Josh is walking along an intensely steep sandy coast. He is with Matt, Stratton, and Mia. [[Josh]] We drive down huge rolling hills. The woods surrounds the thin leaf coverd road. The leaves on the trees are either fire red and golden yellow, or there are no leaves at all. I can see way into the forest or up the mountion. [[I am at jennigs beach]] [[I am on some sort of College tour]] [[We get out of a Suddan]] I'm at jennings beach with Ben, its dusk, there are scattered groups of people. We walk on a hidden trail over the dunes into a low hideaway. The smoke lifts up off the beach from our tiny hand held fires. We have to go soon. We bump into Marla. [[Marla]] [[There is a ciggeret in my hand]]It's me and mom and another boy and his mom, our tour guide leaves us by the science center. The room is big and painted in dark blues and blacks, there are allot of ramps, sort of like the air and space exhibit. Me and the kid walk the ramps together. [[Continue]]We get out of a suddan car. Its me Ben and Stratton, and there are some adults, Stratton is not excited about our location which happens to be in a desert in Arizona. The air is dry and cactuses are everywhere. Far in the distacne there are tall butes. Me and Ben are filled with excitment and speed off into the rugged terain leaving the car and the adults behind. [[We keep Driving]] The converstation in the car is light and easy, even though we seem to be very lost. [[We are at a playground]] The sun is shinning beautifully and it is a wonderful relaxed summer day. To our suprise we make it across the bridge without so much as a word of protest. Just as we are about to assend the massive hill I look over and see a familly fishing in the water. [[The father a tall man who was balding at the top]] [[Nobody seems worried]] Marla is comming soon I say, and I say that I will be leaving. Marla shows up wearing her usual earthy colored sweater but she is also wearing a bunch of christmas lights draped aroung her shoulders. [[Marla Goes home to Sleep]]Mr. Archer walks in, I feel ashamed and throw the ciggeret to the ground. [[The Diner Party]] [[Silver Fish]]We are on a yacht, its over 60 feet long. Me and Michael and a bunch of others are on the boat, it is speeding through the everglades. Weeks pass and we are still speeding throught the marsh. The yacht apears to have no one stearing it, Me and Michael are the only ones left. Everyone else has parished. [[Michael]] [[The Bear is gone now]]Scene: Country road, dark pines, but clear over head so you can see the stars and the moon. Small river to the right and under the road, small stream running through the coulvert that passes underneath, big enough to drive a bike over but the stream is just enough to get your sneakers wet. Lots of college kids, 30-40, making noise not being quiet. Flashlights its some sort of search party. [[They are looking for somebody who went missing]] [[It's dark I'm cold]]But we still feel scared. I am at an airport somewhere far from home. My faimly and I are going to an island for vacation. We get on the plane and realize we have forgotten Stratton. We land on the tiny foreign island, and tricycle around the grassy vacant streets, there are close lines that billow in the breeze. [[Stratton]]The girl they are looking for cant be far. Some blood on the road, but nobody seems to mind it. Quentin Tarentino blood, not real life, very red very wet. At the base of a long pine is more blood. Flash lights going around the mood is still light. Huge tree, 100ft tall. Flashlights start going up the tree from the base, more blood. [[Nobody seems worried]] [[More Blood]] I'm all alone, Untill I hear the all to familiar voice of my mother calling my name, I stop and wait as her figure draws closer from behind. [[Mom]]Suddenly a bird flys through the beam of a flash light. Big-ish bird, hawk sized. Looks like a phoenix, then you realize its red becuase its soaked in blood. Not a little, like it took a bath in blood. It lands on a branch high up, so high up that what happens next doesnt make sense. [[What happens next]] [[Even More Blood]]The boy was a twerp, he deserved to be hit, so I threw the wiffle bat at him. It hit him in the throat and for some reason sliced his throat open. I franticlly looked for his father, or an ambulance to help contain the situation. [[Casey and her multiple brothers]] [[Even More Blood]] I hear the muffled sound of