Each turn of the wheel, the rugged lands of High Rock produce <<print $hrockC>> plots.\n\nIn a realm of mighty kingdoms and wandering warriors, the constant struggle of opposing forces fuels the aether just as much as the jubilation of its peaceful, prosperous inhabitants; hence, a balance must be struck between peace and war to gather the most number of plots from this realm.\n\n[[Back|previous()]]
Thank you for playing!\n --Realmskeeper-- \n\ncreated by: Markman
<<nobr>>\n<<if $init eq 1>>\n\n<<if $max_turns < 1>>\n<<set $max_turns = 5>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<set $init = 2>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $newturn eq 1>>\n\n<<set $plotdice = either(1,2,3,4,5,6)>>\n\n<<set $ptreeP += $ptreeC>>\n<<set $hrockP += $hrockC>>\n\n<<set $ptreeA += $ptreeAr>>\n<<set $hrockA += $hrockAr>>\n\n<<if $turns % 2 eq 0>>\n<<set $ptreeB += $ptreeBr>>\n<<set $hrockB += $hrockBr>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $turns > 1>>\n<<set $eventdice = either(1,2,3,4)>>\n<<if $ptreeA-$ptreeB > 0>>\n<<set $hrockB += 2>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $hrockA-$hrockB > 0>>\n<<set $ptreeB += 2>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<set $newturn = 0>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endnobr>>\n[[Turn]] <<print $turns>> of <<print $max_turns>>.\n----\n\nThis is your Sanctuary. From here you can survey all that is entrusted to you.\n\nSteward well, <<print $name>>.\n\n----\n\nPlot pool: <<print $plots>>\nRealms: 2\n\n** Visit [[Palmtree Islands]]\n** Visit [[High Rock]]\n\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $turns < $max_turns>>\n[[End turn|Sanctuary][$turns += 1, $newturn = 1, $ptreeO = 0, $hrockO = 0]]\n<<else>>\n[[End turn|Reckoning]] \n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n----\nView [[credits]].\n[[Abandon|Reckoning]] your watch.
Turn <<print $turns>> of <<print $max_turns>>.\n----\nYou lay your eyes upon the realm of [[Palmtree Islands|ptreeDesc]].\n<<nobr>>\n\n<<if $eventdice eq 4>>\n\n<<if $ptreeB/$ptreeA < 3>>\n<<set $ptreeA += -1>>\n<<set $ptreeB += 1>>\n<<else if $ptreeB/$ptreeA > 3>>\n<<set $ptreeA += 1>>\n<<set $ptreeB += -1>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<else if $eventdice eq 1>>\n<<set $flipcoin = either(0,1)>>\n\n<<if $flipcoin>>\n<<set $ptreeA += 2>>\n<<else>>\n<<set $ptreeA += -2>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $ptreeA <= 0>>\n<<set $ptreeA = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $ptreeB <= 0>>\n<<set $ptreeB = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endnobr>>\n\n[[Populated|usePlots]] isles: <<print $ptreeA>>\n\n[[Pristine|usePlots]] atolls: <<print $ptreeB>>\n\nPalmtree [[plot|ptreePD]] generation rate: <<print $ptreeC>> \n\nCurrent [[plot pool|Harvest]]: <<print $ptreeP>> \n\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $ptreeB/$ptreeA eq 3>>\n\n<<print "Equilibrium: [:::::0:::::]">>\n<<set $ptreeE = 1>>\n<<if $ptreeO eq 0>>\n<<set $ptreeP += 1>>\n<<set $equictr += 1>>\n<<set $ptreeO = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<else if $ptreeB/$ptreeA < 3>>\n<<print "Equilibrium: [::0::::::::]">>\n<<set $ptreeE = 0>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<print "Equilibrium: [::::::::0::]">>\n<<set $ptreeE = 2>>\n\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n----\n\n<<ptreeEqText>>\n\n----\n\nBack to [[Sanctuary]]
-Turns-\n\nTurns are how time is measured in your stewardship of the realms. You may do a lot, or little, during one turn of the great cosmic clock. When your turns run out, your watch ends.\n\n\n[[Back |previous()]]\n\n\n\n
-Plot points-\n\nYou may use your plot points to 'influence' the realms under your care, perhaps steering them towards a state of balance.\n\nYou may influence...\n<<if $plots > 0>>\n** Palmtree's [[tribal population|Palmtree Islands][$ptreeA += 1, $plots -= 1]]\n** Palmtree's [[virgin islands|Palmtree Islands][$ptreeB += 1, $plots -=1]]\n** High Rock's [[struggles|High Rock][$hrockA += 1, $plots -= 1]]\n** High Rock's [[tranquility|High Rock][$hrockB += 1, $plots -= 1]]\n\n[[I changed my mind|previous()]]\n\n<<else>>\n...nothing, for you currently have no plot points to spend.\n\n[[Back|previous()]] \n<<endif>>
Each turn of the tide, the Palmtree Islands produce <<print $ptreeC>> plots.\n\nThe delicate balance between the islands' burgeoning tribal population and its untamed, unspoilt natural riches affect the number of plots you can gather from this realm.\n\n[[Back|previous()]]
