whisper your mantra. [["Hurt me plenty."->1 1 1]] (set: $hp to 100) (set: $armor to 0) (set: $gamerunning to true){(if: (count: (history:), "1 1 1") is 0)[Your vision of the menus melts away and you find yourself in] (else:)[You're back where you started, looking out on] a large room with a [[sunken-in area->1 1 4]] in the middle that appears to be covered in blue carpeting. Four large brown columns surround the lower section, and you see two large windows on the east wall of that area. } You're pretty sure that there's a dead end directly [[east of you->1 1 2]](if: (count: (history:), "1 1 2") is 0)[, and you think you can make out something on the ground there](else:)[.] There's also a way around one of the pillars [[over to the west->1 1 3]].You head down about a foot into the blue carpeted center of the room. There's a mulitaled corpse here, but thankfully you can't smell it through your helmet. Directly north of you is [[the next room->1 1 6]]. To the west of you is a [[smaller room with a staircase->1 1 3 1]], and south of you is the [[spot where you started->1 1 1]] the level.{ (if: (count: (history:), "1 1 2") is 0)[You find a health pickup here.(set: $addHP to 1)(Display: "HP Pickup") Other than that, it's just a dead end.] (else:)[It's just a dead end. There's nothing to do here.] } You should probably [[go back->1 1 1]].You're in the southwest corner of the large room(if: (count: (history:), "1 1 3") is 0)[ and you pick up a health potion sitting on the floor here. (set: $addHP to 1)(Display: "HP Pickup")](else:)[.] As you come around the pillar you see an archway leading [[further west->1 1 3 1]] into a room with a raised platform and a staircase leading up to it. To the north of you there's a way [[around one of the other pillars->1 1 5]]. You can also go down into the [[lower area->1 1 4]] or head back to [[where you started->1 1 1]](set: $hp to $hp + $addHP) { (if: $hp > 150)[(set: $hp to 150)(if: $msgs is "On")[Your health is now $hp%. It's at its maximum.]] (else_if: $msgs is "On")[Your health is now $hp%.] }You're standing at the foot of a [[tall narrow staircase without railings->1 1 3 3]]. Two strange gray pulsating pillars sit on either side of it. (if: (count: (history:), "1 1 3 2") is 0)[You see various [[health and armor->1 1 3 2]] pickups scattered around the floor here.] You can head back east and [[leave the room->1 1 3]].You come around into the north-west corver of this large room. (if: (count: (history:), "1 1 5") is 0)[You pick up some armor here.(set: $addArmor to 2)(Display: "Armor Pickup")] You could head north-east from here to [[enter the next room->1 1 6]], or just go east and down into the [[lower area->1 1 4]]. West of here is an [[archway->1 1 3 1]] that leads into another room with a raised area. You can also just [[move to the south-west corner->1 1 3]] of the room if you're into that.(set: $armor to $armor + $addArmor) { (if: $armor > 100)[(set: $armor to 100)(if: $msgs is "On")[Your armor is now $armor%. It's at its maximum.]] (else_if: $msgs is "On")[Your armor is now $armor%.] }You head up the staircase and immediately come face to face with the gored remains of one of your fellow marines. (if: (count: (history:), "1 1 3 3") is 0)[You find some armor pickups here.(set: $addArmor to 2)(Display: "Armor Pickup")] (if: (count: (history:), "1 1 3 4") is 0)[Directly ahead of you, you see a large floating chestpiece of [[space marine armor->1 1 3 4]].] You chould also [[head back down the stairs->1 1 3 1]].You run around in a little circle pickup up some powerups. (set: $addHP to 4)(set: $addArmor to 2)(Display: "HP Pickup")(Display: "Armor Pickup") [[Sweet.->1 1 3 1]]You pick up the chestpiece and immediately feel like much more of a badass. (set: $addArmor to 100)(Display: "Armor Pickup") There's nothing else here, so you should [[head back down->1 1 3 1]].You head down a long hallway that curves east and come face to face with a slightly-more-intact-but-still-very-dead space marine. A [[large grey door->1 1 6 1]] sits in front of you.The Door Swings open to reveal another [[large room->1 1 7]].The room is dimly lit by the various computer screens hanging from the ceiling. Equipment lines the walls here. { (if: (count: (history:), "1 1 7") is 0)[(set: $numZom to 2)(set: $zomHP1 to 4)(set: $zomHP2 to 4)You see a brightly lit area at the far end of the room from which two Zombiemen emerge, weapons in hand. You draw your $weapon and prepare to [[fight->1 1 7 C]].] (if: $numZom is 0)[(if: (count: (history:), "1 1 7") is 1)[With the Zombiemen gone, you find some armor in the far area where you first spotted them.