dogs barking. Turning my head quickly I see the snoughts of two huge Irish Wolf Hounds pressed against the glass. I remeber the host telling us they were not to come inside. They bark and growl their breath fogs up the glass. I turn my head back and see that they are barking at a pair of silver keys hung from the ceiling. [[They want to come in]] [[The sound of muffled flapping wings->Nobody seems worried]] ''They are silver fish, an endangered speices that is just now being documented in brakish waters, they were almost driven to extinction a couple of years back, but are fighting hard to stay around. They are amazing creatures, here let me grab you one.'' He said walking over to the edge of the bridge. [[Wake Up]] [[Keep Dreaming->Continue]] Turning back to look at them, I watch as they turn into black marble sculptures of themselves. Moving into the center of the room I notice a low floral couch. The room is in a haze of blue from the open window which lets in light from the snow storm outside. The hosts other small golden sheep dog bounds up to me. Its allowed inside, and obviously gloats about it frequently. [[In another room their are ping-pong sized silver balls]]Peeling back the covers I fall asleep instantly, wrapped tight in the warmth of my blankets. As I sleep I feel my body become incrediblly stiff. I am paralyzed, the only thing I am able to move is my eyes, which are now wide open. looking left and right all I see is white void travling back to an unkown distance. Sudennly he apears. [[Containers of bubbling terpentine]] [[His eyes are locked on mine]]The mixture gets hotter and hotter and starts to boil. [[Chris]] And his features are completly smoothed over, and obscured by luminace metalic quality. His forhead hovers over mine by mear inches, and his legs extend above his head, his body mirroring mine. I cant move. [[At first it is familiar->I am on some sort of College tour]] It was like a sci-fie action film, I saw these soldiers training, one man was notorious, for shooting other soldiers. As one man was doing crunches on a bar, he undexpectidly shot him, and I watched as the bullet went slowly through his thigh and then all of a sudden this giant furry robot structure, bursts in and its like a battle and then I am running from it, I thought it had thermo vision or something. Thermo sensitve vision, So I covered myself in mud and rocks. [[Then a Man Apeared]] [[More on thermo vision->The Bear is gone now]] He told me that the robbot can see you but wont hurt you. [[Of the Man->His eyes are locked on mine]] The balls are scatterd all over the room. They glow an errie blue, I pick up five or six and listen to the angelic ringing noise they make when they touch. I know there is a connection between the silver balls and the sheep dog. I decide to head upstairs agian searching for Mike, Ben, Stratton, and Marla. [[Michael]] [[Stratton]] [[Marla]] The father waits into the water until his wife and children yell, ''Fish There''. And then with suprising power the father swims through the water chasing the fish. Soon enough hes caught three. [[Silver Fish]] From the base of the tree, by the road, where you imagine you would be looking from, you could not see the girls body that is laying face up on a branch, soaked in blood. But from the point of view that you have, as if you took an elevator up the tree, you can see the bird eating her, chest cavity open, so much blood, more blood than possible, dripping down the branches. Somebody says her heart is still beating. It doesn't make sense. [[That somebody->Marla]] Your favorite song bursts into your head and just as you are about to sing it, your mouth fills with blood and you begin to choke. [[Continue->More Blood]] My mom is outside, she is excited to see me. She is going to give me painting lessons. Our house is coverd in different colors of paint, and cans lay everywhere. [[Containers of bubbling terpentine]] Everyone one is dressed formally. Casey wears a black dress, the brothers white dress shirts, bowties and dress pants. We get to her house and imeadditly start playing wiffle ball. [[War]]I am in a battle ship of sorts. The walls raise higher than possible. The waves are coverd in white caps that burst into big gusts of wind. Another battle ship is aproaching us fast. I fall in the water. [[The comander->Chris]] [[Continue->We get out of a Suddan]] Double-click this passage to edit it.