<<nobr>>\n<<if $turns > 1>>\n\n<<if $eventdice eq 4>>\n<<print "It is a time of strife. Several neighboring fiefdoms have engaged in open hostilities over border disputes and cattle raiding. With winter approaching, the warring lords have lost their appetite for battle. Open warfare has ceased for a time.">>\n\n<<if $hrockE eq 0>>\n<<print " But the lack of plunder means a tough winter for the populace, and the unfair reward for the peace is an increase in brigand activity. New skirmishes occur as town militias and hired mecenaries deal with highwaymen. ">>\n<<else if $hrockE eq 2>>\n<<print " With the snow's arrival, people cooped up within the town's walls begin to get stir crazy. Bards begin to run out of new material to ply at taverns, and maidens begin to run out of inspiration as they hear no new news of dashing knights and their vigorous exploits in battle. It's going to be a long winter." >>\n<<else>>\n<<print " After some skillful negotiations at court, some of the warring lords have agreed to a proper truce, contingent on some reparations for property damage and a some swapping of land. Of course, given the nature of these nobles, it is only a matter of time before they contest these border claims once more, but for now, what hostilities they wish to impose on each other, they are content to keep within the civilities of court. With bounty aplenty, the new peace is celebrated all winter long with much feasting and song.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<else if $eventdice eq 1>>\n<<print "A frickin' dragon terrorizes the land!">>\n<<if $flipcoin>>\n<<print " Fortunately, warriors arrive from all four corners, willing to heed the calls for a champion. Ambitious nobles, seeking renown and station, also pledge their men-at-arms to drive away the fiery tyrant. Eventually it is defeated, and the victors celebrate, until forces are mustered enough to go back to their usual petty conflicts.">>\n<<else>>\n<<print " It takes unwilling allies a concerted effort to drive it back. In the end, a victory, if bittersweet, is attained. But at least there will be peace for a time, as it will take some before armies can be raised again.">>\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n<<if $hrockE eq 1>>\n<<print "This realm is in a state of equilibrium. There is just enough upheaval and intrigue to keep the warriors busy, while the land is peaceful enough for the commoners to enjoy tales from the battlefield.">>\n<<else if $hrockE eq 2>>\n<<print "There is prosperity and peace throughout the land...too much of it. It's rulers have become fat complacent fools, and its warriors mere drunken tavern brawlers.">>\n<<else>>\n<<print "Near-constant struggle marks the face of the realm. Commoners live in miser, while nobles are all but consumed in their petty turf wars and spite for each other. If this goes on, there will be nothing to left fight over but rubble and corpses.">>\n<<endif>>
--Welcome to Realmskeeper--\n<<set $init = 0>>\nYour have been chosen to be a Realmskeeper, a steward tasked by the Maker to watch over the realms He has created. Your goal is to maintain the realms in a state of equilibrium.\n\n\n[[Begin your tenure as Realmskeeper|realms]]\n
-High Rock-\n\nThis realm is the home of mighty kingdoms and their vast armies, of adventurers seeking fame and fortune, of dragons to be slayed and damsels to be rescued. In High Rock, the peace and prosperity of long-standing nations and newly-founded fiefdoms alike is carefully balanced against the age-old struggle for good and evil...or at least, for coin and territory. This is the balance, lest its dwellers languish in complacency and slide into excess and moral ruin. But of course, too much struggle can also leave kingdoms in ruin, as it loses its riches and its citizens to the flames of war.\n\n[[Back|previous()]]
<<nobr>>\n<<if $init eq 0>>\n<<set $name = prompt("What is thy name, steward?","Nameless One")>>\n<<set $turns = 1>>\n<<set $plots = 1>>\n<<set $eventdice = 0>>\n<<set $plotdice = 0>>\n<<set $equictr = 0>>\n\n<<set $ptreeA = 1>>\n<<set $ptreeAr = 1>>\n<<set $ptreeB = 6>>\n<<set $ptreeBr = 1>>\n<<set $ptreeC = 1>>\n<<set $ptreeP = 0>>\n<<set $ptreeE = 0>>\n<<set $ptreeO = 0>>\n\n<<set $hrockA = 2>>\n<<set $hrockAr = 1>>\n<<set $hrockB = 5>>\n<<set $hrockBr = 2>>\n<<set $hrockC = 1>>\n<<set $hrockP = 0>>\n<<set $hrockE = 0>>\n<<set $hrockO = 0>>\n\n<<set $init = 1>>\n<<set $newturn = 1>>\n\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n\n\nWelcome, <<print $name>>.\nSo you are to be the new steward of these realms...\n\n\nNow, decide how many turns you want to spend in realms.\n<<textinput $max_turns "[[Now then, begin your watch.|Sanctuary]]">>