(set: $addArmor to 4)(Display: "Armor Pickup")] You see that there is a passage which swings around the back of the lit area and [[continues east->1 1 8]] and there is still the [[door to the west->1 1 6 2]] which heads back to the beginning.] }COMBAT: You have a $weapon. (if: $numZom > 1)[There are $numZom Zombiemen in front of you. You could [[fire at them->1 1 7 Fire]] or try to [[dodge->1 1 7 Dodge]].] (else_if: $numZom is 1)[There is a Zombieman in front of you. You could [[fire at it a lot->1 1 7 Fire]] or try to [[dodge and shoot a bit->1 1 7 Dodge]].] (if: $numZom is 0)[You survived your first Zombieman assault, but you expect that there will be many [[more to come->1 1 7]].]{ (if: $dodging is true)[(set: $takenDMG to $takenDMG/2)] (if: $armor > 0)[(set: $armor to $armor - $takenDMG)(set: $takenDMG to $takenDMG/2)] (if: $armor < 0)[(set: $armor to 0)] (set: $hp to $hp - $takenDMG) (if: $hp <= 0)[(goto: "Death Screen")] (else_if: $msgs is "On")[You took $takenDMG damage. Your health is now $hp% and your armor is now $armor%.] }(set: $DMG to $wepDMG)(if: $dodging is true)[(set:$DMG to $DMG / 2)] (if: $msgs is "On")[You fire your $weapon at the zombieman and deal $DMG damage.] { (if: $numZom is 2)[(set: $zomHP2 to $zomHP2 - $DMG) (if: $zomHP2 <= 0)[The Zombieman dies.(set: $numZom to $numZom - 1)]] (else_if: $numZom is 1)[(set: $zomHP1 to $zomHP1 - $DMG) (if: $zomHP1 <= 0)[The Zombieman dies.(set: $numZom to $numZom - 1)]] }{(set: $takenDMG to $numZom * 4) (Display: "Take Damage")}(set: $dodging to false)(Display: "Shoot Zombieman") (Display: "Shot by Zombie") (Display: "1 1 7 C")(set: $dodging to true)(Display: "Shoot Zombieman") (Display: "Shot by Zombie") (Display: "1 1 7 C")Behind the lit area you find another curving hallway that [[heads southeast->1 1 9]]. (if: (count: (history:), "1 1 8") is 0)[You snag some health potions as you pass through.(set: $addHP to 2)(Display: "HP Pickup")]You head down the curving hallway, turning south. You reach the large room with the [[sunken blue carpeted area->1 1 4]].(if: (count: (history:), "1 1 9") is 0)[The room that you enter can only be described as "a zig-zag through some acid".] You try your best to not fall off of the narrow pathway into the deadly green goo. { (if: (count: (history:), "1 1 9") is 0)[There is a Zombieman here as well as an Imp up high on an unreachable platform. Neither of them looks happy to see you. You should [[draw your $weapon and fight->1 1 9 C]].(set: $numZom to 1)(set: $zomHP1 to 4)(set: $numImps to 1)(set: $impHP1 to 8)] (if: (count: (history:), "1 1 9") > 0)[Now that the area is safe, you could head back through the [[hallway to the north->1 1 8 1]], or follow the zig-zagging [[path south->1 1 10]].] }COMBAT: You have a $weapon. { (if: $numZom > 1)[There are $numZom Zombiemen in front of you. You could [[fire at them->1 1 9 FireZ]] or try to [[dodge->1 1 9 DodgeZ]].] (else_if: $numZom is 1)[There is a Zombieman in front of you. You could [[fire at it a lot->1 1 9 FireZ]] or try to [[dodge and shoot a bit->1 1 9 DodgeZ]].] } { (if: $numImps > 1)[There are $numImps Imps in front of you. You could [[fire at them->1 1 9 FireI]] or try to [[dodge->1 1 9 DodgeI]].] (else_if: $numImps is 1)[There is an Imp in front of you. You could [[fire at it a lot->1 1 9 FireI]] or try to [[dodge and shoot a bit->1 1 9 DodgeI]].] } (if: $numZom is 0 and $numImps is 0)[Imps may be tough, but [[you're tougher->1 1 9]].](set: $dodging to false)(Display: "Shoot Zombieman") { (if: $numZom > 0)[ (if: $msgs is "On" )[The (if: $numZom > 1)[Zombiemen attack!](else:)[Zombieman attacks!]] (Display: "Shot by Zombie") ] } { (if: $numImps > 0)[ (if: $msgs is "On")[The (if: $numImps > 1)[Imps attack!](else:)[Imp attacks!]] (Display: "Shot by Imp") ] } (Display: "1 1 9 C")(set: $dodging to true)(Display: "Shoot Zombieman") { (if: $numZom > 0)[ (if: $msgs is "On" )[The (if: $numZom > 1)[Zombiemen attack!](else:)[Zombieman attacks!]] (Display: "Shot by Zombie") ] } { (if: $numImps > 0)[ (if: $msgs is "On")[The (if: $numImps > 1)[Imps attack!](else:)[Imp attacks!]] (Display: "Shot by Imp") ] } (Display: "1 1 9 C")(set: $dodging to false)(Display: "Shoot Imp") { (if: $numZom > 0)[ (if: $msgs is "On")[The (if: $numZom > 1)[Zombiemen attack!](else:)[Zombieman attacks!]] (Display: "Shot by Zombie") ] } { (if: $numImps > 0)[ (if: $msgs is "On")[The (if: $numImps > 1)[Imps attack!](else:)[Imp attacks!]] (Display: "Shot by Imp") ] } (Display: "1 1 9 C")(set: $dodging to true)(Display: "Shoot Imp") { (if: $numZom > 0)[ (if: $msgs is "On")[The (if: $numZom > 1)[Zombiemen attack!](else:)[Zombieman attacks!]] (Display: "Shot by Zombie") ] } { (if: $numImps > 0)[ (if: $msgs is "On")[The (if: $numImps > 1)[Imps attack!](else:)[Imp attacks!]] (Display: "Shot by Imp") ] } (Display: "1 1 9 C")(set: $DMG to $wepDMG)(if: $dodging is true)[(set:$DMG to $DMG / 2)] (if: $msgs is "On")[You fire your $weapon at the Imp and deal $DMG damage.] { (if: $numImps is 2)[(set: $impHP2 to $impHP2 - $DMG) (if: $impHP2 <= 0)[The Imp dies.(set: $numImps to $numImps - 1)]] (else_if: $numImps is 1)[(set: $impHP1 to $impHP1 - $DMG) (if: $impHP1 <= 0)[The Imp dies.(set: $numImps to $numImps - 1)]] }{(set: $takenDMG to $numImps * 8) (Display: "Take Damage")}The pathway curves back around into a large room. (Display: "1 1 7")At the end of the [[Zig Zagging path->1 1 9]] you reach another [[large door that you could head through->1 1 11]].{ (if: (count: (history:), "1 1 11") is 0)[The door swings open to reveal a narrower room. The lights flicker just enough to make out the shape of an Imp in front of you. You narrowly dodge its fireball as you [[ready your weapon->1 1 11 C]].(set: $numImps to 1)(set: $impHP1 to 8)] (if: (count: (history:), "1 1 11") is 1)[After fighting off the imp, you scour the room and find some health.(set: $addHP to 60)(Display: "HP Pickup")] } (if: $numImps is 0)[The red lights on the ceiling flicker to reveal the ramshackle metal plating that seperates out the various sections of this room. At the south end, you spot [[a strange looking door->1 1 E]] with a shockingly plain exit sign above it and candelabras on either side. If you don't want to leave just yet, there's always the [[door back->1 1 10]] on the north wall.] COMBAT: You have a $weapon. { (if: $numImps > 1)[There are $numImps Imps in front of you. You could [[fire at them->1 1 11 FireI]] or try to [[dodge->1 1 11 DodgeI]].] (else_if: $numImps is 1)[There is an Imp in front of you. You could [[fire at it a lot->1 1 11 FireI]] or try to [[dodge and shoot a bit->1 1 11 DodgeI]].] } (if: $numZom is 0 and $numImps is 0)[Nothing stands between you and [[your goal->1 1 11]] from here.](set: $dodging to false)(Display: "Shoot Imp") { (if: $numImps > 0)[ (if: $msgs is "On")[The (if: $numImps > 1)[Imps attack!](else:)[Imp attacks!]] (Display: "Shot by Imp") ] } (Display: "1 1 11 C")(set: $dodging to true)(Display: "Shoot Imp") { (if: $numImps > 0)[ (if: $msgs is "On")[The (if: $numImps > 1)[Imps attack!](else:)[Imp attacks!]] (Display: "Shot by Imp") ] } (Display: "1 1 11 C")You head through the strange door into a tiny little room with a [[button on the wall->1 1 E2]].You breathe a sigh of relief as your palm slams down on the button. Once again your vision blurs and seems to melt away, this time revealing a map. "Hangar finished," you tell yourself, "now it's time to get serious." You see the map blink and change to highlight your next target, the [[Nuclear Plant->2 1 1]].That's all for now! Thanks for playing! Maybe I'll make more of this. I dunno, it was pretty fun to figure out a way to create a full combat system in Twine.. If you want, you can go [[back to the menu->The Menu 1]] and fiddle around with stuff, or maybe even play again!You crumple to the ground under the weight of the enemy attacks. Your vision remains just enough to see the horrible monsters that killed you one last time before it [[blurs and washes away->The Menu 1]].