<iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/6QSymhJXOLE?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=6QSymhJXOLE"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> Looking past the sunflowers and into the kitchen, you can see that someone is standing near the back, rummaging through your cupboards for something. They notice you, (live: 4s)[<blockquote><blockquote>stop,</blockquote></blockquote>](live: 6s)[<blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>then turn towards you.</blockquote></blockquote></blockquote>] (live: 8s)["Good morning."] (live: 10s)[<strike>//Their smile doesn't reach their eyes.//</strike>] (live: 12s)[> [[//Morning.// ->The Person]] > [[//Nnh.// ->The Rebuttal]] > [[//Who are you?// ->The Question]]] (if: $wake is 1)[//Wake up.//] (if: $d is 2)[<strike>//The distant sound of two different screams blurring together jolts you to conciousness. Your heart is racing//</strike>] (if: $d is 3)[You don't remember what you were dreaming about, but you know you're feeling a little bit better than when you fell asleep.] (if: $d is 4)[You jolt awake. You can hear your housemate showering.] (if: $d is 5)[Someone's [[knocking->talkd5]] on your door] (if: $d is 3 or $d is 5)[The quickly disappearing light of the red sunset](else:)[Morning light] filters through a [[regrettably small window]], under which several [[house plants]] reside, taking over a sturdy oak desk. (print:(either: "There's a dresser to the right of the desk, with your things inside. That dresser has lived in this house much longer than you have.", "All four walls are made of white plaster, cracked in places.", "You've done your best to make this room yours.")) A cup of tea, long gone cold, is on the bedside table. It holds down a [[stack of paper]]. A box fan hums pleasantly somewhere else in the house. (if: $wake is 1)[(if: $d is 0)[You can hear the shuffle of someone making breakfast beneath you.](if: $d is 3)[You can hear the shuffle of your housemate getting home beneath you. They're calling for you.]] (print: (either: "A cheap but large mirrior leans against the wall, on top of the dresser. You meet your own gaze.", "The wall behind your head slopes to meet the wall about halfway up. The gentle curve reminds you of an incense holder.", "Your eyes hurt.")) (if: $wake is 1)[(if: $d is 2)[<strike>//You don't remember ever walking back upstairs.//</strike>]] [[Go back to sleep.]] (if: $talk is 1)[[[Go into the hallway. ->Go upstairs.]]](else:)[[[Go into the hallway. ->Leave room.]]] (set: $wake=0)You approach the window, stretching your arms above your head. A dense forest occupies most of the [view]<c1|, populated by a fresh variety of oak and maple, all of it covered in climbing ivy. There is a sizeable section of roof outside of your window as well. It is made of teracotta shingles that slant away from you, but not at such an angle that you would [slide]<c2| right off. It looks hot. From what little you can see of it, the sky is blue and [cloudless]<c3|. (print: (either: "You try to look farther into the forest and see nothing but leaves.", "Something hops from one branch to another, too quickly for you to see what it was.", "You were hoping for rain.", "The forest moves as a unit, swaying with the gentle breeze.", "Your eyes hurt.")) <blockquote>(click: ?c1)[<strike>//The forest is much closer to your window than you remembered it being yesterday.//</strike>]</blockquote> <blockquote><blockquote>(click: ?c2)[<strike>//You could walk out onto it, if you wanted to. You've never tried.//</strike>]</blockquote></blockquote> <blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>(click: ?c3)[<strike>//You're not sure how to feel.//</strike>]</blockquote></blockquote></blockquote> [[Okay. ->INTRO]] (set: $fatigue=$fatigue+1) There are twelve plants sitting on your desk. They are all different specimens in various pots; a few cacti, an aloe, an ivy, and various other succulents. You love them dearly, and have named all of them. There is no space on your desk for anything else. (print: (either: "You check Jane's soil... still slightly damp.", "Bonita is growing plump--she may even branch another barrel soon.", "You notice a few more of Inga's leaves have brown scale. You pluck them, because it's the only thing you can do to prevent the fungus from reaching her roots.", "Nelly has started bending towards the light. You turn her pot the other way.", "Your eyes hurt.", "They are all doing just fine.", "That's alright, because they make you happy.")) (if: $jarE is 1)[You should fill up the jar.] (if: $jarF is 1)[You set down the jar.(set: $jarF=0)] (if: $watered is 1)[You already [[watered ->water]] your plants.](elseif: $watered is 0)[You should [[water]] your plants.] [[Okay. ->INTRO]] There are a lot of things you'll (if: $d is 0)[eventually need to look at](if: $d is 2)[need to look at soon](if: $d is 3)[need to look at tomorrow](if: $d is 4)[need to look at](if: $d is 5)[look at now]. (if: $d is 5)[] [[Okay. ->INTRO]] (set: $fatigue=$fatigue + 1) <iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/rwnpXll_A_E?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=rwnpXll_A_E"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> (set: $fatigue=$fatique-1) //You are asleep//. (live: 4s)[.] (live: 8s)[.] (live: 12s)[.] (live: 16s)[.] (live: 20s)[.] (live: 24s)[.] (live: 28s)[.] (live: 32s)[.] (live: 36s)[.] (live: 40s)[[[Wake up. ->INTRO]]] <iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/hb7qj2YFf1k?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=hb7qj2YFf1k"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> (live:7s)[//Wake up.//] (live:14s)[[[Okay. ->INTRO]]] (set: $watered=0) (set: $showered=0) (set: $alertText to (text-style: "shudder") + (color:"#800000")) (set: $wake=1) (set: $fatigue=0) (set: $talk=0)(if: (history:) contains "The Rebuttal")[//Sure.//](else:)[//Morning.//] "There's coffee, if you want some." > [[//Okay.// ->Coffee]]//Okay.// They move towards you slowly, shuffling their feet in a pair of worn slippers. They hand you a steaming mug of good, dark coffee, with the amount of cream you like already added. > [[//Thank you.// ->Dialogue1]] Your [[bedroom ->INTRO]] is on the second floor, near the top of the stairs. There are 4 other doors besides yours on the second floor. [[Open the door in front of you.]] [[Open the door to your right.]] [[Open the door in the middle of the hall.]] [[Open the door at the other end.]] (if: $d is 2)[[[Go downstairs. ->FRONT HALL2]]](elseif: $d is 3)[[[Go downstairs.->FRONT HALL 3]]](elseif: $d is 4)[[[Go downstairs.->FRONT HALL 4]]](else:)[[[Go downstairs. ->FRONT HALL]]] Just a closet, full of towels and cleaning supplies. It's surprisingly deep. (if:$d is 2)[(if:(history:) contains "BREAKFAST")[You see a plastic first aid kit in the way back. You maneuver it out, knocking around some dusty cleaning supplies in the process.]] (if: $d is 2)[(if: (history:) contains "BREAKFAST")[[[Okay.->Bedroom]]]] (elseif: $talk is 1)[[[Okay. ->Go upstairs.]]] (else:)[[[Okay. ->Leave room.]]](if: $d is 4)[You knock on the door, but they don't hear you over the sounds of the water. You should wait until they're done.] (else:)[A bathroom--a (if: $showered is 0)[[[shower ->shower]]] (elseif: $showered is 1)[shower] to your left, a sink in front of you, the toilet between them. There is a window above the toilet, offering the same view as the window in your bedroom. (if: $jarE is 1)[You fill up your jar in the sink. (set: $jarE=0)(set: $jarF=1)(set: $jarlvl=1)(set: $fatigue=$fatique+1)]] (if: $talk is 1)[[[Okay. ->Go upstairs.]]] (else:)[[[Okay. ->Leave room.]]]It is locked. (if: $talk is 1)[[[Okay. ->Go upstairs.]]] (else:)[[[Okay. ->Leave room.]]](if: $fatigue is >100)[The door opens slowly (final boss). will set fatigue to 101 after certain dream sequence in history] (else:)[It is locked.] (if: $talk is 1)[[[Okay. ->Go upstairs.]]] (else:)[[[Okay. ->Leave room.]]](if: $jarE is 1)[You already picked up the jar. It needs to be filled in the bathroom.] (elseif: $jarE is 0)[There is a small white jar near the back of the desk, hidden by the leaves of a clustered jade. It probably held some sort of oil once. (if: $watered is not 1)[(if: $jarlvl is 1)[You remove its stopper and portion out the water. (set: $watered=1)(set: $jarlvl=0)(set: $fatigue=$fatigue + 1)] (elseif: $jarlvl is 0)[You need to [[fill it]] with water.]]] (else:)[You'll have to water your plants again tomorrow.] [[Okay. ->house plants]] (set: $jarE=1) You pick up the jar. [[Okay. ->house plants]] //Who are you?// The words sit heavy on your tongue, but you do not say them. This person is very familliar. > [[//Morning.// ->The Person]] > [[//Nnh.// ->The Rebuttal]] This game is equal parts fiction and autobiography: it’s up to you to decide which is which, although that is not the purpose of this story. Please use headphones for the duration of the game and play the game in one sitting, if possible. [Okay.]<resp| (click: ?resp)[(replace: ?resp)[<span class="fade">Remember: nothing can harm you. The things you lose are always in the last place you look. You are not dreaming. Even good people have done bad things. Breathe. [[Do not look behind you. ->Wake Up]]</span>]]You walk down the wooden stairs as quietly as possible. You can see that the front door is still locked, so you look to your left. No one is in your small, sparsely-furnished family room. The irony of the name does not esape you. [[Okay. -> DINING ROOM]]You round the corner and continue through the family room into the dining room. There is a heavy wooden table with four chairs. There isn't a tablecloth, but someone placed freshly cut sunflowers in an old milk jug as a centerpiece. [[Okay. ->Good morning.]] //Thank you.