<<nobr>>\n<<if $turns > 1>>\n\n<<if $eventdice eq 4>>\n<<print "The tribe sent scouts to explore their territory's outskirts. After a tenday at sea, they have returned with news of a previously undiscovered atoll, lush with the fruits of both sea and jungle.">>\n\n<<if $ptreeE eq 0>>\n<<print " Aside from the news, they also returned with new wives. Apparently, inhabiting the atoll was another tribe who, in a gesture of hospitality and friendship, sent back with them its chieftain's own daughter along with her handmaidens to unite their tribes as one. The scouts may be happy with their fortune, but the chief frowns as their already large tribe just got larger--he fears the island might not be able to feed them before long.">>\n<<else if $ptreeE eq 2>>\n<<print " Little did they know that they also brought back with them poisonous mushrooms, which they foraged from the island. After the tribal feast, a number of tribesmen fell ill, and one by one, were found dead." >>\n<<else>>\n<<print " After the scouts have scoured the new atoll and deemed it safe from predators and rival tribesmen, the chieftain then sent part of the tribe, which has been getting a bit too large of late, to settle the new isle.">>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<else if $eventdice eq 1>>\n<<print " This hunting season has been the worst for the tribe.">>\n<<if $flipcoin>>\n<<print " Fortunately, the gatherers have been having better luck, and the tribe was able to stave off starvation. The discouraged hunters, staying home instead of out hunting, have also been 'having better luck' with their wives, resulting in a larger tribe come next year.">>\n<<else>>\n<<print " The tribesmen seem to have competition from a much larger, much more ferocious hunter. Soon, they cross paths with it--a beast of unmatched speed and strength. They were able to subdue it, but not without losses. They take back its carcass to feast on, while they chant in honor of the dead.">>\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n\n<<if $ptreeE eq 1>>\n<<print "This realm is in a state of equilibrium. There are just enough of nature's bounty to sustain the resident tribes.">>\n<<else if $ptreeE eq 2>>\n<<print "The islands are rocked by volcanic eruptions and enormous waves. At the destruction's wake, new islands emerge">>\n<<else>>\n<<print "The tribes are thriving, living off the land well and even venturing out of their territories. It is only a matter of time before they settle every piece of dry land in the archipelago.">>\n<<endif>>
a Connected Worlds simulation by Markman
Everything was done by Markman.\n\n\n[[Back |previous()]]\n
Your time has steward has come to an end.\n\nYour reckoning is upon you.\n\nYou have finished with the following achievements.\n----\nNumber of turns played: <<print $turns>> out of <<print $max_turns>> turns\nEquilibrium score: <<print $equictr>>\n\n\n[[Return|Quit]] to the Real World.
-Harvest plot points-\n<<nobr>>\n<<set $plots += $ptreeP>>\n<<set $ptreeP = 0>>\n<<set $plots += $hrockP>>\n<<set $hrockP = 0>>\n<<endnobr>>\n\nYou harvest the plot points that have accumulated from the realms.\n\n[[Back|previous()]]
-Palmtree Islands-\n\nThis budding realm is one of life and nature--a flourishing tropical archipelago made up of islands and islets, reefs and atolls, each one teeming with flora and fauna. The larger islands are canopied by dense rainforest cover, with some mountain ranges and rolling hills. Here and there, there are flat grasslands where grazing herds run free.\n\nJust as your watch begins, something new also rises from the remote forest clearings and flatlands--a tribe of hunter-gatherers hoping to tame the wildly beautiful land and call it home.\n\n[[Back|previous()]]
Turn <<print $turns>> of <<print $max_turns>>.\n----\nYou set your gaze upon the realm of [[High Rock|hrockDesc]].\n<<nobr>>\n\n<<if $eventdice eq 4>>\n\n<<if $hrockB/$hrockA < 2>>\n<<set $hrockA += -2>>\n<<set $hrockB += 2>>\n<<else if $hrockB/$hrockA > 2>>\n<<set $hrockA += 2>>\n<<set $hrockB += -2>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<else if $eventdice eq 1>>\n<<set $flipcoin = either(0,1)>>\n\n<<if $flipcoin>>\n<<set $hrockA += 2>>\n<<else>>\n<<set $hrockA += -2>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<if $hrockA <= 0>>\n<<set $hrockA = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $hrockB <= 0>>\n<<set $hrockB = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endnobr>>\n\n[[Conflicts|usePlots]] in the realm: <<print $hrockA>>\n\n[[Pacts of truce|usePlots]] in the realm: <<print $hrockB>>\n\nHigh Rock [[plot|hrockPD]] generation rate: <<print $hrockC>> \n\nCurrent [[plot pool|Harvest]]: <<print $hrockP>>\n \n<<nobr>>\n<<if $hrockB/$hrockA eq 2>>\n<<print "Equilibrium: [:::::0:::::]">>\n<<set $hrockE = 1>>\n<<if $hrockO eq 0>>\n<<set $hrockP += 1>>\n<<set $equictr += 1>>\n<<set $hrockO = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<else if $hrockB/$hrockA < 2>>\n<<print "Equilibrium: [::0::::::::]">>\n<<set $hrockE = 0>>\n<<else>>\n<<print "Equilibrium: [::::::::0::]">>\n<<set $hrockE = 2>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n----\n\n<<hrockEqText>>\n\n----\n\nBack to [[Sanctuary]]\n