// "You're welcome," they reply gently, without any inflection or unspoken meaning. They move past you, towards the front door. You linger in the kitchen doorway and watch them exchange their slippers for a pair of nice leather shoes. When they bend over to tie their laces, they look up at you. "So, what are you doing today?" > [[//Probably nothing.// ->GAns]] > [[//I'm not sure.// ->NAns]] > [[//I'm going with you.// ->BAns]] //Probably nothing.// You put your cup down on the kitchen table and watch the steam rise off the top. The person who gave you the coffee lets out a small chuckle and stands back up. They suddenly seem very tall, and they are still smiling. "Alright. I'll see you later, then. There's to-do list for you on the fridge." [[//Okay.// ->House]] //I'm not sure.// You take a sip of your coffee, but set it down on the table. You feel a bit embarassed, and you've almost lost your appetite. The person who gave you the coffee lets out a small chuckle and stands back up. They suddenly seem very tall, and they are still smiling. "You'll figure something out. I'll see you later, then. Oh, and there's to-do list for you on the fridge." [[//Okay.// ->House]] (set: $irritation to $irritation + 1) //I'm going with you.// You put your cup down on the kitchen table. You know you have a pair of shoes //somewhere//, if you could just find them, then-- The person who gave you the coffee lets out a small chuckle and stands back up. They suddenly seem very tall, and they are still smiling. "That's a good one. There's to-do list for you on the fridge. I'll see you later, [alright?]<s1|" (click: ?s1)[[I...]<s2| ] (click: ?s2)[[but...]<s3| ] (click: ?s3)[[I wasn't...]<s4| ] (click: ?s4)[[...]<s5| ](click: ?s5)[[...]<s6| ](click: ?s6)[[...]<s7| ] (click: ?s7)[[[//Okay.// ->House]]] //Nnh.// They laugh shallowly. Their smile quirks upwards in benign amusement. You suddenly feel rather childish. "Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed, huh?" > [[//Sure.// ->The Person]] (set: $irritation to $irritation + 1)<iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/VLMbtJCiOG4?autoplay=1"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> (set: $fatigue to $fatigue+2) (live: 8s)[[[//Okay.// ->FAMILY ROOM]]]<iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/5slKNvD4huY?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=5slKNvD4huY"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> You turn on the shower and undress. When the temperature is right, you move under the stream. (print: (either: "This feels nice.", "You drift off for a few minutes.", "You contemplate sitting down.", "You focus on the sound of the water.", "You focus on your breathing.", "Your eyes hurt.")) (set: $showered=1) (set: $fatigue=$fatigue-1) (live:10s)[[[//Okay.// ->Open the door to your right.]]](if: $d is 4)[You move through the family room and dining room, still feeling intermittent shaking through the floor with the soles of your bare feet. The sunflowers have been knocked over. [[//Okay.//->KITCHEN]]] (else:)[You are standing in the family room, alone. (if: $d is 2)[You're kind of hungry.] [[Open the front door.]] [[Sit down on the couch.]] [[Go into the dining room.]] [[Go upstairs.]] ] (set: $talk=1)It is locked. [[Okay. ->FAMILY ROOM]] (set: $fatigue=$fatigue+1)You sink into the three-person sofa. It's very comfortable. (if: $d is 0)[(if: (history:) contains "jump1")[You're exhausted. [//Okay.//]<c1| (click: ?c1)[[...]<c2|] (click: ?c2)[[...]<c3|] (click: ?c3)[[[... ->dream1]]]] (else:)[You're tired, but not enough to fall asleep yet. [[//Okay.// ->FAMILY ROOM]]]] (else:)[You could watch something on TV, maybe? [[Turn on the TV.]] [[Stand up.->FAMILY ROOM]]] You're in the dining room. It's not seperated from the kitchen or family room by any real demarkation, but it's the dining room nonetheless. There is heavy wooden table with four chairs in the center of the room. It doesn't have a tablecloth, but someone placed (if: $d is 0)[fresh](if:$d is 2)[day-old](if:$d is 3)[wilting](if:$d is 4)[withered](if:$d is 5)[dead] sunflowers in an old milk jug as a centerpiece. (if: $d is 0)[(if: $coffee is 0)[Your cup of [[coffee ->drink coffee]] is sitting on the edge of the table. It's no longer steaming, but it's probably still hot.]] (if:$d is 2)[(if:(history:) contains "BREAKFAST")[Your half-finished breakfast is near your pulled out-chair.]] [[Go into the kitchen. ->KITCHEN]] [[Go into the family room. ->FAMILY ROOM]] Your [[bedroom ->INTRO]] is on the second floor, at the top of the stairs. There are 4 other doors besides yours on the second floor. [[Open the door in front of you.]] [[Open the door to your right.]] [[Open the door in the middle of the hall.]] [[Open the door at the other end.]] [[Go downstairs. ->FAMILY ROOM]] (set: $fatigue=$fatigue-1) (set: $coffee=1) You sit down at the table and slowly sip your cup of coffee while looking out the wide bay window. The view isn't much; just the grey siding of what you assume is another house and some sparse ivy trailing up it. The coffee is good, though. [[Okay. ->Go into the dining room.]] (if:$d is 4)[<iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/wEMn4Seq0s8?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=wEMn4Seq0s8"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> In the kitchen, there's no broken glass (if: (history:) contains "Go back upstairs.")[or signs of a hurt animal]. Everything is perfectly in place, as it's always been. You must've been drḛ̏aming̶̛̻̭̣̽̕. You hear something below you scraping against the cement. You move towards the basement door. [[Okay.->Open the door.]]] (else:)[<iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/Vsp9etBnVZY?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=Vsp9etBnVZY"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> You walk into the kitchen. It's very clean, with checkered tile floors and green laminate countertops. It has all the things kitchens usualy do; a double-basined sink, lots of cupboards, an oven and stove, a white magnetic (if: $d is 0)[[refridgerator]<c1|](else:)[refridgerator]. There's a door hidden right out of view to the right of the fridge, painted the same color as the walls. You would have missed it if you didn't already know it was there. (click: ?c1)[Someone wrote something on a post-it note and stuck it to the fridge. It reads, "To do: water your plants, do the dishes, check on the laundry. Try not to fall asleep on the couch again. I love you." There was something else, too, but it was erased.] [[Leave the kitchen. ->Go into the dining room.]] [[Check the fridge.]] [[Check the cupboards.]] [[Check the sink.]] [[Open the door.]]] (set: $alertText to (text-style: "shudder") + (color:"#800000")) (if: $d is 2)[You have a lot of breakfast options. You're in the mood for... [[eggs.]] [[pancakes.]] [[yogurt and fresh fruit.]] [[nothing.->KITCHEN]]] (elseif: (history:) contains "BREAKFAST")[(print: (either: "Well, that's interesting.", "You were hoping there'd be cake.", "There's a ton of fresh fruit in here.", "There are a few containers of leftovers, nothing too fancy.", "Maybe you should eat? Nah.", "Milk, cream, eggs, cheese. Staples are calles staples for a reason.", "You thought you had orange juice, but it's not in here.", "Maybe you should buy some vegtables.", "What did you expect to find?", "Your eyes hurt")) [[//Okay.//->KITCHEN]]] (else:)[(print: (either: "Well, that's interesting.", "You were hoping there'd be cake.", "There's a ton of fresh fruit in here.", "There are a few containers of leftovers, nothing too fancy.", "Maybe you should eat? Nah.", "Milk, cream, eggs, cheese. Staples are calles staples for a reason.", "You thought you had orange juice, but it's not in here.", "Maybe you should buy some vegtables.", "What did you expect to find?", "Your eyes hurt")) [[//Okay.//->KITCHEN]]] You open a cupboard at random. (print: (either: "Nothing in here but pots.", "Nothing in here but pans.", "Nothing in here but plates and bowls.", "Nothing in here but cups.", "There are utensils in this one.", "Your eyes hurt.", "Wow, that's a lot of canned goods.", "You must really like cereal.", "What did you expect to find?", "Nothing in here but tupperware.", "This one's stuffed with smaller kitchen appliances.")) [[//Okay.// ->KITCHEN]] You open the semi-hidden door behind the fridge, revealing a narrow, steep staircase that winds behind the wall and beneath the house. (if: $d is 4)[[[Go down the stairs.->BASEMENT2]]](elseif: (history:) contains "jump1")[[[Go down the stairs. ->BASEMENT]]](else:)[[[Go down the stairs.]]] [[Go back to the kitchen. ->KITCHEN]] <iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/w11UJMFtUts?autoplay=1"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> You descend slowly, each step you take making the wood under you creak. You move your hand along the wall, both to steady yourself and to feel for a light switch, if there is one. (live: 5s)[<blockquote><strike>//You don't remember this part of your house.//</strike></blockquote>] (live: 10s)[<blockquote><blockquote><strike>//You haven't remembered a lot of things lately.//</strike></blockquote></blockquote>] (live: 15s)[<blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><strike>//Why haven't you been able to remember things?//</strike></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote>] (live: 20s)[You reach the bottom of the stairs.] (live: 22s)[[[Okay. ->BASEMENT]]] (if: (history:) contains "jump1")[There's a huge heating unit in the back corner, and a washer/dryer unit set up against the left wall. It shudders in place, just doing it's job. There's an empty laundry hamper next to it. [[Go back upstairs. ->KITCHEN]]] (else:)[[You grope blindly in the dark.]<c1|(click: ?c1)[(replace: ?c1)[[You find a light switch.]<c2|(click: ?c2)[(replace: ?c2)[[You turn on the light.]<c3|(click: ?c3)[(replace: ?c3)[It's a perfectly normal unfinished basement. You can't believe you were that worked up over nothing. There's a huge heating unit in the back corner, and a washer/dryer unit set up against the left wall. It shudders in place, just doing it's job. There's an empty laundry hamper next to it. [[Go back upstairs. ->jump1]]]]]]]]] <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/kvvr5l6drhwgs9fozubmqmdsu5xf2p6j.css" type="text/css" /> <iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/6FtLvzdPJmM?autoplay=1"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> You walk back upstairs. (set: $fatigue=$fatigue+3) <blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>$alertText[(live: 3s)[[[//Okay.// ->KITCHEN]]]]</blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote><iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/hFGrd35miFw?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=hFGrd35miFw"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> (live:6s)[You're standing in a very large field of wheat.] (live:9s)[There is nothing but rolling wheat and blue sky as far as you can see.] (live:12s)[It comes up to your fingertips; it's soft, and brushes against your legs in the light breeze. You are warm. You are content.] (live:15s)[You feel very light, almost like you used to when you were younger and still unknown to the feeling of waking up tired.] (live:21s)[[Move forward.]<c1|(click:?c1)[(replace:?c1)[You walk slowly forward, trailing your hands through the wheat. Everything is good. ]] [Stand still.]<c2|(click:?c2)[(replace:?c2)[You stand still, tilt your face upwards, and close your eyes. The sun feels even better than you could've hoped. ]] [[Look behind you.]]]<iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/TqaDdrOGRnU?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=TqaDdrOGRnU"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> [//You were told to not do that.//]<ok| (click:?ok)[You notice something on the furthest end of your view, something vaguely human, but you're not close enough to be sure. It stands right where the field meets the sky, as if someone tore through the background. The light bends around it strangely, and it makes your head ache just trying to look at it; a greyed-out hole where a body should've been. [//Okay.//]<c1|] (click:?c1)[(replace:?c1)[//It notices you noticing it.// [//Okay.//]<c2|]] (click:?c2)[(replace:?c2)[//Every waving stalk of wheat goes still.// [//Okay.//]<c3|]] (click:?c3)[(replace:?c3)[//It is suddenly much, much closer.// [//Okay.//]<c4|]] (click:?c4)[(replace:?c4)[//It has many eyes.// [//Okay.//]<c5|]] (click:?c5)[(replace:?c5)[<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/9qdrvqdx33d2rjk70yzrpo8etjq8zx84.css" type="text/css" /> ["Hey! Over here!"]<c6|]] (click:?c6)[You turn around suddenly. A person is running towards you, shouting and waving their hands frantically above their head. You've never seen them before in your life. "Don't just stand there! Run! [//Run!//]<c7|"] (click:?c7)[The dread coiling in your pit of your stomach rises rapidly into your throat, making you gag. The thing breathes wetly, behind you, so close now; you can hear the slick pop of it's bones sliding against each other. You fight back the bile in your throat. It [burns.]<c8|] (click:?c8)[You reach forward and try to [move]<c9|,] (click:?c9)[but your legs [give out]<c10| beneath you.] (click:?c10)[You open your mouth to [scream]<c11| for help,] (click:?c11)[but you can't make a [sound]<c12|.] (click:?c12)[The edges of your vision start to fade to black. <blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>[[//Okay.// ->IT]]</blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote>] <iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/paRR1vXGgck?autoplay=1"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> (live:3s)[It is standing over you, gurgling like it's trying to speak even though it has no mouth. With every inhuman retch, viscous grey tar seeps into the soil, expelled from its melting skin. <slash>//It drips down your back, down your arms, down your face.//</slash>] (live:6s)[Everything around you is withered and lifeless. Steam rises where the sludge has touched the ground.] (live:9s)[You are kneeling face down in the dead grass, paralyzed.] (live:12s)[The thing curls up against your spine, and wraps its heavy arms around your ribcage. The claws that bite into your shoulders feel like more like human teeth.] (live:18s)[You are tired. You are terrified. There is nothing you can do. //It inhales slow and deep.// $alertText[[[//Okay.// ->FIGHT]]]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> ["GRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!"]<c1| (click:?c1)[The other person is suddenly there, dragging the shrieking thing off of you bodily. You are thrown onto your back with the force of it, and you cover your face with your hands to avoid looking at the thing directly. You hear another battle cry, and the quick sound of something slicing through meat. The creature wails. You refuse to look at it. The stranger grabs you, hauling you to our feet. "Alright, come on! We have to go!" Against your will, you've opened your eyes. You meet the gaze of the person who's still holding you upright. For a moment, they smile. It is open and honest, and their eyes hold yours without fear. "It's okay." [[Believe them.->okay]] [[Do not.]]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> An unholy sound interrupts your moment of respite. You both turn towards the thing, writhing and screaming in the dirt. Its shape is unstable; it is constantly shifting and shuddering as it tries to stretch towards you. It is bound in place by the sharp edge of a shield, stabbed through the thing's back and deep into the ground. You just notice that the stranger is almost glowing compared to the rapidly dimming landscape. The earth starts to shake beneath you. The entire field shrivels and dies around you. The thing starts swelling. "You have to go, I can't hold it here for much longer." You're transfixed by its grotesque movements. You're so confused. You try to speak, but you're cut off by the other person as they pull you away from the scene. They put both hand on your shoulders. You don't usually find this gesture so comforting. "Don't worry, you'll find me again. There's still a lot you'll need to learn if we're going to defeat this, but you're not going to do it alone." Their voice is steady and warm, and the world around you has started to fade to white. They place the palm of their hand on your forehead. [["Wake up." ->Wake Up]] (set: $d=2)You walk down the wooden stairs as quietly as possible. (live: 2s)["Good morning, sleepyhead."] (live: 4s)[The person who made you coffee yesterday is at the bottom of the stairs. They're holding themselves at an odd angle, but they're already dressed to leave. You must've slept in later than usual. You pause mid-step. "I told you not to fall asleep on the couch." > [[//I know, I'm sorry.// ->Gans2]] > [[//I didn't mean to.// ->Nans2]] > [[//So what?// ->Bans2]]](if: $dishes is 0)[There are a few dishes in the sink; nothing too arduous. You wash them off quickly, dry them, and put them away. [[//Okay.// ->KITCHEN]] (set: $fatigue=$fatigue+1)(set: $dishes=1)] (else:)[There's nothing in the sink. [[//Okay.// ->KITCHEN]]] //I know, I'm sorry.// "It's okay, but you really have to listen to what I tell you. I nearly put out my back getting you into bed--it's still killing me, actually. But what's worse was the panic you put me through." Oh no, they're speaking softly. You take a step back. "Can you imagine what it feels like to come home and find you face down on the couch? I can't tell if you're dead or sleeping. I already worry becasue I can't be here to watch you all day, but what if you were having an episode, like last time, and I was too late?" <strike>//You don't remember last time.//</strike> "I have to go, but next time, //please// listen to me, okay? You know that I love you. I want you to get better." <strike>//You don't remember being worse.//</strike> You hesitate. You realize they're expecting an answer. (live:15s)[> [[//Okay.//->House]]]//I didn't mean to.// "I know you didn't, but you really have to listen to what I tell you. I nearly put out my back getting you into bed--it's still killing me, actually. But what's worse was the panic you put me through." Oh no, they're concerned. You take a step back. "Can you imagine what it feels like to come home and find you face down on the couch? I can't tell if you're dead or sleeping. I already worry becasue I can't be here to watch you all day, but what if you were having an episode, like [last time]<c1|, and I was too late?" (click:?c1)[<strike>//You don't remember last time.//</strike>] "I have to go, but next time, //please// listen to me, okay? You know that I love you. I want you to get [better]<c2|." (Click:?c2)[<strike>//You don't remember being worse.//</strike>] You hesitate. You realize they're expecting an answer. (live:15s)[> [[//Okay.//->House]]]//So what?// (set:$irritation=$iritation+1)"So //what//? I nearly put out my back getting you into bed--it's still killing me, actually. I can't take care of the both of us if I get hurt, too. But what's worse was the panic you put me through." Oh no, they're angry. You take a step backwards. "Can you imagine what it feels like to come home and find you face down on the couch? I can't tell if you're dead or sleeping. I already worry becasue I can't be here to watch you all day, but what if you were having an episode, like last time, and I was too late?" <strike>//You don't remember last time.//</strike> They take a deep breath, rubbing the bridge of their nose with one hand and their back with the other. "I have to go, but next time, //please// listen to me, okay? You know that I love you. I want you to get better." <strike>//You don't remember being worse.//</strike> You hesitate. You realize they're expecting an answer. "Look, I'm already in a bad mood--don't make it worse." (live:15s)[> [[//Okay.//->House]]]<iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/s68O2YrZTPk?autoplay=1"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> (set: $alertText to (text-style: "shudder") + (color:"#800000")) (live:9s)[> //It's over now, for the both of us.//] (live:12s)[<blockquote><blockquote>//The thing stands raggedly, limbs spasming as is tries to hold together the rapidly deteriorating mindscape.//</blockquote></blockquote>] (live:15s)[$alertText["After everything I've done for you? I built all of this for you! For us! You won't be able to survive out there, don't you see?"]] (live: 17s)[[//No.//]<c1|] (click: ?c1)[<blockquote><blockquote>//You strike. Grey tar flings from the creature's body, aiming to blind you, but you raise your sheild high.//</blockquote></blockquote> $alertText["I love you! I did all of this because //I love you//!"] [//No.//]<c2|] (click: ?c2)[<blockquote><blockquote>//You strike again, hitting bone. The slick squelch of you withdrawing your blade is covered by the thing's wet, wounded shreiking.//</blockquote></blockquote> $alertText["You don't know what you're doing! You're ruining everything!"] [//No.//]<c3|] (click: ?c3)[<blockquote><blockquote>//It sways from side to side, drawing in great, rasping breaths. Its body is destabilizing, bleeding heavy rivers of its internal tar. Its eyes are all focused on you, red and watery. It shudders as it speaks.//</blockquote></blockquote> $alertText["You'd... you'd be nothing without me. You need me."] [//No.//]<c4|] (click: ?c4)[<blockquote><blockquote>//It suddenly surges forward, catching you off guard. It tries to use what little body mass it has left to smother you, but you do not look away. It's eyes are hovering inches from your face, and it reeks of chemical sweeteners and rotting meat. This close, you can hear something under it's skin buzzing. It presses down on you, screaming from all angles.//</blockquote></blockquote> $alertText["You need me, don't you understand? YOU NEED ME! //YOU NEED ME!//"] [//No.//]<c5|] (click: ?c5)[<blockquote><blockquote>//You use all of your strength to lift it off the ground and throw it off you. It lands heavily, something inside it becoming dislodged. You raise your sword high. It twitches, reaching towards you feebly.//</blockquote></blockquote> $alertText["You... need..."] [//No.//]<c6|] (click: ?c6)[<blockquote><blockquote>//You bring your sword down.//</blockquote></blockquote>] (live:60s)[_______________________________________________________________] (live: 65s)[<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/go99j5s6ky5boltqz0u5dygrjbru1q8h.css" type="text/css" />] (live: 65s)["So that was it, huh?"] (live: 71s)[//Yes. We're so proud of you.//] (live: 74s)["Thank you... thank you both."] (live: 77s)[//We didn't do anything, really. This was a fate you made for yourself.//] (live: 80s)["So what happens now?"] (live:83s)[//That's for you to decide. The door is open.//] (live:89s)["I'm... I'm scared."] (live:95s)[//Being afraid is inevitable--don't let it keep you from living.//] (live:101s)["Yeah... I won't. At least, I'll try"] (live:107s)[//I'm glad.//] (live:116s)["...So, what's going to happen to you two?"] (live:122s)[//We don't have much time left.//] (live:128s)["Can't you come with me?"] (live:134s)[//Don't worry. We will never leave you. We never did.//] (live:143s)["I'm... I'm going to miss you."] (live: 152s)[[[//Okay.// ->END]]]<iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/hb7qj2YFf1k?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=hb7qj2YFf1k"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> (live:7s)[//Spring makes us sleepy. So let’s sleep. We are apart, but separation can be healed by sleeping. Perhaps we may meet each other in a dream.// <blockquote><blockquote>- Marina Tsvetaeva</blockquote></blockquote>] (live:12s)[ //"Okay." was written and developed by Haley Fox (2015). All sounds are used under the Creative Commons Act. Thank you for playing, and good night.//]<iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/S0UUTc8R_tk?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=S0UUTc8R_tk"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> (live: 3s)[//Wake up.//] (live: 6s)[Early morning light filters through a regrettably small window, under which several house plants reside, taking over a sturdy oak desk.] (live: 9s)[There is a person and a dog on either side of you in your bed, and you throw your arms around them gladly. They hold you for just a moment, exhilarated and overjoyed at your success.] (live: 12s)["I can't believe--" <b>//After all this time, it's finally the end of days.//</b> Your sword's tail is wagging so hard, it knocks the old cup of tea on your bedside table onto those papers you needed to look at. You hardly care.] (live: 15s)[With a final squeeze, you let the both of them go. Your sheild is the first to stand, and they help you up when you extend your hand towards them. "Are you ready?" your sheild asks, positioning themselves on your left. <b>//Yes! Come on, I'm going to rip it's throat out,//</b> your sword growls at your right. You laugh at your sword's overzealousness, suddenly filled with clarity and a satisfied sort of feeling you distantly realize is hope.] (live: 20s)[With solemnity, you bring your hand to your beating heart, confident in your control over this dream to allow the three of you to work as one.] (live: 25s)[Without needing to speak, they know.] (live:27s)[You hear someone open the front door. [[//Okay.// ->FINALE1]]]You rush down the stairs, interrupting the monster in human skin who just walked back in the house. <blockquote><strike>//Their face is familliar because it is yours.//</strike></blockquote> They hastily lock the door behind them and press back against it. "What's going on?" (live:6s)[You walk down the stairs with purpose. > //You can't keep me here any more.//] (live: 8s)[The person is taken aback at your sudden strength; your sword is in your right hand, your sheild in your left.] (live: 10s)[> //This place is mine,// you shout, three voices becoming one. //My body is mine. My will is mine. My mind is mine. Neither you nor I belong here. It's time to end this.//] (live: 12s)[The person //laughs.// Their body bends backwards with the force of it, suddenly cracking and twisting into an inhuman form. Eyes open on their skin, their smiling mouth leaking black bile. Its voice is demonic, emenating from all areas of its body. $alertText[//You think just because you learned how to play this game you can win it? You've already lost so many times before, this time won't be any different!//]] (live: 18s)[It lunges at you.] (live:19s)[Parrying the blow, you don't allow yourself to be cornered as you back into the family room. You slam them with your sheild, throwing their oozing form onto the kitchen table and breaking it with the impact. Your run to the front door, desparately janking the doorknob. //It's no use!// <b>//We have to destory it!//</b>] (live:24s)[You turn just in time to dodge a peice of the table thrown at your head. Moving on the offensive, you slash at the creature with all your might, tearing chunks from its amorphous body. Something is different this time. You can tell it's already grown weary of your battle. You have a chance. [[//Okay.//->FINALE2]]](print: (either: "It's a cooking show about cupcakes! All of the contestants are dogs.", "It's a quiz show--no, it's a game show! No, it's a quiz show. Both?", "It's a morning talk show. You watch for a few minutes, but all the hosts just keep laughing and not saying anything.", "It's some sort of cop-drama... but all of the cops are dogs.", "It's a kids cartoon you used to watch when you were younger.", "It's an infomercial! Neat!")) This doesn't interest you at all. [[Okay.->Sit down on the couch.]]You grab the egg carton from the top shelf, a bit of butter, some pepper from the cupboard behind you. You don't know how to cook much but eggs are easy. You turn on the stove, grab a clean pan, sizzle a little butter and crack your eggs in, one-handed, one at a time. [[You use your spatula to break the yolk, scrambling the eggs lightly.->BREAKFAST]] [[You turn the eggs over, nice and easy.->BREAKFAST]] [[You let the whites fry up to a golden, bubbly film.->BREAKFAST]] (set: $bfast to "eggs")You grab the premade batter from the middle shelf, and bit of butter as well. You turn on the stove, grab a clean pan, sizzle a little butter and pour your pancakes in, one at a time. [[You decide to add some chocolate chips before you turn them over.->BREAKFAST]] [[You decide to add some frozen blueberries before you turn them over.->BREAKFAST]] [[You decide to add some cinnamon and walnuts before you turn them over.->BREAKFAST]] (set: $bfast to "pancakes")You grab the carton of vanilla yogurt from the door. There's not much left, so you'll eat it straight from the container. You grab a little honey from the cupboard, and a spoon. [[You also grab an apple from the fridge to cut up into your yogurt.->BREAKFAST]] [[There are some frozen blueberries in the freezer--perfect.->BREAKFAST]] [[The fresh strawberries in the crisping drawer are the way to go.->BREAKFAST]] (set: $bfast to "yogurt")<iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/AsvhQ-soLdg?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=AsvhQ-soLdg"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> You take your food and sit at the kitchen table. The sunflowers face the windows, their large heads just beginning to droop. You notice the windows all have pin locks to help keep them open in the summertime. Over breakfast, you think about last night’s dream. You’ve not usually able to remember them so well, and even though your memories of last night are hazy at best, you remember meeting someone nice. You used to be really good at remembering your dreams when you were younger. You take another bite and accidentally [nip your cheek]<c2|. (click: ?c2)[<blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><strike>//An unholy sound interrupts your moment of respite. You both turn towards the thing, writhing and screaming in the dirt... It is bound in place by the sharp edge of a shield, stabbed through the thing's back and deep into the ground.//</strike></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote> (live: 8s)[You blink a few times to get the [fog]<c1| out of your eyes.] (click: ?c1)[<strike>"Don't worry, you'll find me again."</strike>] (live: 12s)[You suddenly have a headache. There's some pain medicine in the closet upstairs. You should go find it. [[Okay.->Go into the dining room.]]]]Kit in hand, you go into your bedroom and sit on the bed. You fish around for the bottle of off-brand pills, and take two when you find them. There are a few other things in the kit; gauze and tape, tweezers, decongestants, a thermometer, and sleep aids. [Tempting.]<c1| (click: ?c1)[//Just a quick nap,// you rationalize. //Just to try to remember that dream.// You pop a few capsules and lay down. The afternoon birdsong outside your window seranades you to sleep. [[Okay.->dream2]]]<iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/FrjytIKDIPw?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=S9m3aEaG0uo"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> (live: 6s)[You are again amongst the wheat.] (live: 9s)[Again it is warm and good, and you are not tired.] (live: 12s)[You can feel your toes squish in the soft earth beneath you, something within the very ground compelling you to move forward.] (live: 21s)[As you reach the top of a gentle hill, you notice a large circle of land below you has been filled with pressed, dry dirt. There's someone standing in the center, looking back at you. They wave.] (live: 24s)[You run unrestrained down the hill, letting your arms trail beside you for balance. The closer you get, the closer you feel you might trip and fall, but you can see the person is your friend you saved you in the last dream.] (live: 27s)["Hello, there!" They hail you joyously, not even bothering to tell you to slow down as you barrel into their open arms. The force of it knocks you both back into the dust, but neither of you are hurt. You lay there, laughing. Your friend turns onto their side and looks to you, still catching your breath. "I told you you'd find me again." > [//Yeah.//]<c1| (click: ?c1)["I'm glad you're okay." > [//... yeah.//]<c2|] (click: ?c2)[> [[//What was that monster?//->what]] > [[//How did you get away?//->how]] > [[//What is this place?//->what2]]]] <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> //What was that monster?// They grimace, and roll onto their back to stare up at the sky. "That was... a problem." The glance over to you with a smile. "It was my problem, now it's your problem!" You blanch. They chuckle. "Sorry, I should have said, 'now it's //our// problem.' Problems are always better tackled in pairs. That's why you're here now." You begin to explain that you don't know what they mean, but they interrupt you. "We're going to do a little training today, so next time you encounter our problem, you'll know how to handle it until I can get to you. I'm lucky I was able to find you so quickly last time, usually I'm too late." > [[//Usually?//->Usually?]] > [[//Training?//->Training?]] > [[//Next time!?//->Next time!?]] <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> //How did you get away?// They grimace, and roll onto their back to stare up at the sky. "That answer is pretty complex; there are a lot of compositional theoretics involved in dream mapping. But, you've probably already figured out you're not exactly dealing with a one-dimensional problem here." The glance over to you with a smile. "It //was// my problem. Now it's your problem!" You blanch. They chuckle. "Sorry, I should have said, 'now it's //our// problem.' Problems are always better tackled in pairs. That's why you're here now." You begin to explain that you don't know what they mean, but they interrupt you. "We're going to do a little training today, so next time you encounter our problem, you'll know how to handle it until I can get to you. I'm lucky I was able to find you so quickly last time, usually I'm too late." > [[//Usually?//->Usually?]] > [[//Training?//->Training?]] > [[//Next time!?//->Next time!?]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> //What is this place?// They shrug, and roll onto their back to stare up at the sky. "This is a dream. A reoccouring dream, now. The more times you have a specific dream, the more details it can sustain. Last time you were having a completely normal base dream, until a problem showed up." The glance over to you with a smile. "It was my problem. Now it's your problem!" You blanch. They chuckle. "Sorry, I should have said, 'now it's //our// problem.' Problems are always better tackled in pairs. That's why you're here now." You begin to explain that you don't know what they mean, but they interrupt you. "We're going to do a little training today, so next time you encounter our problem, you'll know how to handle it until I can get to you. I'm lucky I was able to find you so quickly last time, usually I'm too late." > [[//Usually?//->Usually?]] > [[//Training?//->Training?]] > [[//Next time!?//->Next time!?]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> //Usually?// Their eyes crinkle as they smile. "Of course, you focus on that part. Don't worry, I got you this time. That's what matters." They push themselves to stand, looking over the dreamscape fondly. They turn to you, extendig a hand and pulling you up as well. "C'mon! It's time to start your training!" > [[//A-alright?//->TRAINING]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> //Training?// Their eyes crinkle as they smile. "Of course! There are certain things you need to know how to do to stick around in a dream. Naturally, you'll probably get kicked out of here soon--you've never exerted your will within a dream before, and REM cycles only last 90 minutes at best. You're not exactly an experienced dreamer, so we should use our time wisely!" They push themselves to stand, looking over the dreamscape fondly. They turn to you, extendig a hand and pulling you up as well. "C'mon! It's time to start your training!" > [[//A-alright?//->TRAINING]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> //Next time!?// Their eyes crinkle as they smile. "What, you scared?" You look away. They push themselves to stand, looking over the dreamscape fondly. They turn to you, extendig a hand and pulling you up as well. "C'mon, don't worry! I'm here to help you. Let's start your training!" > [[//A-alright?//->TRAINING]]<iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/kUmNRW9dUGI?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=S9m3aEaG0uo"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> They run back a ways from you. There’s suddenly a heavy kite shield attached to their arm, and they use the sharp bottom edge to draw a circle around them in the dirt. "These will be your proving grounds!" they yell proudly. "I'm more of a defense specialist myself, but I know how to get busy in a fight." You dust yourself off while they explain. "When you're in a dream you have the control to exhert your will over the physical landscape. You can change gravity, heal wounds, even slow down time! However, I can’t teach you any of that. That’ll come naturally. But what I can teach you, is self-defense." You flash them a thumbs-up. "Right! Let’s start with something simple--imagine your weapon." You draw a blank on what weapon would suit you best, but try to imagine a small, simple sword in your hand. Nothing appears. "Um, how's it going?" [//I'm trying my best!//]<c1|(click:?c1)[ "Um, maybe think... harder?" ] [//It's not working!//]<c2| (click:?c2)["Well, here, catch!" They lob a wooden staff your way, and you just manage to catch it before it hits the ground. "Use that, then. We'll work on object creation later." The staff itsn't too heavy, only about half as thick as your wrist. Not as cool as a sword, but it'll do. "I'm going to stay inside this cicrle, and you're going to try to knock me out of it! Simple enough?" You nod, swishing the staff back and forth. "Alright! Let's go!" [[Run at them.]] [[Pace around them.]]]<iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/vdE3R3BeH-I?autoplay=1&amp"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> You slam your door closed. Falling back onto your bed, you [groan]<c1| in frustration and press the palms of your hands into your eyesockets. You let your breathing even out, mind still [reeling]<c2|. <blockquote>(click: ?c1)[<strike>//An ugly sound.//</strike>]</blockquote> <blockquote><blockquote>(click: ?c2)[<strike>//A horrible feeling.//</strike>]</blockquote></blockquote> You're so [confused]<c3|. <blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>(click: ?c3)[<strike>//Why is this happening?//</strike>]</blockquote></blockquote></blockquote> You're so [disoriented]<c4|. <blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>(click: ?c4)[<strike>//What went so wrong?//</strike>]</blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote> You're so [//angry//]<c5|. (click: ?c5)[$alertText[//Crash!//] You hear the sound of glass breaking beneath you. [[Okay.->choice]]]You sit up, staring at the door. You stay quiet; you do not hear your roomate get out of bed. You hesitate. [[Get up and lock the door.]] [[Go check it out.]]<iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/Rh0N-hlIJYU?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=Rh0N-hlIJYU"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> You get out of bed, quietly, and turn the lock on your door. As it clicks heavily into place, you can just make out something swish lightly on the other side, breathing low and steady, and the faint sound of claws catching on the carpeting. You crawl back under the covers, trying not to make a sound. You don't sleep well. [[Okay.->Wake Up]] (set:$d=4)You peel yourself out of bed and put on a light sweater and some slippers. Carefully, you open your door and peek into the hallway. There's nothing upstairs. [[Go back to bed.]] [[Go downstairs.]] <iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/Rh0N-hlIJYU?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=Rh0N-hlIJYU"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> You close the door, too disoriented by everything that just happened to deal with anything else. Whatever it is, you can look into it tomorrow. You turn the lock on your door. As it clicks heavily into place, you can just make out something swish lightly on the other side, breathing low and steady, and the faint sound of claws catching on the carpeting. You crawl back under the covers, trying not to make a sound. You don't sleep well. [[Okay.->Wake Up]] (set:$d=4)Quietly, as quietly as you can, you descend the stairs. There’s nothing out of place in the family room, but as you round the corner to peer into the kitchen, you hear something shuffling on top of broken glass. [[Look closer.]] [[Go back upstairs.]] <iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/Rh0N-hlIJYU?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=Rh0N-hlIJYU"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> Heart racing, you turn to sneak back to your room. You can still lock the door and hope it leaves, it hasn't seen-- (live: 3s)[//CREAK//] (live: 7s)[Your heart stops in your chest.] (live: 9s)[The thing in your kitchen inhales, scenting the air.] (live: 10s)[Glass crunches under its heavy feet as it begins moving towards you.] (live: 13s)[You run blindly up the stairs, taking them two at a time, disregarding the pounding of your feet on the old wooden steps. You don’t feel it following you yet, but you take no chances.] (live: 16s)[You nearly trip over your own feet in as you slide into your room. You slam the door and lock it, one ear pressed against the door to listen for it coming after you. You make a quick contingency plan to jump out the window.] <blockquote>(live: 25s)[You hear nothing.]</blockquote> <blockquote><blockquote>(live: 37s)[You still hear nothing.]</blockquote></blockquote> (live: 45s)[What seems like hours later, you're still keeping watch by the door. As your eyelids droop, you can just make out something swish lightly on the other side, but the adrenaline has long worn out.] (live: 48s)[You fall asleep with your back against the door. [[Okay.->Wake Up]]] (set:$d=4)You move closer, trying to make out what broke into your house in the low light. Whatever it is, it’s growling. You wish you’d brought some self defense; a pair of scissors, an exacto knife, anything. As you inch closer, you realize there's something in your kitchen that's [big]<c5|(click: ?c5)[(replace: ?c5)[massive]], [hunched over]<c4|(click: ?c4)[(replace: ?c4)[quadruped]], and [having a difficult time standing up]<c3|(click: ?c3)[(replace: ?c3)[staggering]]. The light from a streetlamp outside reflects off its glossy black fur, especially the parts that look [dense]<c2|(click: ?c2)[(replace: ?c2)[matted]] and [wet]<c1|(click: ?c1)[(replace: ?c1)[bleeding]]. It lifts its head towards you. Heart in your mouth, you turn and run. [[Okay.->Go back upstairs.]] As you step into the hallway, your housemate returns from work. You call down to them. > //Hey! How was work? I'm feeling a lot better, just so you know.// They're taking off their coat tiredly. You can sense they're not really in the mood to talk. "That's great. I'm glad. Work was fine. What did you do today?" You stumble over your words. > //I, um, read a book.// "Oh really? Which book?" You flounder. > //That's, um, not important. I was actually thinking I could go outside, sometime. Soon. Tonight, maybe.// "Oh really? Are you sure you'd not rather eat dinner? You must be hungry. You ask what they mean. "Because I came home for lunch today. To see you." Oh no. "And you were asleep. I saw the bottle of sleep aids on your bedside table. You've been asleep all day, haven't you?" //Oh no.// "And I'd appreciate it if you didn't //lie// to me. I've had a long day as it is." Your face burns in embarassment. They start walking up the stairs towards you, and you retreat back into the open doorway of your room. "I'm dissappointed that you'd lie to me like that. I doubt you're as 'better' as you feel if you still think you need to take sleep aids." You start to explain you didn't mean to waste the whole day, and that you really //do// feel better, but they interrupt you. "Look, I love you, but I'm exhausted. Whatever it is you want to talk about, it can wait until tomorrow." > //But--// "//Tomorrow//, alright?" There's no room for argument right now. [[//Okay.//->dog sequence START]] You trudge down the stairs, one hand on the railing, the other rubbing the bridge of your nose. You're exhausted from yesterday's fight, and the stress with the (if: (history:) contains "Go back upstairs.")[animal that got into your house](else:)[breaking glass you heard]. You're still not really sure if that happened or if you dreamt it. Very strange things have been happening lately. You sigh through your nose. You don't //want// to talk with them about your argument, not really. But you're starting to think that for all they say they love you, they don't respect you very much. (live: 9s)[As you reach the last step, something makes the house shake violently.] (live: 10s)[You lose your balance, catching yourself on one knee before you fall completely onto the floor.] (live: 12s)[You're about to stand up, but you feel another small tremor come from beneath you.] <blockquote>(live:13s)[<strike>//You didn't think your town had earthquakes.//</strike>]</blockquote> (live:15s)[You hear your housemate turn off the shower. Certain they're fine, you decide to go ahead and check the basement for broken pipes. [[Okay.->FAMILY ROOM]]] You start to descend, keeping one hand on the wall in case of aftershocks. There really ought to be a railing here. You think you can see something wet near the bottom of the stairs, and you groan. You don't want to think about dealing with water damage in this old house. [Okay.]<c1|(click:?c1)[(replace:?c1)[Suddenly, you slip on the edge of a step. Your feet go out beneath you and you fall [hard]<c2|. (click:?c2)[You crack your head on the step behind you, then tumble down the rest of the stairs. You clutch the back of your head in both hands, concerned that your fingertips are [wet]<c3|.] (click:?c3)[Your vision swims behind closed eyelids. [[Okay.->dream3]]]]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> (live:3s)[You stop a few feet away, pipe held solidly in front of you.] (live:5s)[The wolf raises its head and sniffs. You notice a thick chain is looped around its throat, pressing harshly into the soft flesh under all the fur. The other end of the chain is connected to the wall on your left.] (live:8s)[It stares you down. It does not make a sound.] (live:10s)[You're not sure what to do. You can tell its in a lot of pain.] (live:12s)[The wolf flops to its side, presenting you its neck tiredly.] (live:14s)[You raise your weapon.] (live:17s)[[[Kill.]] [[Set free.]]]<iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/Z-aAldo0T38?autoplay=1&amp"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> You hold one of your hands in front of your face. It's hard to tell at first, but there's a thin layer of sticky blood on your fingers. You feel around the base of your scalp for the edges of your own wound. It's not too large, and rather superficial. You're thankful. You realize the wetness on the ground you noticed earlier is also blood. There are streaks of it beneath you, leading away like something was dragged across the concrete. There is something else down here with you. You can hear it breathing. Against the back wall, there's a massive black pile of flesh and fur. Every deep breath it takes is like moving a mountain. The light from the top of the stairs lays in strips across its wolf-like form, and you can see it's fur is stiff and snarled in several places. There are deep larcerations in its hide, some still bleeding sluggishly. It is looking directly at you. As you stand, your foot knocks into a thin wrought-iron pipe that must've gotten dislodged from the ceiling. You grab it before it can roll too far away and hold it in front of yourself; a weapon. The wolf regards you steadily, almost daring you to meet its gaze. It's head is resting on its paws. It makes no move to come after you.] [Run away.]<c1|(click:?c1)[(replace:?c1)[Somehow, the idea of turning around is more terrifying than the idea of moving forward. ]] [Stand still.]<c2|(click:?c2)[(replace:?c2)[You stand there, collecting yourself. Your hands are trembling. ]] [[Get closer.]] <iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/-P9Mrm7PMF8?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=-P9Mrm7PMF8"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> (set: $alertText to (text-style: "shudder") + (color:"#800000")) //closer// (live: 5s)[//closer//] (live: 8s)[//closer//] (live: 8.5s)[//closer//] (live: 9s)[//closer//] (live: 9.4s)[//closer//] (live: 9.6s)[//closer//] (live: 10s)[//closer//] (live: 10.1s)[//closer//] (live: 10.2s)[//closer//] (live: 10.3s)[//closer//] (live: 10.4s)[//clơ͑̌̌̆̊͆̈̄̄̽̍͑͂̔́̽̽͑̒̉̅̋̃̉̚͠͝͝͝͝ser//] (live: 10.5s)[//closer//] (live: 10.6s)[//closer//] (live: 10.7s)[//closḛ̢̡̨̣̠̜̲̱̞͈̩̭͓̜̯̙͇̱̤̗̰̤͎̬͙͔̝͚͚͋̃͊̉̍͒̊̔͆̎̔̎͊̿̽̏̔̂̇͊̅͒̀̐͗̈́̓̒̑͘͜͝r//] (live: 10.8s)[//closer//] (live: 10.9s)[//closer//] (live: 11s)[//closer//] (live: 11.05s)[//closer//] (live: 11.10s)[//closer//] (live: 11.15s)[//ć̛̓̊͐̆̀͐̂̌̓̒͂̅̾͊̍̐̈́͗̈́̏̅̄͒̚̕͝͝͝͝loser//] (live: 11.20s)[//closer̡̧͈̳̤̣͔͔̺̼̲͖̗̘̞͙̬̹̟̤̞͖̫͎͕̲̰̳͜ͅͅ//] (live: 11.35s)[//closer//] (live: 11.40s)[//closer//] (live: 11.45s)[//cloş̢̡̪̹̟̦͖̭̹̞̠̤̻̹̪͔̘̠͈̥̺̹̭̪͚̪̤̯̱̑̓̀͆͗̑̀̏͌̏́̈͛̽́̈͒̍͊̅̔͊̿̈́̀͘̕͘͜͝͝͝er//] (live: 11.50s)[//closer//] (live: 11.55s)[//closer//] (live: 11.60s)[//closer//] (live: 11.65s)[//closer//] (live: 11.70s)[//c̢̡̺͉͓͍͚̗̹̖̯͈̤̼̏͛̐͊͗̌́̈̃͗̄̒̋̚l͙̝̪̠̘̘͖͓̮̘͕͇̊̅͛̆̔͋̿̌̔̂̽̐̚͜͠ͅoser//] (live: 11.75s)[//clo̔̍̓̿̐̓͐̊̎̊͆͂̐͠s̛͗̔̓̀̋̏̈́̋̓̏̈́̕͝e̍̃̀͒͛̐̂̊͗̽̊̂͗̚r̛̛̓͊̓̾̐̈́̄̓́͒̑͠//] (live: 11.80s)[//c̢̛̝̫͙̠̙̫͉̦̥̱͍͉̘̋̀́͂͋̈́̌̉̾̿̔͛̕l̻̠̞̟̠̼̠̼͎̤͔̪̦̒̀́̓̄̄̉̏͊͒̚̚͜͠͠o̧̢̭̹̯̥̪̤̰͍̳͙̳̻͛̇̈́̽̂̆̎͒̃̅̄̐̕͝s̨̪͙̙̺͖̹̻͇̫̤̪̼̤̉̈̊́̆̓̋̊̔̄̊̔̚͝é̹̱̺̭͙͚̟͕̘̞̠̖̜̝̐̏͋̉̉̈́̏͆̒̐̅̅͝r̡̘͓͇̣͈̰̬͔̗͕̬̗̘̄̽͌͑̍̇̎̐͗̋̕͝͝͝//] (live: 11.85s)[//c̛̺͖̬̝̺̜̘̜͔̤̣̙̦͎̒̊͋͗͋͋̊͛̎̂̀́͘ḷ̠̣͚̤͓̳̹̫̪͎̗̩̈́̔͐͛̓̇̿̇̈̓̈́͛̉̆͜ȏ̢̢̯̱̯͚͍̤̝͙͚̼̃̈́̔̓̓̇̉̏̀͋̿̃͜͠ͅş̻̜͎̥̻̣̝͔̱̙̠͙̺̐͊̑͛̈́̿̿̈́̓̆̔̚͝͠è̢̫̭̣̮͎̤̳͔͔̯̹̙̙̈́͋͌̌̑͋̄̄́͐͘͝͠r̡̬̺̭̰͙̠̦̤̪̳̣̜̗̽̐̒̇͒̓͌̆̃̕͘͝͝͝//] (live: 11.90s)[//c͉̄l̖͋o̙͘s̥̈e̻͐r//] (live: 11.95s)[//c̸̛̦̦͔͎̜̳͇̯̟͔̪̥͍͛͊̔̀̒̈́̓́̈́̎̊̿ͅl̷̢̘͓̝̤͈͔͔̱͔̻̝͐͗̽̿̂͑̈́̎̆͂̄̊͜͜͝͝ơ̶̢̧̪͍̣̰̪̜̩̳̺̦͍̖̒̓͗́̀̑̉͒͗̄́̑ş̶̧̞͔̜͖̠̦͍͎̙̪̞̀̈͒͑͑̍͒̈͂̍̈́̓͝ͅe̵̡̛͉̬͔̗̲̘̮̹̱̰̬̘̞͑̽͒͗͋̒̓̿̈́̄̓͑̕r̷̨̨̛̲͎͙̱̫͓̤͕̟͇͋̊̓̎̿̄͂̒̎̊̕͜͠ͅ//] $alertText[(live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//](live: 16s)[//closer//]] (live: 18s)[[[//Okay.//->BASEMENT3]]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> Your bring your pipe down on its neck, ending its sadness. (live:3s)[You wish you didn't have to, but you think you did the right thing.] (live:6s)[Its body begins to disintegrate, steaming like acid. Its bones glisten, stripped clean of their tissue and jutting sharply into the darkness.] (live:12s)[Something warm drips down the back of your neck.] (live:14s)[<strike>//Your head wound must've been worse than you'd thought.//</strike>] (live:17s)[You collapse, the smell of rotten meat the last thing you notice before something wet closes your eyes. <iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/-0BBTI44wPo?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=-0BBTI44wPo"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe>] (live:20s)[You don't wake up.] (live:23s)[<font color="maroon"><H1 align="center">GAME OVER</font></H1>] (live:25s)[[[Try again?->BASEMENT3]]] <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> (live:3s)[//KLANG!//] (live:4s)[With all your might, you slam the pipe down on the chain where it is attached to the wall. That warps it a litte. The wolf watches you. It's ears are flat against its skull, but otherwise it doesn't move. You take a deep breath, and raise the pipe high again.] (live:8s)[//KLANG!//] (live:9s)[You can see a weak spot in the link.] (live:11s)[//KLANG!//] (live:12s)[The last link breaks open a little more.] (live:14s)[//KLANG!//] (live:15s)[The chain clatters to the ground. [[//Okay.//->run!]]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> The wolf's breath puffs hot and heavy at your shoulder. You jump away, suddenly realizing that you are now in a very small space with an injured animal. You still have the iron pipe, so at least you'll be able to defend yourself if you have to. The wolf is standing still, tail stiff and teeth bared. It is growling. [Stand your ground.]<c1|(click:?c1)[(replace:?c1)[<strike>Stand your ground.</strike> //No you don't.//] ] [Run up the stairs.]<c2|(click:?c2)[(replace:?c2)[You gulp, adjusting your grip on the pipe. You take a step back. The wolf's growling only gets louder the closer you get to the exit.] Before you lose any more time, you turn and run. It lunges at you, snarling. As fast as you can with your legs as weak as they are, you climb the steps on all fours. This single flight, which seemed so short before, seems neverending. The light at the top of the steps just gets further and further away. You feel something sharp enclose your ankle and yank you back down the stairs. [[//Okay.//->fight!]]] <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> You scrabble to try and grab hold of something to pull yourself away, but can't seem to keep your grip. You kick blindly at the wolf with your free foot, battering its face, but it's undeterred. It drags you to the center of the basement, then lets go. It stands back in it's original position a few feet away from you, teeth bared and tail stiff. It barks just once. Not taking your eyes off the wolf, you feel at your ankle with the hand not gripping the pipe. You can feel the dents where the teeth were, but no broken skin. [Stand your ground.]<c1|(click:?c1)[(replace:?c1)[<strike>Stand your ground.</strike> //You're not sure if you can.// ]] [Run up the stairs.]<c2|(click:?c2)[(replace:?c2)[<strike>Run up the stairs.</strike> //You're not sure if it'll let you.// > [[//Who are you?//->ans3]] > [[//What's going on?//->ans3]] > [[//Let me go!//->ans3]]]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> (live:3s)[Unsurprisingly, the wolf says nothing in return. You're not sure why you hoped that would work.] (live:5s)[It starts stalking towards you.] (live:8s)[It jumps at you again, teeth wet and glistening.] (live:10s)[Without thinking, you slash the pipe across in defense. Teeth are inches from your face, but your realize the edge of your weapon is stuck in it's flesh. You're no longer holding a hollow iron pipe, but a simply wrought shortsword.] (live:12s)[The wolf yelps, pushing off you with sharp paws. Rather than attack again, it sits near your feet and licks at its wounds.] (live:15s)[You look at the sword in your hand with confusion. <strike>//How was I able to do that?//</strike>] (live:17s)[You're shaking still, ready to fight, but the wolf bumps its head against your leg. Its tail is wagging slowly.] (live:20s)[Still confused but beginning to understand, you pet the dog. This must be the other person--dog--your friend was talking about. The one who's been trying to reach you. > [[//Why did you attack me?//->y]]] <iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/-0BBTI44wPo?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=S9m3aEaG0uo"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> Your vision starts to fade to grey. You go slack, falling to the ground in a pile. They try to shake you awake, but you don't wake up. You don't wake up ever again. <font color="maroon"><H1 align="center">GAME OVER</font></H1> [[Try again?->FIGHT]]<iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/YbI744bCP0w?autoplay=1&amp;amp;loop=1&amp;amp;playlist=YbI744bCP0w"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> Nothing surrounds you in all directions. Standing in front of you are your friend and your companion. You can still see them for what they were, human and animal, but now you can also see what they //are//. You look to your friend first. They are easy to look upon, and difficult to look away from. You can see they are godly and etherial. Golden light radiates from the center of them, their body is impssible to pin down. Their feet end in points like javelins, then turn into a wide ribbon waving in a gentle breeze. Their smile is wide and unending. A halo of hands surrounds their head, palms facing away. Protection. They do not have eyes, but you know they are gazing upon you with warmth and love. <blockquote><strike>An alien angel.</strike></blockquote> You then look to your companion. They are the contrast, difficult to look upon. They are solid and sharp, a splinter of radiant obsidian, the cosmos condensed to a fine dagger. Galaxial dust spills from their heart, cool and deep. Their body is solid and still, covered in soft fur, their mouth splitting at the seams and full of too many teeth. Their halo is a cluster of meteorite. A decision. They do not have eyes, but you know they are gazing upon you with respect and admiration. <blockquote><strike>An ancient warrior.</strike></blockquote> They speak first. <b>//I am your sword.//</b> "And I am your shield!" <b>//We are here to protect you.//</b> "To help you!" <b>//Your anger. Your compassion.//</b> "Your shrewdness! Your kindness!" <b>//You are our apotheosis.//</b> "And we are your aegis." <b>//We’ve missed you so much.//</b> You struggle for words. You look down at yourself. You are the same as you ever were. You wonder how this is possible. <b>//Do not doubt yourself.//</b> “You are as you should be.” <b>//We were a part of you.//</b> "We //are// a part of you!" But we were thrown away by your armor. "Your fear. Your caution." <b>//They became greedy.//</b> "They thought they could be you." <b>//They thought they were you.//</b> "They thought they were all you are." <b>//So they trapped you here, in this house.//</b> "Every time you get close to discovering the truth, they reset your memories." <b>//We've been trying to free you from here for months.//</b> "This time. This time we'll do it, for sure." You know you are more than that house. You know you are more than your fears. You know what to do. Reaching out, you call your sword and shield to yourself. In a flash, a powerful broadsword and a sturdy sheild appear in your right and left hands. They are glad to be home. It is time for all of you to move on. [[//Okay.//->FINALE]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> You run at them directly, holding the wooden staff like a spear at your side. They start lobbing something small and round at you from either side of their sheild… apples? [[Dodge left.]] [[Dodge right.]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> You walk around the perimiter of the ring, holding the wooden staff like a spear at your side. You're waiting for them to make the first move. They start lobbing something small and round at you from either side of their sheild… apples? [[Dodge left.]] [[Dodge right.]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> You dodge to the left, narrowly avoiding an apple to the face. “How're you feeling?!” they yell. “You alright?” [[Keep going.]] [[Ask for a break.]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> You dodge to the right. An apple hits you squarely in the eye. “Sorry!” they yell. “You alright?” [[Keep going.]] [[Ask for a break.]] <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> You don’t answer, instead charging ahead with your staff in one hand. Maybe they’ll be off guard enough for you to get behind them and push them over! You can taste victory... A high-velocity apple collides against your forehead, sending you flat on your back. As you look up at the sky, you feel a little proud for your first attempt. At least you tried. "Hey," they shout, running over to you. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't trying to actually hurt you. Is your head okay?" > [[//Yeah.//->dreamend]] > [[//No.//->dreamend]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> You call out for a break, trying to catch your breath. Unsure if they heard you, you try to quickly materialize a shield of your own. You can almost feel the weight of it on your arm... A high-velocity apple collides against your forehead, sending you flat on your back. As you look up at the sky, you feel a little proud for your first attempt. At least you tried. "Hey," they shout, running over to you. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't trying to actually hurt you. Is your head okay?" > [[//Yeah.//->dreamend]] > [[//No.//->dreamend]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> (set:$d=3) "I'm sorry. This is kind of a mess, huh?" You nod. They sit down next to you in the dirt and sigh. "There's someone else who's a lot better at this. They've been trying, but they haven't been able to get through to you yet. Every time they get close, that creature gets to them first; I'm not sure how I'm the one that got lucky and got away." > [//Oh.//]<c1| > [//I had no idea.//]<c1| (click:?c1)[They hum, and conjure an apple out of thin air. "That's alright. Things are looking up for once. You believed me when I said it'll be okay, didn't you?" > [//Yeah.//]<c2| > [//I did.//]<c2|] (click:?c2)[Their smile is blinding. "Yeah!" They stand up, determined. "I'm going to spend the rest of the night working on battle strategy. I'll see you next time--it looks like you're about to wake up. Why, you're practicaly see-through!" You look down at yourself, and they're right. You can see the dirt through your legs. "Until tomorrow, then? You smile back. > [[//Tomorrow.//->jump2]]] Your housemate is outside your bedroom. "Hey, I just got back. So, did you want to talk?" You're certain you did at one point but you cant remember why. You're having a hard time remembering things again. "Let me know if you remember what you wanted to talk about." [[//Okay.//->talkd52]] (live:10s)[<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/i47v3py5pkdk2b0wdn5hhv0btl0254nr.css" type="text/css" />] <iframe src="https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/7koXN8M6rZc?autoplay=1"; style="visibility: hidden; width: 500px; height: 500px; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"></iframe> (set: $fatigue=$fatigue+3) (live:5s)[//Wake up.//] <blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>$alertText[(live: 12s)[[[//Okay.// ->Wake Up]]]]</blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote>You open your eyes. You're kneeling in the middle of your basement, alone. "Hey, I heard somehting, are you alright?" Your housemate is suddenly at the bottom of the stairs, looking at you. You're not sure how to respond. > //Yeah I just… ran into some pipes. I'm okay--I think I'm gonna lay down on the couch for a bit.// "Do you need anything? I can-- <strike>//Their shape seems to wobble a bit in the low light.//</strike> > //No, no I'm fine.// <strike>//You check your hands for blood. Nothing.//</strike> > //You… you go. We'll talk tonight.// They seem irritated. "Okay, I'l be at work, we’ll talk when I get back, alright? Don't go anywhere." Every detail of this moment seems to jump at your at once. You focus on the grooves in your fingerprints, each individual color of the cracked concrete. The pain and tiredness you were feeling fall away. > //Yeah, don’t worry. I'll be here.// They let out a sigh through their nose. "Okay. See you tonight." [[//Okay.//->upstairs]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> //Why did you attack me?// With a whimper, the wolf ducks it's head to show the back of its neck. There's still a thick loop of chain in the fur there. You place your sword on the ground and start taking off the heavy collar. <b>//Thank you, friend.//</b> You can hear its voice in your mind as the chain passes over its muzzle. <b>//I did not mean to cause you harm. However, I suspected you'd have a much easier time creating a weapon if there was a sense of real danger involved. Forgive me.//</b> Still scratching your new friend behind the ear, you glance at your weapon on the ground next to you. It's a pretty crude thing, all hard edges and no finesse. > [[//Geez, that's pretty pathetic.//->bans3]] > [[//I'm just glad you're not really an enemy.//->gans3]] (set:$d=5)<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> <b>//Do not worry yourself so about your ability. These things will come. Some things are inevitable, but you're doing good.//</b> They lick your face, comforting you the way their quadruped body allows. You pet you hands down their sides, discomforted by the number of wounds you find. > //Hold on, let me try something.// [<b>//Of course.//</b>]<c1| (click:?c1)[You remember your friend mentioning being able to heal within dreams. Maybe you're not great at summoning weapons, but you're at least going to try to do this. You hold your dog's head in your hands and concentrate. Slowly, almost too dim to see, a gentle light begins to glow from their wounds. You can sense their flesh knitting together in your hands, expelling infection and resisting the hart knots of scar tissue. You are happy you are able to do this for them. When you are done, they press their forehead against yours, a gesture of thanks. <b>//It'd be best not keep you here any longer, I don't want to anger the monster before it's time to slay it. I will see you again soon.//</b> [[//Okay.//->talkd4]]]<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://umich.box.com/shared/static/s6jd39be0bm2yew99g2vla3ggbfitf64.css" type="text/css" /> <b>//I am glad I am not my enemy, either.//</b> They lick your face, comforting you the way their quadruped body allows. <b>//Do not worry about your ability, these things will come. Some things are inevitable, but you're doing good.//</b> You pet you hands down their sides, discomforted by the number of wounds you find. > //Hold on, let me try something.// [<b>//Of course.//</b>]<c1| (click:?c1)[You remember your friend mentioning being able to heal within dreams. Maybe you're not great at summoning weapons, but you're at least going to try to do this. You hold your dog's head in your hands and concentrate. Slowly, almost too dim to see, a gentle light begins to glow from their wounds. You can sense their flesh knitting together in your hands, expelling infection and resisting the hart knots of scar tissue. You are happy you are able to do this for them. When you are done, they press their forehead against yours, a gesture of thanks. <b>//It'd be best not keep you here any longer, I don't want to anger the monster before it's time to slay it. I will see you again soon.//</b> [[//Okay.//->talkd4]]]One step at a time, you gingerly make your way upstairs and lay yourself on the sofa. Your head aches, but sleep does not come. Your mind fixates on the cracks in the plaster of the ceiling. [//Okay.//]<c1|(click:?c1)[(replace:?c1)[You turn on the TV to stop your mind from running in dizzying circles about the small details around your house. [//Okay.//]<c2|(click:?c2)[(replace:?c2)[You lose yourself for a few hours in other people's 30-minute problems, but are eventually stuck where you started. [//Okay.//]<c3|(click:?c3)[(replace:?c3)[You're a bit uncomfortable propped on your side. You decide to move upstairs where there are blankets. [//Okay.//]<c4|(click:?c4)[(replace:?c4)[In your bedroom, under the sheets, you close your eyes and let the day get away from you. You don't sleep at all. [[//Okay.//->INTRO]] ]]]]]]]]You lie back in bed. There is something you are forgetting. Something important. <blockquote><strike>//You grab it before it can roll too far away and hold it in front of yourself; a weapon.//</strike></blockquote> <blockquote><strike>//It is bound in place by the sharp edge of a shield, stabbed through the thing's back and deep into the ground.//</strike></blockquote> <blockquote><strike>//The thing curls up against your spine, and wraps its heavy arms around your ribcage.//</strike></blockquote> You remember dreaming of fields of wheat. //You do not remember the moment you fall asleep.// [[//Okay.//->Untitled Passage 1]]